I am developing the project of "Employee Information System" using C language, In this project i want to add the mobile number for the each employee {Each Mobile number having 7 characters, Bcoz if we using the integer means, Any of one employee has no mobile number it’s not print the "0000000" format of mobile number} So if it okay means You will send the clear details about, "How to add the mobile number and also How to increase that to each employee "ASAP.
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Thanks & Regards,

Use char string[10] .

Use char string[10] .

thanks fore ur reply.
But i need the number are automatically incrementing that is If u enter Mobile no :1234567 for employee 1 na 2nd employee will directly get the next no that is 1234568
Reply me ASAP.


It seems as if you have a solution in mind, why don't you try to implement it and if you have any trouble, post your code along with the question. (Something like "I expected it to do ___ but it is doing ___")

Oh, and when posting c code, please use c code tags
[code=c] /* Your code here */


You can enter the first mobile number


rest all the numbers will be as


It seems as if you have a solution in mind, why don't you try to implement it and if you have any trouble, post your code along with the question. (Something like "I expected it to do ___ but it is doing ___")

Oh, and when posting c code, please use c code tags
[code=c] /* Your code here */



I store employee's 7digit phone number as string. I want to allocate numbers to them For each employee the phone number should be 1 value greater than previous employee.
So, I need to increment ph number by 1.
How to increment a string?

Please don't answer each post since your last with the same string, we all have to read through all of them.

I can't imagine any phone system where you can pre-order sequential 7 digit phone numbers, but ignoring that for now...

Why does the 7 digit phone number have to be a string?

Or if it does, why can't you convert it from a string to a number, add one and convert it back?

If you're REALLY desperate, you could convert the last character of the phone number to a number and add 1. If the number is now 10, put a '0' down for the last digit and 'carry' the one to the next-to-the last character. (At least that's how I learned to do manual addition when I was in school.)

commented: Very good, nice simple "string" addition, just like how it's done on paper. +27

Please don't answer each post since your last with the same string, we all have to read through all of them.

I can't imagine any phone system where you can pre-order sequential 7 digit phone numbers, but ignoring that for now...

Why does the 7 digit phone number have to be a string?

Or if it does, why can't you convert it from a string to a number, add one and convert it back?

If you're REALLY desperate, you could convert the last character of the phone number to a number and add 1. If the number is now 10, put a '0' down for the last digit and 'carry' the one to the next-to-the last character. (At least that's how I learned to do manual addition when I was in school.)

Bcoz,1 employee is not having a mobile no means, output for that employee is 0000000 by using string,But if i am using integer means its not possible.That y i asked you.

What about the rest of the post?

Why can't you convert from a string to a number, add one and convert it back?

And if an employee didn't have a mobile, I'd leave the field blank, not fill it with zeros.

What code have you tried until now??

It's quite simple, you take
char phone[] = "0000000";

Then write a function to do addition like you would on paper.
char phone[] = "0000001";

When you get to
char phone[] = "0000009";
the next one will be
char phone[] = "0000010";

Or just convert to int, add one, then convert back to string, as previously suggested

char phone[] = "0000000";
int ph = atol(phone)+1;
sprintf(phone,"%08d", ph);
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