15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for ananda6359

I want to create an application. It shouldn't be OS-specific but I'm running 98SE so I'll be explaining things in terms of that. I've already written it as a working script in VBScript, but it's too slow [i]and[/i] gets exponentially slower as it handles larger and larger files. I want …

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for sanjuganju

i cannot understand...how to start because we cannot use structures or records everything is done inside main function.... P.S. i am not asking for CODE!!!!...i want to kno how to declare and use such function.....thank you...first yr programmer!:S how to create a 2d dynamic array of strings called book??????...where &book[*][0] …

Member Avatar for mohammadalipak
Member Avatar for mohammadalipak

[B]strncpy[/B] is not working for me for the following variable. It is working fine elsewhere in the program. [CODE=c]char szQName[21]; strncpy(szQName, "Text", 20); //debugger shows szQName's value as -88D11B47-8F19-41CA-.[/CODE] Has it ever happened to anyone? [B]Details[/B] (context of the code): [CODE=c]char szQName[21]; LPSTR szFileName; //Long Pointer to a STRing (char*) …

Member Avatar for mohammadalipak
Member Avatar for patsfan4878

Hey all, back once again. I've got some more code that i need some help with. Thanks to Aia for his help as well. Anywho this time I've still got the fifty random integers and now I'm working on sorts. I've managed to complete the bubblesort portion of the book …

Member Avatar for patsfan4878
Member Avatar for Covinus

I want to make a program that monitors your cpu, virtual and physical memory. Can anyone give me a head start. Is there a standard function to know cpu usage, how much memory left, etc Whats the right term to search for monitoring computer resources in c? I tried some …

Member Avatar for Covinus
Member Avatar for mohammadalipak

I need to create a data structure of data structures, but I can know "how many structs I need" only at runtime. [CODE=c]typedef struct tagPredefinedStruct{ int iSize; int iCount; } PREDEFINEDSTRUCT; int x; x = GetNumberofStructs(); //x is known only at runtime. typedef struct APIStruct { int iNumber; PREDEFINEDSTRUCT PreDefStruct[x]; …

Member Avatar for mohammadalipak
Member Avatar for kxh29

Hello All: I have a question: How can you perform Password Administration using "C-Programming" functions. Basically, we [B][I]had [/I][/B]UNIX Shell script that performed the following: 1. Got the current users password. 2. Did a time computation on it - had it expired yet, and when it will 3. Queried if …

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for black_pulsar_29

i need to create a turbo c program that enables me to generate a truth table.. the program must be able to compare various relationship such as "AND" "OR" "NEGATION" "double NEGATION" there is one good example of the program that i need that i saw in this site like …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for shuaibe

Hello, Iam trying to calculate packet delay from server to client. Iam capturing the packets using WireShark and filtering them out on both sides to calculate the delay by computing difference between their timestamps. In WireShark, I can get the timestamps in both Epoch & in HH: MM: SS format …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kxh29

Hello All: I had started an earlier thread and did some searching and found the "getuserattr" and "putuserattr" subroutines which access the user-DB. Does anyone have any experience using these calls and how to implement them correctly? Thanks as Always!

Member Avatar for ritesh_bhagat

I am able to calcualte depreciation for 1yr only but when i enter that programming in Loop but that fails and print the final total for no. of years enter by user.

Member Avatar for ritesh_bhagat
Member Avatar for vemanamar

Dear Guys, I want somebody to explain this behaviour. I am using devC++ IDE and I had problem with the following code snippet. I rectified it, but i need to know the correct answer why its solved?. I declared a temporary character pointer (tmp) in main and used it directly …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for coool

hey guys.. using C language, how can I ask the user to enter a positive integer in only these forms --> binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal then save it in a charachter array ! then I ask the use what's the base of this positive number.. and from here I …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for kky2k

I am planning to develop a windows application based on XML in C programming..So i need some good reference links regarding which parser to use?and tutorials for those parsers?..also any special preparation is needed in C to achieve this?..Just to mention i am very good in C and a Learner …

Member Avatar for kky2k
Member Avatar for wonder87

Hello!As a newbie programmer I don't know how to freeze my command line output,when I execute a C program,in order to see the output.Output opens and closes very fast.The trick I know from Pascal to put a 'Readln' statement as a last line doesn't work(with a 'scanf' or something like …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for kilikou2

Hello Everybody. I am Kilikou and i would like to have someone to help with that. Can somebody refer me to a code in C language that can take a text (markDown) and convert it to HTML (markUp).

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for hitesh_mathpal
Member Avatar for tiyagu_vpm

hi guys i wnt the procedure end idea in c projects.if u know any topic please demonstrate it

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for rpjanaka

i am using ubuntu and i have never use "make files" with C but i want to study an open source video codec called "Theora". so i guess that first of all i have to understand the dependencies of the project, but i cant understand their make file. also it …

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for Anoop Dogra

hi all Please help me. I am A bgineer of C language and i want a solution of my question that is;--- "A program that print each world of a given string reverse". If any one of you can solve this than please give me an answer

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for patsfan4878

Hello all. Anywho ive been studying c now for a few weeks, and up until now it has not been too steep of a learning curve for me but that has changed recently. My problem is basically that i need to create an array with 50 random integers using srand() …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for b4babu

Hi all, Could someone tell me what's wrong with this code? I'm using MS Visual C++ IDE and I'm getting a syntax error when compiling this program. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> struct _test { int iNum[5]; }; typedef struct _test test; int main(int argc, char** argv) { test newTest; newTest.iNum = {1,2,3,4,5}; printf("%d\n",newTest.iNum[0]); …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mohammadalipak

I don't understand what this line of code does. (PMOMISCHEADER & LPVOID are pointer datatypes)[code]typedef BOOL (CALLBACK * PFNMISCBLOBCALLBACK) (PMOMISCHEADER pmoMiscHdr, LPVOID pData);[/code]I need to understand this because an API I'm using takes a pointer of datatype PFNMISCBLOBCALLBACK as a parameter. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for mohammadalipak
Member Avatar for aasi007onfire

in C there are certain variables from other programs which we would need to access... how can it be accessed and what is the type of variable and the coding used....

Member Avatar for bvgsrs
Member Avatar for gopi kannan

iam feelin little vague while passing array to functions and passing function to a function...could u plzz explain...

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for egboy

I hope any one help me find a tutorial for programing microcontroller with C or C++ i need this really.

Member Avatar for egboy
Member Avatar for DeathEvil

I have problems validated user's input inside the function, I know validating strings can be tricky( I have included > MAXFL just to show you want I would like it to do), but the code below even fails to validate the hours, pay_rate, and deferred which are floats. What is …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for DeathEvil

i have line: [CODE] #define REPORT_HEADINGS_1 "\n Employee Pay Reg Hrs Gross Fed SSI Net\n"[/CODE] but when I document my source code (print it to pdf for ex) it is too long and it wraps it up when I try to insert a line break after REPORT_HEADINGS_1 [CODE] #define REPORT_HEADINGS_1 …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for DeathEvil

Can someone please explain to me and show a sample of using external function? Let say I have my main file: main.c and other file only with function: print.c I know I should prototype print function in my main.c, define it in print.c and call it from main.c. (at least …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Firestone

I'm trying to write a program to reverse a string, letter by letter. This was my latest attempt: [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { char oldMsg[100], newMsg[100]; int cd = 12, cu = 0; strcpy(newMsg, "Hello World!"); while (cd > 0) { newMsg[cu] = oldMsg[cd]; cu++; …

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The End.