15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for YoTaMiX

Hello to you all , I am having a little trouble in C , working with Files. for some reason , it doesnt copy to output file the first letter and jumps over 3 digits of the last number in the file . whats wrong , i cant find it …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for small_ticket

hi, I have a problem of concatenating 2 strings. 1 of the strings is defined in the code and the other one is asked from user. This small code must only concatenate these to strings but doesn't work... here is my code: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct deneme …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for jankom

Does anyone have ebook Data structures using C by Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein. I am in big trouble, please help me. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for j1979c

[B][COLOR=DarkRed]Hello all, Just want to know if you guys can recommend me some good links where I can learn how to make a robot with keyboard interactivity using OpenGL GLUT. Thanks in advance... :cool: [/COLOR][/B]

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for gminis3

Im a beginner in C language and I have a problem with strings in array mostly. Question : User is required to input ID number, which consists of 7 characters. First 2 characters have to be Alphabets and the last 5 will be numbers. Example, AB12345 Task : Error checking …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for chelo77

Need help with a function that reads from a text file usins fscanf function. example say there is 20 stings that are 60 chars long on their own individual line. Does fscanf() read the whole text file or does it read only up to the carriage return. If it doesn't …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for iamboredguy

I have a code in which I want to swap an element in a matrix with another. User inputs the row, column no of the elements to be swapped. But the code doesn't seem to work. Can somebody help? PS: The swapping starts in the snigleplayer() function. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include …

Member Avatar for iamboredguy
Member Avatar for ultirian

Ok so I have a couple of files within a C program diffrent files for diffrent things etc. What I want to know is, Can I open all the files at the beginning of the program (in main) and close it when the program exits or Should I write the …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for tuannie

Hey everyone, Would someone please be kind enough to direct me to a good explainatory tutorial site or that can explain to me in how I would go about in answering this question. I don't know where to begin or start. What is the decimal value of the binary fraction …

Member Avatar for anupam_smart
Member Avatar for anupam_smart

Ok, :) For the conversion of binary to decimal, check it out: Let’s say we have to convert – 1010.1010 We solve this kind of problems into two parts as follows: (<LHS> . <RHS>) 1. First take the left hand side no. of the radix point( . ) which is …

Member Avatar for Aldin

Hi I am having a file called Log.csv which contains 196 columns 9 of them empty and 1447 rows, I start reading the file but as I think I am facing a problem of getting the whole data, actually it gives me empty screen when print out on the screen. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ultirian

Why wont my delete name function acualy delete any names? [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <strings.h> void add_member(void); void remove_member(void); void display_next_member(void); void display_required_member(void); struct member_type *seek(struct member_type *, char[], char); void error_routine(void); struct member_type { char m_f_name[30]; struct member_type *pointer_to_next_record; }; struct member_type *position_ptr = NULL; struct member_type *temp_ptr; …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for Mr T.

I have been working on this code for a banking program I am trying put together. Trying to test my ability to grasp this stuff on my own. I am stuck on this part and maybe it is my non-math mind that is causing a block. Can someone help me …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for neeludhiman

Hi friends, Can anyone please tell me how can I send an http request in a C program. I am working in Linux environment. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for toara

Any hint on how to start writing the following program: " a golf game that allows the user to play one hole, a 280 metre par 5. The game proceeds with the player choosing a club for each shot and then the program generates the distance hit for each shot …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for degamer106

I wrote a program up with linked lists that creates a circular list containing 9 nodes. Each node contains a number (ranging from 1-9) as an item. My question is...in the while loops, how does [CODE]x = x->next[/CODE] cause the pointer to move across the list? [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for iamboredguy

for my project, I need to generate an n*n matrix (n is user input) with numbers from 1 to x (x<n) positioned randomly. I tried implementing it with this code but it doesnt seem to work. x = n*n - number of holes. the number of holes is user input …

Member Avatar for iamboredguy
Member Avatar for degamer106

How do I make selection sort work with strings in a structure?? My compiler doesn't seem to like my variable assignments under the show_alpha() function. :cry: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define SMAX 12 #define LEN 20 #define EMPTY 0 void show_empty_num(struct data *); void show_empty_list(struct data *); void …

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for gampalu
Member Avatar for anupam_smart
Member Avatar for frank1984

Hiiiii :) iam new member from saudi arabia and i need help for my program in c language ,the out put dont perform the operation of linklist please help me :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for liliafan

Hi All I am writing an application for work that will be distributed across about 200 servers, installing is going to be a big enough pain but what I am looking to do is ensure that after the application is installed it can doing a daily check against a master …

Member Avatar for la_scala

this problem ask the student name and the grades and keep them in string array. but I have to list all of them in the end of program like this: Number of students to be entered : 4 1. Student name? Jane 1. Student’s grade? 65 2. Student name? Adam …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tsubasa

Well i'm trying to do a calculator program and i'm using recursion to find brackets ( called BracketSearch() ), after finding a "(" i start copying all that is after that in another vector V2 until i find it's corresponding ")". eg if originally it was 1+2*(3-4*(5/6))-7 then in V2 …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for jax_123

i want to develop a c program from which i can lock the dos commands. example. when user enters a dos command, it request for a administrative password. after providing password, it executes that command.also, it facilitates to lock and unlock commands of dos.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for breal

how can i write a program in c using fibonacci series upto 200 numbers & using for loop statement ???

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for grunge man

how do u make it so when you enter in a number then outcomes a letter also to make it more convienent for the computer i have the list for each letter on the keyboard witch is assinged a given bianary code in ASCII so if your type in 1000001 …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for YoTaMiX

Hello to you all , I have been assigned to in C to build a function which will take 2 strings and count (in recursive way) how many chars are alike (case sensitive). I have setup the main and also a function which recieves the input from user . I …

Member Avatar for YoTaMiX
Member Avatar for tsubasa

Is there a method that already exist that i can use to find if in an input there are alphabets or symbols eg $, # but not operators eg /,+,-. If there are alphabets and symbols it must return me true else false. My problem is that i want to …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for shakoush2001

Hi ..Iam using Cbuilder 6 ...Proffesional edition..I am trying to create a distributed application...I have already created the client object and the server object ..what I need to do now is to make them interact...Ive searched alot and I really cant find an article that takes me step by step …

Member Avatar for degamer106

How do you clean out the contents of an array after you take input? In my program, I put fgets in a loop to get input. However, once I loop back to the beginning to get input for the second time, the previous input values are still in the array, …

Member Avatar for Salem

The End.