15,554 Topics
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Hi Techis... I am given an assignment of writing a C program which behaves as assembler. That is implementing assmbler using C. I ll have set of assemply statements. I need to convert those into the machine equivalent binary representation. I ll have two data structures to keep track of … | |
Hi, my name is Andrew. I believe this will be my first post on daniweb so please bear with me. I'm working on a compression algorithm (miniSEED steim 2 compression if anyone is interested, its for seismic lossless compression) in C so I do a lot of bit manipulation of … | |
Hi, I need help for this C Program very urgent. please find the attachment below | |
I saw the follwing coding in the forum.. But i dont know how to execute in the Turbo C compiler.. Or else we need to use seperate connectivity coding for Turbo C compiler???? Can i know the include files (Header files) for the coding given below.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HENV hEnv = … | |
hello to you all. I need to now how we can write a simple c code which will run when ever we plug in the usb drive in the port. Simply how to load our program at boot time. Thanks | |
hi guys i am new to this site...hope you all will provide me the required information.... here is what i wanted to ask.... i created a cricket game in C using some basic graphics functions.... what i did is i created some frames of bowler -bowling & batsman batting... first … | |
[code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> struct courses{ char coursenumber[10]; float credit; float grade; }; struct courses list[2]; main() { int i; int count; printf("Enter number of courses to input: "); scanf("%d", &count); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { printf("Course number: "); scanf("%s", list[i].coursenumber ); printf("Credit: "); scanf("%f", list[i].credit); printf("Grade: "); scanf("%f", … | |
Here is a code I have been trying to finish but can't. I'm very new to this as you probably know by my other post but this program has been giving me a fit. I feel like I have hit a brick wall and it bothers me because I know … | |
hi, i'm supposed to create a very simple address program in C & not in C++. my program works but my problem is how to "search & edit a record" and how to "search & delete a record", that is what i lack. this program is really giving me a … | |
Hi I'm very new to this world of programming and am having several difficulties. I'm trying to practice a lot and become more accustomed to everything but I've only been doing this for about five weeks so I'm sure know it's usually a slow start. I would like to build … | |
[code] /* One file can be hundreds of MBs. So, 640 MB in maximum*/ int nMaxByteCount = 64000000; [/code] I read files to get binary info in it. But I don't know the exact sizes before reading. So, I allocate nMaxByteCount for large files first and get support from fread … | |
Any one who can give me some algorithms about image deblur? thanks in advance! | |
I have no problems connecting strings but if I follow the same procedure for chars then the program blows. [CODE]void Input_Code(char *d1_p, char *d2_p, char *d3_p, char *d4_p, char *d5_p, char *d6_p, char *d7_p, char *d8_p, char *d9_p, char *d10_p, char *full_code_p) { char buffer[12]; printf("Please enter 10 character account … | |
BulkData structure is this: [code] #define MAXSIZE 64 typedef struct bulk_data { char data[MAXSIZE]; struct bulk_data * next; }BulkData; [/code] In my program, I'm mallocing a pointer in 16 bytes: [code] BulkData * bdWaitingToBeCopied = malloc(16); bdWaitingToBeCopied->next = NULL; [/code] So, is this a overflow? And another question: if it … | |
This is the final mini step I need to do before my program is complete. a line has 85 chars from begining to end. I want to start the line with an *and end a line with a *. The problem is, that I don't know how long the ref, … | |
[code] RadarData * rd = NULL; rd = GetRadarData(sFileName); /* Here the debugger says that : rdp->llBdContent.bdContent.next = 0xa13f080. This is ok,but... */ CreateHVFERadarBUFR(&rd); [/code] GetRadarData is here: [code] RadarData * GetRadarData(char * sFileName) { short int nRadarSubtypeInFile; short int nRadarTypeInFile; /* Radar Data Structure */ RadarData rd; /* Radarin … | |
Let's assume that the 100th user inputs his name as: Jackson Michael. I would like my prog to print to the file the reference, which would be combining the first letter of the lastname with all the consonants remaining after removing all vowels (a,e,i,o,u). in case of Jackson it would … | |
Hello again all. Got a question concerning palindromes. Basically I am writing a program that will determine if a line is a palindrome or not, neglecting spaces and punctuation that is. Now I am trying to do this by setting two variables on each end of the string and comparing … | |
hey guys i got turbo C software but every time i compile a program it says that cant recognise stdio.h,conio.h,iostream.h help thanks | |
Hi, I'm trying to assign variables where vpSec0 points. [code] void * vpSec0 = NULL; CreateHVFESection0(vpSec0); [/code] CreateHVFESection0 function is below. [code] void CreateHVFESection0(void * vpSec0) { int hSec0; size_t * nbytes = (size_t *) malloc(sizeof(size_t)); hSec0 = bitio_o_open(); /* 'B','U','F','R' */ bitio_o_append(hSec0,66,8); bitio_o_append(hSec0,85,8); bitio_o_append(hSec0,70,8); bitio_o_append(hSec0,82,8); /* Total length of … | |
1) An overview of what your program does. The entire program asks the user for a starting balance, then deposits and withdrawals, then asks the amounts of each, and then prints a record of all transactions and an ending balance. The area i'm having difficulty with is the part where … | |
I'm using Dev C++, and I want to compile my program into a program usable on macs. Can I do this from Dev C++, or do I have to use a different program? | |
I have "converted" my prog to psedocode (I know, I should di it before writing source code" and everything is looking smoothly and easy to understand. The only problem I have is translating 2 lines involving array: [CODE] if (strcmp(full_name[index[inner]],full_name[index[inner+1]])>0)[/CODE] and [CODE]temp = index[inner],index[inner]= index[inner+1],index[inner+1]=temp;[/CODE] can anyone help me out? … | |
Hello- I'm trying to write a classic producer/consumer program using signals. My parent process (producer.c) forks and executes a new child program (consumer.c). The producer copies values from an input file (100 total int values to copy) to a common file, then sends a signal to the child to copy … | |
Hi All, can anybody provide me recursive implementation of depth first search.. one more question .. is it possible to code any problem with recursion without using global variable.. i just need general views about good recursive program.. thankx | |
The prototype [code]void Print_Sorted_Employee_Detail_To_File(FILE *report, int i, int i2, int index, char full_name, float pay_rate, float hours, float ovt_hours, float gross, float federal_tax, float state_tax, float ssi_tax, float deferred, float net_pay);[/code] The call: [code] Print_Sorted_Employee_Detail_To_File(report, i, i2, index[i], full_name[i], pay_rate[i], hours[i], ovt_hours[i], gross[i], federal_tax[i], state_tax[i], ssi_tax[i], deferred[i], net_pay[i]);[/code] This is … | |
I am writing a DICOM viewer program, now my program displays three info abt DICOM..i want to make my program to display other informations like patient name and slice thickness..understanding dicom is really hard..if one any working with DICOM plz help me. This program dont have errors..but i need some … | |
I have to make a program as shown below: Design a program that creates and uses a file to store experiments' data for any number of experiments as requested by user. The program should use the following structure type: struct data { int experiment; float value; }; The program should … | |
Hi , I have not worked with three dimensional array, how to declare int a[3][3][3] with the help of pointers and explain Why. |
The End.