15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for bops

Hey, I want to write a function with the following signature - BOOL checkPassword( char * input ); In this function I want to be able to check this password against the stored windows password in the SAM database. I'm completely new to this idea, so I would like to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bops

[code=c] BOOL setContent( LPSTR szContent ) { HANDLE hFile; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; DWORD dwTextLength; hFile = CreateFile( "data.txt" , GENERIC_WRITE , 0 , NULL , CREATE_ALWAYS , FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL , NULL ); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD dwWritten; dwTextLength = strlen( szPassword ); if( WriteFile( hFile , szPassword …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for amishosh

Hi! I learnt the C language (NOT C++) but the concept of threading is completely new to me. I'm having trouble finding a good tutorial or book on the subject. Can some one point me to a tutorial or book about threading specifically using C? I use Visual C++ 2005 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for asilter

Variables in the data structure changes when they were sent to CreateRawDataBUFR at runtime. With gdb debugger, just one line before CreateRawDataBUFR, I print the value of rdi.sIdentName, rdi.sRawDataFilePath and rdi.sRawDataFileName to the screen, they are "IST" and "data/" "IST050906125859.RAWADM9" accordingly. They are true. But after i send the address …

Member Avatar for asilter
Member Avatar for asilter

Hi, I want a char array to point the memory location, which is pointed by a char pointer, without memcpy. I mean I do not need to copy all the elements again to another location [code] typedef struct { long size; char data[1000]; }bulk; bulk blob; [/code] this doesn't work …

Member Avatar for Hamrick
Member Avatar for asilter

Header asks the question. my include files are in /abc/bcc/include/ path which are used in programs like; [code] #include "radar.h" [/code] I think, -? option will tell the compiler to do that. Could u plz give a little compiling sample with gcc. Thanx.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for sDJh

Hello everybody, does anybody have some experiences with scanners or other imaging-hardware? I am now looking for several weeks for good introductions in this topic, but so far, I couldn't find anything useful apart from the EZTwain packet that costs money. Maybe you have a hint how to use the …

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for Lost in Code...

I start C tomorrow and reading my book. When I run and compile this code it comes up in DOS and runs the code but then the DOS window closes. I'm new with C, can someone tell me why the DOS window flashes and then closes? Here's my code: [CODE] …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for bops

I have created a simple DLL in C that in which contains a function to implement a Low-Level Mouse Hook to Clip the Cursor to a window. I have done this because I feel the ClipCursor() API is inadequate. Anyway.. the DLL header file contains the following code.. [code=c] #include …

Member Avatar for Mdizzle

I have to create an array from an input file and then extract the calculated information from the array back to an output file. I understand how to bring in an input file but I am unsure how to put this information into an array. Here is the assignment incase …

Member Avatar for rohit_hegde
Member Avatar for eXceed69

Hello guys, I'm having hard time to insert/create a code for one projects component. The issue is how could i call a stored procedure and how could i execute it.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for murschech

I have downloaded the free Borland compiler Bcc32 and am delighted with it. I also downloaded the turbo debugger. I have a lot of experience using a debugger from an integrated environment but the Borland download includes only the command line version of the compiler and I don'y know how …

Member Avatar for bdj
Member Avatar for ramavundela

can anybody help me to write the following program. program that will return the day of the particular date and year? i.e.,user gives date,month and year.we have to print the day of it.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for NycNessyness

Hello guys. I'm currently having problems concerning displaying a student with the highest grade. I tried to start the calculation under totals but I'm currently having a hard time with it. May someone please point me in the right direction. [CODE=C] /*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* Preprocessor Directives *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for Sukhbir

Hi, Is there any tutorial that tells how to do dynamic binding in C. Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for mayuning2nd

first greeting to everyone here. this is a nice forum that we can share and discuss. I used to do a GUI program in c using GTK 2.0 under the cygwin platform, but the built file (.exe file) can only display the GUI at the Unix environment (cygwin X11 server), …

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for qaiser

write a programe in c to find the square and cube of any number and print

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for Majoni

Hello All, Supose we do close(0) and the dup it to another file descripter to use the new file as the stdin input. Is there anyway to restore the keyboard as the standard input in the same program Thanks, Majoni

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for asilter

[code] 105(decimal) = 01101001(binary) [/code] for example, i want to skip first 3 bits of binary and get the number to the right and assign it to an integer: [code] 01001(binary) = 9 (decimal) [/code] could you plz give a little code sample? thanx.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for rowly

can anyone help me with this code i just cant understand ! its about filling a deck of cards thx [code] for (i = 0; i < 52; i++) { deck[i] = (i % 13)<<2; deck[i] += i / 13; if(i/13 < 2) deck[i] += 64; [/code]

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Prithwish

Please tell me from the scratch how to compile and run a .C programme in Turbo C++ Explorer IDE. I'm finding it difficult. Whenever I try to compile and run the .C files , I find these commands as dimmed command in the project and run menus in the IDE. …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for eXceed69

[COLOR=#000000]Hi all, need some advice I’m writing a program in c. And its objectives would be; 1. Monitor error code occurrences, 2. Deleting Instance in the DB and having a graceful exit. And writing this program in UNIX environment I’ve been searching for some samples thorough, and suggestion?[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for eXceed69
Member Avatar for santoshmath

hi everyone, i have a doubt on file handling using C. Can anyone just tell me how to change file extension of a file(ex .txt to .dat ..etc..) using a C program. thank you

Member Avatar for santoshmath
Member Avatar for santoshmath

hi everyone, the below program is yielding error "segmentation fault",when it is run under unix. This is a file copy program using command line arguements. Without using command line arguement,i mean,taking filenames directly in the program runs successfully. Can anyone tell me what "segmentation fault" means in unix? ------------------- [code=c] …

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Member Avatar for anvir

Alright, here's the beef. I'm basically writing a program for a PIC18 microcontroller. There's just one problem, my main asm file, it compiles C into assembly and then turns it into bytecode, is too big to be loaded into memory. So I'm getting compiler errors telling me the section is …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ashok_169

I wrote some kind of code But i wrote it in Notepad now i want to run this in C Compiler how i can transfer it Into C Compiler.Or any other method is there

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

hi. i would like to ask if the following operation is possible. imagin a device which has a number of rs 232 ports. in this case we shall take four. then imagin that you have two keyboards and two computers connected to these ports. now is it possible to write …

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi
Member Avatar for AquilesBailo

Hello everyone ^_^ I need to know how to pause the execution of a code, without using sleep() or any sleep()-kind function thats it... thanks XD

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for asilter

i'm sending a NULL pointer of type unsigned char to a function. i allocate space for this pointer in the function and return nothing. [code] unsigned char ucBufr = NULL; Allocation(ucBufr); [/code] [code] void Allocation(unsigned char * ucBufr) { /* nDataSize and ucData is got from a file here. */ …

Member Avatar for Hamrick

The End.