15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for fsemilla

/*****in the book ive read, they gave me a code which will be placed in the .rss file as shown below...*****/ RESOURCE LISTBOX r_demo_listbox { flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList; array_id = r_demo_listbox_items; } RESOURCE ARRAY r_demo_listbox_items { items = { LBUF { txt = "Item1"; }, LBUF { txt = "Item2"; …

Member Avatar for fsemilla
Member Avatar for rajbasu
Member Avatar for unclepauly

i am using CreateThread to, unsurprisingly, start a thread :p is it possible to return a value? i need to return either true or false at least. ideally i need to return 0, 1 or 2 to indicate the success of certain things that go on inside the thread. I …

Member Avatar for Racoon200

Hi, i dont know [I]<<edited profanity>>[/I] about C. But maybe you can help me in some really light coding (i think). I want to do a plug in for any RTF editor, like wordpad, in which User-Defined Keywords, are highlighted. In this plugin it will also be possible to save …

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Member Avatar for Aia

Friends, I have a question: Many times in books and tutorials I'm sent to consult the Standard C Library reference. Sometimes, references are made to some Standard C function. Where do I see the Standard C Library in a compiler. I don't see any source code in my compiler that …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for fsemilla

can anyone help me...?? how can i put image in the application box of my program...??? vs.net gave me a default program found in the .rss file but it only says "<put your stuff here>" as shown from this rss file... [code=c] RESOURCE DIALOG r_symbian3_dialog { flags=EEikDialogFlagNoDrag | EEikDialogFlagNoTitleBar | …

Member Avatar for neodishanku

Hi all, Can any one point to me how to develop a screensaver in winxp. What language shud i use to write the code. I have browsed the net and found some native code in c. Is this the way to develop. Has anyone played around with it? Looking fwd …

Member Avatar for gcs584
Member Avatar for Arun_267

Hi, While compiling the code for accessing files from a wacom intuos2 tablet i am getting the following error. This error persists for other programs that i have downloaded from the net. The error is as follows: " File format not recognized ld returned 1 exit status C:\ONLINE\Makefile.win [Build Error] …

Member Avatar for mpakala

Hi Im trying to use the stl vector to implement a container. The container doesnot need any data and member functions. It should just act as a stack for the objects. But the objects are not homogneous.so I don t think i can use vector. How can I implement this …

Member Avatar for mpakala
Member Avatar for bops

Hi, I am trying to make a method inside a class that will remove the first 2 characters of a string of characters. Sounds simple enough, I though it was, but actually implementing it took a bit of thought and doesn't seem to work. [code] void classname::removeFirstChars(char * buffer) { …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Eko

[URL="http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sketchmh1.gif"][URL=http://img513.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sketchlw8.gif][IMG]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/8739/sketchlw8.th.gif[/IMG][/URL][/URL] I have something like this : The reallocation of a piece of memory that works like a circular queues I've made a sketch explaining this ,I hope , very clearly I just need a clue,a tip,something that will get me started , because right now I'm stucked Thx

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for mocherla14

Suppose we have [code=c] main() { try{ while(error) throw 1st excep } catch(1st excep) { if (condition) we have to jump to 2nd excep is it possible? i am unable to send from this catch to next catch. pls help me with codin/example..........? } catch(2nd excep) { ...... } } …

Member Avatar for disc
Member Avatar for 80s

Hi All :mrgreen: , was mucking about with a small programme I have which makes a triangle pattern when entering in a number. It uses nested For loops. I now want to create the same thing using functions as im only just beginning to learn the C language. I have …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Ok that might sound stupid, but Id like to know how to get box with error message.... I dont know how to explain what i realy want so here is a screenshot. [IMG]http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/images/worm_cydog_a_img1.gif[/IMG] This is error box...How to make it... Can you send me link with sources od this boxes …

Member Avatar for demoniacs2001
Member Avatar for jan1024188

What could I include in this function: [code] MessageBox( NULL, "Dolgcas s tabo, ko si tok zabit...grem js", "Message", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );[/code] what can I insert instead of frist NULL? [php] MessageBox( NULL (here what could I insert instead of NULL), "Dolgcas s tabo, ko si tok zabit...grem js", …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sivaslieko++

when I initialize the array in this way: const int size = 10; int myArray[size]; it works well. But I have to initialize it in this way: const int size =pow(2, Depth()+1)-1; int myArray[size]; in this case it throw an error which is "expected constant expression" What should I do??? …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for apurv

[COLOR=blue]Write a program that, when run, will print out its source code. This source code, inWrite a program that, when run, will print out its source code. This source code, in turn, should compile and print out itself. turn, should compile and print out itself.[/COLOR] :p

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for xibnoe

I try read a story text file using c. the problem is i want one paragraf in one variabel. i am confuse how much i should alocate the buffer size? [code] #include <stdio.h> int main() { char buf[255]; <<HOW MUCH SHOULD WE ALOCATE TE BUFFER? FILE* fp = fopen("somefile.txt","r"); if( …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Aia

I have been trying to figure out how to deal with any situation when the result is bigger than what a integer declared can hold. For example: [code] [COLOR=Blue]/* * Old_guy.c * */[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta] #include <stdio.h> [/COLOR] int main() { unsigned long int hartbits; [COLOR=Blue] /* years * days * …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for bala24

Hi , can anyone give me some good links to learn all about data structures and using them in C. I have an exam soon on the topic and although i did went through it in my college days, its all washed out now. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for bernard_wanjohi

write a program that awards marks depending on the instane of the guess you make. the correct guess is may be 10. if you guess correct the first time you are awarded 10 marks. you have a maximum of 10 chances to make the correct guess. marks awarded by guessing …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for TomPettyJT

I have been struggling with this program assignment for weeks now. Can someone offer some advice on how to only accept numerical input, and to reject anything else? Here is my code. [code=cpp] #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> void main() { //Declaration of Variables float kPrice; //Price to Calculate int choice; …

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Member Avatar for sgriffiths

hello i have the following char Ambiglist[1000]; this variable contains a company name and postcode, but there may be numerous of both ie STEPHEN COMPANY LTD;TN25 8a7 JOHN JACKSON LTD;98asHHS HUMBURG LTD;8JSHAKS i want to read in and store the company names in a variable, but i cant for the …

Member Avatar for gcs584
Member Avatar for syruspayne

My college programming teacher gave me this pseudocode assignment on his first lecture. For crying out loud i have never heard anything like that. Actually am suppose to [I]Write a pseudocode to generate the [/I] [I]1)[/I] [I]fabonacii series &[/I] [I]2)[/I] [I]prime numbers btw 1 & 50. [/I] [I] -[B]Note that …

Member Avatar for 80s
Member Avatar for Siva_sbj

I am writing a C program using Dev-CPP. It uses a 3 dimensional array to store around 350 values as shown below. [code=c] db[2][0][1]=3278; db[2][0][4]=2368; db[3][0][3]=6686; db[2][0][6]=7224; .. .. .. [/code] I get a valid output when I read the array with the following code [code=c] zone = db[2][0][1]; printf("%d",zone); …

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Member Avatar for sTorM

Hi all, I am just new to progamming .I am writng small twenty card game.What I want I dont repeat the cards again to next player after first user received.And in real I wana do game with more than two player.But in my code have some problem with print out …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gabs

[COLOR=#555555]I want to use static buttons with invisible background to the text. does anyone know how to do that? I have a picture in the background, and when I use a static button, it has a gray background, which doesn't look nice at all....:-| ![/COLOR]

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for d_1386

Write a program that can simulate the following CPU scheduling algorithms: 1. FCFS 2. RR (new processes are added at the beginning of the ready queue, the quantum is one time unit) 3. Priority based 4. SJF non-preemptive 5. SRTF The program can be written in either C or Pascal. …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for nuwan243

06)How can we turn on and turn off the serial ports’ DTR and other pins………? When we transfer a file from one computer to another is there need to configure these pins or they are automatically configured?

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for JRM

I'm just trying to get a handle on the when and why of overloaded operators. I the following snippet: the line: T& operator[] ... is there for use in the copy constructor? the line : const T& operator [] ... is there for the constructor definition? In english, the code …

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The End.