15,555 Topics

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Member Avatar for JRM

I'm just trying to get a handle on the when and why of overloaded operators. I the following snippet: the line: T& operator[] ... is there for use in the copy constructor? the line : const T& operator [] ... is there for the constructor definition? In english, the code …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for jan1024188
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Member Avatar for sTorM

I just writing the simple twenty one card game...now evth work and fine. And I put cards from 2 to A with concerning value.But when the debug step coming '0'comes to input with value '10'(K is worth 10 etc). It make me so confused. here is my code: [code]#include <iostream> …

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Member Avatar for JRM

Hello again! I am using code blocks with the gcc compiler and the gdb debugger (which is a little buggy itself). If i have a program running in debug that requires an input from the keyboard to continue, how do i do that?

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for nuwan243

08)Can we read from a port while write to the same port? When we short the TX and Rx pins the value TX can be captured from the same port as a data read from port?

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for nuwan243

02)What are the purpose of drivers? I had heard this “as example: VGA drivers adjust voltages of VGA chips……” Is that correct? Is there any thing than that if u know please tell me……….. I m really interesting in driver and port programming……….If u can please give me some simple …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for nuwan243

07)when file transfer between two computers, is there need to code two programmes for receiving data and transmitting data seperately? If not how?please give me a code example…………?How is the flowcontrol is done? Is it done by software ,hardware or both?

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for nuwan243

04) what is the maximum data rate that a com port supports? Why we cannot transmit data than that (maximum ) data rate?

Member Avatar for nuwan243
Member Avatar for kosmitek

I am using library of ALLEGRO: board: [URL]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/2996/boardnj8.jpg[/URL] pawn: [URL]http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/5185/pawnyi0.jpg[/URL] Could you check code of my program - game - it is run but is everything is good ?? Player throw bone and he going about some number of fields [code] #include<iostream> #include<ctime> #include <allegro.h> using namespace std; class boardboard …

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for zare

Hello friend I have a question.I have a dll that use a class that derived from CDialog. how i can export class so that i can access of its member function in seprate application?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for abojan

From this search engine: [url]https://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/mysites[/url] when I make all subdomains search just by typing a domain url in a search box like blogspot.com -and after I verify my yahoo email password I get 28 millions webpages listed on thousands of search result pages.I want to save the all urls and …

Member Avatar for DynamitMsk

Hi everyone, I've been working on this for days, but just can't get it. I have a linked-list containing edges of a weighted directed graph, and my goal is to find a path from vertex A to vertex B going through exactly n nodes. Anyone has suggestions, or links with …

Member Avatar for DynamitMsk
Member Avatar for fatihbilmuh

I code a program which two computer communicate each other with serial port in cross platform but my program dont run cross platform but run linux to linux or windows to windows . I think my serial port settings arent the same.My settings: WINDOWS: DCB properties; GetCommState(serialPort, &properties); properties.Parity = …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for adam37

Hi, I'm revising for an exam comming up in C Programming. Can anyone help by answering some typical questions which might come up in the examination. Any help would be appreciated. [B][U][COLOR=#000000]Basic data types[/COLOR][/U][/B] [U][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][/U] [LIST] [*][COLOR=#000000]What are the different types of data?[/COLOR] [*][COLOR=#000000]What are signed and non-signed data …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for kissiwat

Hi, all I'm trying to do is have my program request a name then after name is inputted, ask if there are any more names to add [Y/N]. Problem is program keeps displaying 'add name' and 'any more names to add' on the same line without giving the option to …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jobra

Please can anyone help me to get the time zone between GMT & New York including the daylight saving. I am able to get the timezone between GMT & localtime including the daylight saving. My program goes like this [code=c] time_t t = time(0); struct tm* data; data = localtime(&t); …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for DynamitMsk

Hello, I'm trying to read in a txt file that looks like: AAAA BBBB 1234 CCCC DDDD 4321 .... and here's what I've done so far: [code] char a[4]; char b[4]; int c; FILE *input= fopen("input.txt", "r+"); if (input==NULL) perror ("Error opening file"); else{ while(feof(input)== 0){ fscanf(input,"%4s",a); fscanf(input,"%4s",b); fscanf(input,"%d",&c); } …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for himanjim

Hey friends , Is there any way to change textcolor in C? I am not able to find any method...

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Member Avatar for p_p_g_1_6

[B]Here it goes: 1. Write a C program to calculate the value of x for the given formula of quadratic equation. 2. Write a C program to calculate the petroleum consumption. It should assign the distance travelled in km. and the amount of petroleum used in litres and compute the …

Member Avatar for DavidRyan
Member Avatar for manu124

Hi, Would really appreciate if someone can help me. Need to generate 10 random numbers such that their sum is less than 1. thanks so much in advance manu

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Kompot

:!: [U][COLOR=#000000]Minimum-weight Path.[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]An agent is required to move from the top row to the bottom row of a m × n grid, (i.e. from start position (0,j) 0<=j<n to end position (m - 1,j) 0<=j<n). On each move, the agent may only take one step rightward, diagonally …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for jvignacio

Hi guys, just wondering, how would i go about joining numbers together to form one integer.. example.. number 70 54 34 would end up being 705434.. thank u for your ideas...

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for himanjim

My header file time.h is being corrupted.. I can't find it on the internet... Can anyone please give me the link to the file or just copy and paste it to the reply of my paste...

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Monsignor

OK, this is the problem: my original file has only one line and that line contains a sentence. I'm supposed to create a new file that will put each word from the sentence in its own line. For example, original file: [code=c]The quick fox jumped over the lazy dog[/code] output …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Rooro

Hello everyone ... : ) i'm studying data structure and i'm trying to collect all the point in this course . what I have now is a question about sorting . I want to learn how can I do it and code it in the right way .. [quote] The …

Member Avatar for Rooro
Member Avatar for vicky_dev

I want to read a file which contains a list of integers. The first 4 bytes( or whatever sizeof(int) is ) indicates how many numbers the file has. Suppose I check the file size before reading so that I know I won't encounter EOF. Do I still need to check …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mistermister

im trying to read a file has many lines but after reading it every time i tried to printf it, but it always print just the last line???/ f = fopen("text.txt","r"[IMG]http://www.free2code.net/plugins/forums/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif[/IMG]; if(!f) return 1; while(fgets(s,1000,f) != NULL) sprintf(value,s); fclose(f); printf("%s",value); [URL="http://www.free2code.net/plugins/forums/reply.php?f=3&p=48130&q=48130"] [/URL]

Member Avatar for mistermister
Member Avatar for lastcraft

Hi... I'm trying to get a few people to try out a new C unit tester called Cgreen. It's published on Sourceforge at [URL]http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgreen/[/URL] and at [URL]http://www.lastcraft.com/cgreen.php[/URL]. basically I'm after feedback before pushing for a stable release. It's currently a late alpha. Besides the usual X-unit features (setup/teardown, composite suites), …

Member Avatar for omlaka

Hi All,As usual. I am a silent member until I have passed my exam. Recently, I passed my exam with 95% for 1Z0-042. Meaning 95% of the questions are from certmagic.com guide. There a few new questions, which I am not familiar with. These questions would be remaining 5% of …

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Member Avatar for centrinostyle

hello my name is asif i want simple c program of transpose of matrix plz help me

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The End.