15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for himanjim

[CODE]#include<stdio.h> char *str="char*str=%c%c%c;main(){printf(str,34,str,34);}"; void main() { printf(str,34,str,34); }[/CODE] gives the O/P [CODE] char *str="char*str=%c%c%c;main(){printf(str,34,str,34);}"; [/CODE] Can't say how?? No formatting string is used in printf() like %s or so.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

In my Form_Load, I dynamically create buttons to populate a tabcontrol with 6 tabpages. For some reason, it doesn't like it when I make the buttons invisible in Form_Load. I'm wondering if there's an event that gets triggered after Form_Load so I can make the buttons invisible there. For now …

Member Avatar for GloriousEremite
Member Avatar for hay_man

Hi, Hope you can help. The following is essentially a small problem of an overall project, i have been trying to work out how to divide an inputted string, into say blocks of 4 characters and then output these separate blocks on the screen. e.g. 1234567891234567 ----> 1234 5678 9123 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for l-o-s-t

Hello ... I've been trying to convert a long string of numbers into a number that can be used in calculations ( int, long, or long long ) ... but nothing worked :-| If I have a string of 1s and 0s, and this string could be up to 128 …

Member Avatar for Grunt
Member Avatar for grunge man

ok im getting angry because if i wana keep asking questions then i was told to get a book and read it but thats the problem the reason why i came to this website is besause i foud it verry usefull amd i cant bye a book and eaven if …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for himanjim

FILE *ptr; char i; ptr=fopen("file.c","r"); while((i=fgetc(ptr))!=Null) printf("%c",i); leads to infinite loop??? but while(fgets(str,80,ptr)!=NULL) puts(str); on the similiar terms doesn't???

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for comp_sci11

[code] #include<alloc.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<ctype.h> typedef struct node { int dd,mm,yy; int cus_ac_no[15]; char cus_name[25],cus_add[45],cus_ph_no[17]; double cus_bal; float cus_intrst; struct node *next; }node; node *L,*ptr; void add() { node *p,*q,*new; p=q=L; clrscr(); new=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(new==NULL) { printf("list is full"); getch(); return; } else { printf(" Enter customer account number …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for s s paul

[quote] Friends I am making a program to seach a string from a input line of strings.There are two problems : (i)The program is giving correct search for word that is the 1st word of input line. e.g.,"hello" in hello friends how are you? but unsuccessful search for any word …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I need to modify the Form's Clientsize in a static function but I get a compiler error - error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'System::Windows::Forms::Form::ClientSize. Are there any workarounds? Thanks.

Member Avatar for DotNetUser
Member Avatar for himanjim

sizeof(3.14) GIVES 8 AS THE OUTPUT. Where sizeof(3.0f) gives 4 as output. Is it because default datatype alloted to 3.14 is double and attaching f changes it to float??

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for sdybc

SO i got this program date_struct.c going and it looks like everything works except the printout part. When input 2 dates to get the numbers of days between them nothing happens, the program ends. This also happens when i try inputting a date and an integer, and returns a new …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for rafaelly2003

How can I install VS200 or 2005-Express on Compact flash (4GB) if it is a System disk?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for squirrel

Hi All, I have a program which takes a file as an input and does some processing depending upon the type of file passed. The file types are : abc_txt, abc_ply, abc_cnvinf, abc_laneinfo etc eg: DoWork [FileType] [File] ./DoWork txt abc_txt (or) ./DoWork cnvinf abc_cnvinf Now I have to perform …

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for jazzz

Hi, I need to read all the records in a file till the end and print it to an outputfile. So I used feof() - while(feof(fp_infile) !=0) { fread(xxxx); fread(xxxx); fprintf(fp_outfile, XXXXX); } But this is not giving me any output i.e, the output file is empty. Can anyone help??? …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Panda123

Hello Im trying to segment a file. In doing so I need to open/createnew smaller files. The code I have [ initial.open("c:/test.jpg", ios::in|ios::binary); // input output.open("c:/copy.jpg", ios::out|ios::binary); // output] only creates one file output. I would like to have a for loop which creates n file eg text1, text 2, …

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for sgriffiths

Hello All A question i have. I have a file which contains 5 million records. One line of this file may look something like below Adrian Tompson & Sons Ltd. If the last word in each line is Ltd, i need to change it to Limited, but i am truly …

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for gege1

How to write this program and using while, for or do..while only. Given a special squence of number as follows. 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34.... the first two numbers must be 1 and 2. The following subsequent numbers are the sum of their two producessors.Write a program in C that needs a value n …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for dannyfang

Hi, I'm a freshman in computer science and a new member to this forum. I'd like to convert the string representation of a number e.g "456" into its integer equivalent i.e. 456. As for character representation of single digits e.g. "6", I'm able to convert it to its integer equivalent …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for sdybc

[COLOR=#000000]Completely confused on how to do this:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] (a) Write function "daysbetween" which takes two dates and returns the number of days in between them. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000](b) write the function "adddays" which takes a date and an integer, and returns a new date which is the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for himanjim

the function void fun() { char c; if(c=getchar())!='\n') fun(); printf("%c",c); } Gives the output cba .Can't say why?

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Mr B

[COLOR=#000000]Hi [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] World[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]From a new member: it’s taken me a lifetime to venture into the Internet world or should I say to register with a wedsite, I guess you have to start some time so here goes. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Can anyone help with a problem my computer …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Cyrus_DB

We often hear this statement: "C is a general-purpose programming language." What exactly do u mean by the term: 'GENERAL-PURPOSE' in the present context of computer language?

Member Avatar for Grunt
Member Avatar for cezarjont

can you please help me or give some advice of how will i make this problem: Student database: the user will be asked to input information about students(1-20 students) and the inputs are age,year level,name,course.... the program also will be able to sort the informations ethier by descending or ascending …

Member Avatar for cezarjont
Member Avatar for himanjim

:?:The statement *s1++=*s2++ actually leads to the assignment of value at s2 to s1 followed by incrementation of s2 then the incrementation of s1.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for rxgmoral

About CView problem,thank:) <<<<<<<<<Preview.H>>>>>>> class Preview : public CView { public: virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC); virtual BOOL OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo *pInfo); void OnPrint(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo); }; <<<<<<Preview.CPP>>>>>>>>> void Preview::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/) { } BOOL Preview::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo) { return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo); } void Preview::OnPrint(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo) { CString str=_T("rrr"); pDC->TextOut(0,30,str); } <<<<<<<<<<<Dialog.Cpp>>>>>>>> Preview …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for puuukeey

[B]Introduction[/B] hey all, I'm matt. I'm new to this forum and C. I hope to stick around and eventually be able to ANSWER questions instead of sit around being new to this. but for now, new to this is what I am. [B]My Background[/B] I've been learning from Dave Mark's …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for anu_dinoo

hey guys.. i need this urgently.. please help me in this. i need a code for detecting usb devices. a complete code, wanna make a project on this!

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jazzz

Hi, I have to write a Dump Tool for a file on UNIX. I have never written a dump tool before. Can anyone please guide me how to proceed?? jazz

Member Avatar for jazzz
Member Avatar for inazdaud

hi all.. can anyone give me the algorithm for simple and deficit round robin.. pls.... :-| i'm doing a research on transferring video over bluetooth..

Member Avatar for Grunt
Member Avatar for sgriffiths

Hi I have a struct [code] struct s_list { char name[30]; char lowest[30]; int int_value; }LIST[100]; [/code] I want to pass the int_value to a the unix function qsort, but how do i pass structs to a function/procedure? regards

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

The End.