15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for himanjim

Can u anybody of u explain me how the following statement works?? y=x++<=5;:!:

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for MitchellH

Hi, I have been using the windows API for some time now and feel quite comfortable with it. I know for larger projects MFC is a better choice over the raw API. I've been google searching for some good tutorials on MFC but haven't really found any good ones like …

Member Avatar for Eddy Dean
Member Avatar for priya123

[code]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAX 30 int menu(){ int choice; printf("1. Add a new reservation\n"); printf("2. Show details of a reservation (given reservation number)\n"); printf("3. Make Payment (given the reservation number and payment amount)\n"); printf("4. Confirm a Reservation (given the reservation number)\n"); printf("5. Quit\n"); printf("Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d", &choice); return(choice); …

Member Avatar for himanjim
Member Avatar for rxgmoral

Ask a problem,About CEdit control i write code..... <<<<<<<<<Static Dll>>>>>>>> ****************CmEdit.h********** [code] class AFX_NOVTABLE CmEdit : public CEdit { public: __declspec(dllexport) CString CmGetDlgItem(int nID); };[/code] ***************CmEdit.Cpp********** [code] CString CmEdit::CmGetDlgItem(int nID) { CString Str; GetDlgItem(nID)->GetWindowTextW(Str); return Str; }[/code] <<<<<<<<<<<<Static Exe>>>>>>>>>>>>> [code] #pragma comment(lib,"Dll.lib") #include "CmEdit.h" void SocialSecurityData::OnBnClickedOk() { CmEdit d; CString …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for comp_sci11

[code]#include<stdio.h> #define size 21 #define max 10 typedef struct id { int idnum,q1,q2,q3; char fn[size]; char ln[size]; char mi[2]; float ave; }id; id l[max]; id a; int menu() { int i,s=0; while(s<1 || s>4) { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,5); printf("MENU"); gotoxy(5,7); printf("1. insert"); gotoxy(5,9); printf("2. delete"); gotoxy(5,11); printf("3. display"); gotoxy(5,13); printf("4. exit"); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for degamer106

This program is supposed to make two passes through a file; the first pass counts the number of elements inside the file to get the total size; the second pass will fill the array and sort it. The problem i'm having is that on the second pass, the array is …

Member Avatar for degamer106
Member Avatar for hiphoprules

This is a input file DEL 0050 XYZ 0050 0310 CCU 0710 MAA 1325 TRZ 10415 KWI 0050 FJR 0325 0325 CCJ KWI 0050 FJR 0325 0425 CCJ 0925 1005 i.e maximum items(column entries) in a row can be 8 but their data type will be in same order i.e …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for hiphoprules

hi! this is my input file by name SC.txt CD 737 123457 AM 320 246 XY 543 357 AR 222 2 TY 212 1357 now i want to read this file and compare the last column entires with a user entered number. i.e user enters a no. for example 2 …

Member Avatar for hiphoprules
Member Avatar for allomeen

does anybody know how can i find my local ip address ? should i use getsockname() or is bind() is enough to give my ip, port and family? Alaa G

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for Mr Violent

Okay, I'm learning how to load a WAV file into DirectSound in order to play it. I've successfully surfed through the headers of the WAV file, and loaded it. However, when I go to create a buffer with this WAV sound data I've run into a road block. I'm getting …

Member Avatar for Mr Violent
Member Avatar for lewisy

Hi, I need to send an email through the smtp server. The hard part about this is that I need to embed a jpeg signature at the end of the mail. But this signature is not an attachment. any ideas on how to do that? I am using CMIMEMessage and …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for alvin_aldrich

hi everyone, I would just like to ask what (long)table_1 means? The table_1 is defined below. I do get a value of 4395176 with this code printf("table 1 is %d\n", table_1); But i dont know what operation was done? Can someone please help unsigned char table_1[256] = { 0x08, 0xCB, …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for rollbamaroll316

i was just wondering if i could get a little help on this program that i need to do. I am having a lot of trouble just starting it. this is a program dealing with european football AKA soccer. - The program must set up an array of 12structures. - …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for wingwarp

is there a way to simply tell the compiler to JUMP back to a different point??? like: [code] loop; "stuff" loop; [/code] the first loop says where the second loop loops back to any help would help thatnks alot -kbcubs-

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for chethanasrao

[B]i need to write a program which accepts a folder as input and browses through that folder and says whether there is a file or a subfolder present in it and generate an xml file that gives the hierarchy(subfolder names & file names present) in that folder.[/B] [I][U][B]BUT IT SHOULD …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for dilip.mathews

[CODE]void main(void) { char *p = "name"; p[0] = 's'; printf("%s", p); }[/CODE] The above piece [COLOR=black]of code is giving me eror at run time. The reason for this error might be that I am not allocating any memory for the pointer(correct me if I am wrong).[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]My doubt is, …

Member Avatar for dilip.mathews
Member Avatar for mehak_soft
Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for balachandu

hai , i am chandu. i have some doubts in datastructures.can anyone help me to solve them 1) what datastructure (stack,queue.list......) is used for NOTEPAD ,(i want the best datastructure) and why? 2)what is the best datastructure used for MICROSOFTWORD and why? 3)how can we delete duplicate elements in an …

Member Avatar for dilip.mathews
Member Avatar for hiphoprules

This is the code...what iam trying to do is that i am checking whther the date entered by user is valid...i.e lies btw begin date and end date... if the condition is true the next step is to enter the time slot btw which i want to see flights departing …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Tamir

Hi all, I wrote an addin for ms-word and I wish to write an application which communicates and share functionality and data with this addin. [B]is it possible[/B] to write an application which communicates with a running ms-word addin? -- [U]the addin is running in ms-word and should be communicating …

Member Avatar for wingwarp

ok after 4x of ppl telling me to learn the basics im starting at the bottom... my tutorial didnt explain this function well... what is a pointers use...

Member Avatar for wingwarp
Member Avatar for gurudatta.verma

<< split from [thread]50420[/thread] >> i want to know abt Ellips arugument passing to any funtion plz reply me quickly

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Shaitan00

When trying to set the 'max server memory' of a database I use the stored procedure (SP_COFIGURE) as follows: [CODE] _bstr_t bstrCommandText = OLESTR("SP_CONFIGURE 'max server memory',"); bstrCommandText = bstrCommandText + bstrServerMemory; // where bstrServerMemory = {"128" (1)} // looks like = {"SP_CONFIGURE 'max server memory',128" (1)} iCmd->CommandText = bstrCommandText; …

Member Avatar for joshilay

char s[]="the cocaine man"; int i=0; char ch; ch=s[++i]; printf("%c ",ch); ch=s[i++]; printf("%c ",ch); ch=i++[s]; printf("%c ",ch); ch=++i[s]; printf("%c ",ch); output = h h e ! i got the outputs like this ...can anyone please what are the reasons for these outputs !! is it compiler dependent ?? if yes …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for jazzz

Can anyone tell wat does this do?? - [CODE]_FOpen(Time_File,"r",fp_time); _Fread(&st_Time,sizeof(TimeHead),1,fp_time,TimeFile);[/CODE] Thankx jazz

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for jamshid

Hi Everyone here ; I am starting C and wanna you start C lessons here , so we (we new starters) can learn good and can discuss about some important points here.. It will so Nice and i hope our friends whom they know better this language start lessons here.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sgriffiths

Hello how would i go about converting a string value to HEX ie char name[10]="STEPHEN"; Convert name to HEX

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for gampalu

Hi, in the declaration of IP_name: [CODE] int InputNumber; ... // function that gets the InputNumber ... char IP_name[InputNumber];[/CODE] I have this error: [CODE] error C2057: expected constant expression error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0 error C2133: 'IP_name' : unknown size[/CODE] How can I solve this …

Member Avatar for gampalu
Member Avatar for Eddy Dean

Hello everyone, I 've been looking for a solution for this problem for some time now but I don't seem to figure it out. I want to download the source of a web page (the HTML source). I found several API function that have to do something with internet and …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for joshilay

if i implement same algorithm iteratively and also with recusrion ...than which of the above methods is better in implementing ..... and what are the advantages of recursion over iterative methods ??

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The End.