15,554 Topics
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Hello how would i go about converting a string value to HEX ie char name[10]="STEPHEN"; Convert name to HEX | |
Hi, in the declaration of IP_name: [CODE] int InputNumber; ... // function that gets the InputNumber ... char IP_name[InputNumber];[/CODE] I have this error: [CODE] error C2057: expected constant expression error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0 error C2133: 'IP_name' : unknown size[/CODE] How can I solve this … | |
Hello everyone, I 've been looking for a solution for this problem for some time now but I don't seem to figure it out. I want to download the source of a web page (the HTML source). I found several API function that have to do something with internet and … | |
if i implement same algorithm iteratively and also with recusrion ...than which of the above methods is better in implementing ..... and what are the advantages of recursion over iterative methods ?? | |
I understand most basics but have hit a wall when I come to graphics. I just want to make a 2d game. Any good tutorials out there? | |
can anyone tell me what are pointers to function ??? and how are they implemented ?? | |
Hi. I'm new here. i'm wondering if anyone of you guys have experienced designing an inventory administration program.. the attached pdf file describes the machine problem...please have a look at it... i'm currently doing the code but it's still on the 'menu' selection part. i've been told that i may … | |
this is all that is given: [code] char word[10]; addS("fasten", word); cout << endl << word << endl; // will output fastens [/code] for a program that must make a word plural (add an s) here is my code, which compiles but gives a peculiar "segmentation fault" that I haven't … | |
Hie, I'm trying to get a code in a DLL runned each time a program is launched. 1) I have put this value in the registery key : [code] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows="D:\myDLL.dll" [/code] 2) [code] BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst /* Library instance handle. */ , DWORD reason /* Reason this … | |
[code]#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #define SIZE 21 #define MAX 10 int id[MAX]; int idn[MAX]; char fn[MAX][SIZE]; char ln[MAX][SIZE]; char mi[MAX][SIZE]; int q1; int q2; int q3; float ave; int menu() { int i,s=0; while(s<1|| s>4) { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,5); printf("menu"); gotoxy(5,7); printf("1.insert"); gotoxy(5,9); printf("2.delete"); gotoxy(5,11); printf("3.Display all"); gotoxy(5,13); printf("4.Quit"); gotoxy(5,15); printf("Select(1-4): "); … | |
Hell "o" to all programmers out there. I was just fiddling around with pointers to [inlinecode] const [/inlinecode] when i wrote this snippet. [code] [COLOR=#008000]int main (void) { int* ptr = NULL; const int i = 20; ptr = (int*) &i; *ptr = 40; printf ("\nThe addr of the const … | |
Ask a problem,about template:) i write template class <<<<<<<<<class.h>>>>>>>> #pragma once template <class T> class Tem { public: T rxg(T a); }; <<<<<<<<<class.Cpp>>>>>>>> #include "stdafx.h" #include "class.h" template<class T>T Tem<T>::rxg(T a) { return a; } <<<<<<<<<<<Dialog.Cpp>>>>>>>>> #include "Class.h" ................................ Tem<int> moral; int a=moral.rxg(10); Error: Test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external … | |
he is what the home work should be. [COLOR=#000000][B][I]Programming Assignment [/I][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][CENTER][COLOR=#000000][B]CS 320 - Homework Program #1 [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][B][I]Due: Sunday, at the end of Week #2 [/I][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/CENTER] [COLOR=#000000]Write a program to compute a student’s tuition for one semester, according to the following specifications. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]A student may be classified as … | |
Hi everyone, I'm *very* new to Linux development, and my question topic is probably pretty obscure, so I thought this was the best place to ask. I need to be able to programattically attach arbitrary binary data to an executable so that the program can access it. In Windows, I … | |
[LIST=1] [*]I need to write a program in c that prompts the user to enter the scores for four quizzes each worth a maximum of 100 points. Your program should compute the average score and display this average together with a letter grade based on the following scale:[/LIST]90 - 100 … | |
can anyone explain me why the values are not swapped in the below code ?? main() { int *i,*j; *i=4000; *j=9000; f(i,j); printf(" %d %d",*i,*j); //output =4000 9000 } void f( int *a, int *b) { int *temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; } | |
mvwprintw(main_screen, row, col, "%*.*s", REC_NUM_SIZE + 2, REC_NUM_SIZE + 2, ptr2); The above mvwprintw command is part of the unix curses library but can anyone explain what the "%*.*s" is doing, and is used just for the unix library curses? Regards | |
Thank you for reading my thread,I am new to C and I have a big problem -Naturally.I cant seem to compile thise code: [code] # define EOF =-1 main() { int c,nl; // integers nl = 0; // assignment int ln to 0 value while ((c = getchar() !=EOF) // … | |
Hey there, I'm having a problem with the WAVEFORMATEX format, and setting my primary buffer's format. My code is below: [code] void ErrorBox(string strMessage) { MessageBox(NULL, strMessage.c_str(), "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } bool DSPlayer::SetPrimaryBuffer() { if (lpDS == NULL) { ErrorBox("Direct sound not initialized."); return false; } ZeroMemory(&dsBufferDesc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC)); … | |
Hi all, What is the effficient way to check whether a single linked list is looped somewhere.The number of nodes in the list is not known. In that case traversal of SLL will go into an infinite loop. One solution I have is to store each address of node in … | |
What is a good place to read and grasp the fundamentals of OOP? Does anyone have any suggestions online? | |
[COLOR=#555555][COLOR=#000000]Hello all,[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I had posted earlier for help, but the post was so deep in an older thread do not think anyone will find it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]so here goes,[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I am in a class to learn C and was tasked with writing a program that … | |
i have an assignment at school where we have to get a string entered by a user and then the program is supposed to encrypt it by adding 13 to A-M and -13 from M-Z so that if i inputted A B C i would get N O P. Basically … | |
Hi All, I've converted the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread49412.html"]pseudocode from this thread[/URL] into a flowchart, and I'd greatly appreciate if anyone can point out any errors and/or inefficiences in the represented coding. as posted in the above referenced thread, the flowchart represents a solution for a chapter exercise, as follows: "The problem states … ![]() | |
[code]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { float x,y,z; clrscr(); printf("\nThis program calculate if you are Underweight,Healthy or Overweight"); printf("\n\n Enter your weight in kilograms:"); scanf("%f",&x); printf("\n\n Enter your weight in meters:"); scanf("%f",&y); z=((y*y)/x); if(z<20){ printf(" the Quetelet-index is: %f",z); printf("\n\n\tUnderweight"); } else{ printf("\n the quetelet-index is : %f",z); printf("\n\n\tOverweight"); } getch(); return … | |
as the title suggest i like to swap two numbers but the thing is that i should not use 3rd variable that is doing the whole stuff only with 2 variables so plz any body help me out | |
I've gone through several books they explain Upcasting as Base class pointer pointing to Drived class Object this definition is correct. Downcasting: [quote]Drived class pointer pointing to base class object..[/quote] i got a bit confused.....not having crystal clear image in my mind..... if the above definition is correct... whats wrong … | |
My C program for making a database which stores data and from which data can be retrieved is stated later.But I am not able to write the function for editing the stored items correctly.Please suggest a method.Also suggest :[B]1.mode in which file is to be opened in case 2 of … | |
double new_amount; printf("enter new_amount:"); scanf("%lf",&new_amount); printf("Amount entered is%lf",new_amount); | |
Hello if i have a file residing on a unix machine, how do i get the stats of the file, ie date stamp of file, and username of file. Best Regards |
The End.