15,551 Topics
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Reading in a string from a file and need to preform basic math equations with it, therefor assuming it can't be in string form. I am attempting to use ATOF but am getting 0's and nan's in return...any suggestions? #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> int main() { /*Define Everything*/ … | |
Hello yet again... Anyway, I'm trying to convert a string that has the form of "1097.04", that is, decimal fixed point with two digits after the decimal point. My code currently reads this number from a file then stores it in a *char. Then when i try to convert this … | |
Hi, Is it possible to display the output of a C program in different font sizes by setting it in the code? If yes, please guide regarding the same. Thanks. | |
Hi I am creating a DLL which will often make calls to another DLL. I have gone through the procedure of getting a handle to the other DLL and this works fine for some function calls. It seems like the functions which don't modify a parameter work fine. The access … | |
Hello everyone I am new with algorithm, this is one of my problem which I am trying to sort out. Can anyone help me with some clues for this... Design an algorithm that will read an input weight for an item to be shipped search an array of shipping weights … | |
I am developing a number of projects for STM32 processors using Eclipse, gcc, gdb and an Olimex ARM-USB-OCD jTag dongle. All works well, but every time I relaunch the project in debug mode the code stops at address 0x08000000. The debug window displays 'No source available for "g_pfnVectors() " '. … | |
Hi everyone. I want to extract the user list in Active directory using C prog. Please somebody help me. Am badly in need for this. | |
Before I ask the question I realize that selection of a programming language depends on the context of a problem at hand. Related to this I would like to know (if anyone) how many of you use which language for programming microcontrollers, embedded systems and even generally on PC. Here … | |
this code is to find the factorial of a number by the recursion principle. trace the control flow in this program very carefully. | |
Hi, In this "tree" code, what I am having trouble with is for example i inputted 2 numbers ( 7 and 5 ) an 7 is the root. if i wanted to delete 7 which is the root, it should be deleted and replaced by 5 making 5 the new … | |
can any one help me to do the project of computerised telephone directory. | |
![]() | Hi, I am using the following code to download files from the internet: [code=c]size_t write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { size_t written; written = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream); return written; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { FILE *downloaded_file; if ( (downloaded_file = fopen (download_path , "w" … |
hey anyone, what is the meaning of while(!correct) ? when correct = 0, what is the meaning of it? i have to trace the output but i dont understand it. please help me (: thanks alot... | |
SortedInsert() is a function which given a list that is sorted in increasing order, and a single node, inserts the node into the correct sorted position in the list.I know this code works fine.I am just curious to know why we can't use just single pointer to node to traverse … | |
[code] int x[] = { 1, 4, 8, 5, 1, 4 }; int *ptr, y; ptr = x + 4; y = ptr - x; [/code] why y is coming 4 in this code i think that it should be 8 | |
I am experiencing a problem with turbo c while I execute odd loops. The compiler doesnt wait till I give a yes or a no. It just jumps out of the loop. Can anyone help me?Is it a problem with the compiler or my program. The latter is not possible … | |
I need to get an output like: 1 1 11 11 111 111 1111111 I tried a lot and came to the following program. But i'm getting output like: 1 1 11 11 111 111 1111111 Please help me correct this program. The preview of the shape was not coming … | |
Hi. I am writing a DLL application in C (using VC6) which calls external DLL functions. Some of those calls execute and return without a problem, but some others don't. When I say they don't return, I mean that either they don't return at all, or else they take a … | |
I am getting this error even though a) the header file does exist and is located in the directory and it's not somehow been switched to read only. Also, my #include statement uses "" like "test.h" so the compiler knows to look in the project directory first. I've read that … | |
Hi is there any difference between the size of a struct type and the size of it's instance? similarly with enum type and it's instance... | |
hi guys, I found this code on the web but unable to integrate it into my code, can any1 help?. The problem is, it doesnt read till the eof, instead it stops when the condition is erroneously made. [code] #declare Line_Char_Buffer_Size 4000 #declare INPUT_FILE_NAME "Countries.txt" void readData () { FILE … | |
Below are a program that supposed to ask a user to enter a user ID and if found, it will then modify the very same person details in the record and if not found then calls the add function to prompt the user details and add into the record.txt as … | |
Hi, We were asked to make a Binary Search Tree program in C. It should be able to traverse the numbers (preorder, inorder, postorder) then display it. And locate the number and display it. And locate the number to delete, delete it, then display the number that was deleted before … | |
I was wondering if anyone could help me a little bit with a problem I encountered on Project Euler. The specific problem at hand is to find the 10,001st prime. I have implemented what I think to be a version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. When I modify the problem … ![]() | |
Hi every one. I want to do my fyp in Operating System. Can some one please give me a good idea? I want to do my fyp in kernel programming. But please give me ideas. Thank you | |
Hii friends, Is it possible to find the no. of elements in an array after inserting without counting while insertion | |
Hi every one. I want to ask a question. Whenever i plugged a usb in my computer i want to save that time when this happen. Means that i want to save when when a usb is plugged in my pc in a particular day. I want to do it … | |
Hi, I am trying to implement a binary tree(not sorted) using recursion. I have figured out most of my function however GetMax and GetMin are confusing me. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> typedef int TreeEntry; typedef struct binary_tree_node { TreeEntry item; struct binary_tree_node * left; struct binary_tree_node * right; … | |
Hi guys, am currently creating a client/server program. However im having trouble reading from a text file. Im not sure whether fgets or fread is better in my case. Basically my program requires user to input a country, and the program will display its details out.My question is, what method … | |
There is a small program. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> void f(char **p); int main() { char *argv[]={"ab", "cd", "ef", "gh"}; f(argv); } void f(char **p) { char *t; t=(p+=sizeof(int))[-1]; printf("%s\n", t); }[/CODE] Assume the size of int is 4, I was asked to give the running result of the following code segment. … |
The End.