15,551 Topics
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I'm writing a lite version of the stty command for school, and I keep getting this error at compile: showtty.c:40: error: expected ‘;’, ‘,’ or ‘)’ before ‘&’ token My code: [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <termios.h> /** ** showtty ** displays some of current tty settings **/ main(int … | |
Write a C program to solve the Greatest Common Divisor, according to the brute-force The output should appear as the following example: 1st number = 37 2nd number = 11 The GCD of 37 and 11 is 1. Press any key to continue_ thank you, | |
Hi All, I'm not an expert in C, and what I need to do is the following. I have a certain large .txt file that has many lines (sometimes the lines are separated with one empty line, sometimes two, sometimes 3,...etc. Some of these lines have "= 9999999999" at their … | |
I need to count characters from a file. But I get an error error C2660: 'getchar' : function does not take 1 arguments. Im new to C please bare with me. Thanks for your help. #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int … | |
Good day all, I have a date string format say like "2010-03-01" and I want to get the "tm_wday" equivalent of it say like Monday, Tuesday ... Could someone give me a hint on how to achieve this in c. Thank you. | |
Hi guys, i really need help here. I must write a program in c that reads a file .RAW that it contains photos in sequential order, every photo has a head-board of 4 bytes. (0xff 0xd8 oxff 0xe0 or 0xe1) and that way I can identify the beginning of the … | |
Hi All, I have implemented general LZW algorithm, if anyone can help me with motif base lzw algorithm. I will highly appriciate this. | |
Good morning, thanks in advance for the help. I am creating a pig latin translator for a class (with that in mind, sorry for bad coding form) and I am having trouble. I have my function working, but it seems like I am stuck in a loop. I'm having trouble … | |
How can I declare on top of my code a function that takes an array of ints as argument? Thank you. | |
Hello folks, I tried writing my own function on string copy and this is what i managed to do.Though it somehow works, I have got a great problem with the manipulation of pointers. Please explain or modify it for me. Thank You. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char … | |
How to find the value at an address location in the memory using C pointers?? | |
Whenever I try and run this my compiler shows a random error and a bunch of binary numbers. I have no idea what is wrong. Am I missing something? Its a program to check if a number is a palindrome. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int palindromecheck (int number) { int … | |
i wrote this code for a simple life game loosely based on Conway's. I wrote an 40x40 integer matrix with random numbers and a 40x40 char matrix based on the previous one, where the numbers 0 to 3 generate an X (alive cell) and the numbers upper 4 generate an … | |
I have an assignment that requires me to not use an array with [] at all throughout my code, read a file in a certain way, and I need a better understanding with malloc as well with pointers. The code with the [] is pretty easy for me, but pointers … | |
Hey, I am trying to find a good C book that is dedicated to low level programming. Any suggestions? If it could skip all the beginner stuff, that would be great. Also, a side note, I am interested in making my own compiler. Are there any books that study this … | |
Hi guys is this possible to write a biggest number program( biggest among 3) in a single line | |
Hi. plz tell me how I can connect to an SQL server to an microcontroller or a PC using C language.... Plz reply soon.... | |
hey, i have this program that when a user types in a date (day/month/year)and it works out the next date. It's meant to find out whether its a leapyear and therefore on the 28/2/2012 it should print out the 29/2/2012. At the end of the year 31/12/year it is meant … | |
how can i get the total of x value, x2 value, x3 value...??? i cant finish this home work for now thi is all i have... realy need help... #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout<<"x value x2 value x3value\n\n"; int x=0, y, … | |
hi there i am new to this forum and very new to c programming i do need any of u guyzz there to help me with my assignment i need to do a simple bank program asking the user password at first with the menu: 1. withdraw 2. balance enquiry … | |
If I leave some integer array items uninitialized I get sometime some strange numbers instead of zeros when I display the list of the array items. Why is it happening? Thank you. | |
This code uses a structure to map a letter to an equivalent representation of Morse code. It simply loops through either a string to encode or decode looking for text to substitute with a replacement string or character. Output is presented to the stdout. | |
As I posted before I'm totally new to C. In bash i can use [CODE]IP = "`wget -O - -q icanhazip.com`" echo $IP[/CODE]= and it returns my ip. However I'm trying hard to get this via curl although I don't quite understand how it works yet. I determined it is … | |
i'm student of M.Sc.(cs) , i wnt to kno hw to develop pojcet in 'C' language | |
I have started Computer Graphics using C recently. below is the code for drawing a line using the 'line' function. I am using Code::Blocks 10.05. I need help with some kind of linker error. this is what i have done till now. [LIST] [*]installed C::B with all default setting. Then … | |
Our teacher have asked us to make a program in C language to read the difference between two cities in km, m, cm, inches and feets... I have tried every hell to make this work... I am not able to combine it all together... please help!!! I am so confused. … | |
With windows XP, normal inport, outport functions do not seem to work. I downloaded a utility to open ports and then use these funtions, but it didnt help. Anyone can give details how to do parallel port programming in XP using C? | |
I want to get the digits of a number the user entered without using arrays. Is it possible? Thank you very much. | |
C Program - Write main and two other functions named ComputeMaximum and ComputeMinimum that return the larger and smaller, respectively, of two type double arguments: 1. Each function must be in a separate file. 2. The files containing ComputeMaximum and ComputeMinimum may not contain #defines, #includes, if statements, switch statements, … | |
Hi, How to find the stack size available for main thread in a program(which contains the main() function) In the case of linux, we can specify the stack size available for the whole program in linker script during linking. For all other threads, we can specify the stack size when … |
The End.