15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for jack223

This is one of my hw question and I can't find the answer from the textbook. Question: A function that modifies an array by pointer arithmetic (e.g., ++ptr) to process every value should have a parameter that is? a) a nonconstant pointer to nonconstant data b) a nonconstant pointer to …

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Member Avatar for AhmedHan

I wrote down a program code that recognizes the keyboard as an HID device and gets input (the key pressed) from it. Then displays it on an edit control. Here is the code :[CODE]#include "stdafx.h" #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0502 #include <windows.h> #include "HID Input.h" #define MAX_LOADSTRING 100 RAWINPUTDEVICE Rid; USHORT usVKey; …

Member Avatar for AhmedHan
Member Avatar for perlsu

I use Win 32 API for thread creation : unsigned long _beginthread( void( __cdecl *start_address )( void * ), unsigned stack_size, void *arglist ); How do I pass the multiple parameters to arglist? Thanks a lot. Rgds, perlsu

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for perlsu

I use CSocket with send() and recv() to send and receive structure packets of type Packet as follows: class Packet { int dataLen; char data[1024]; } packet; I tried but the received structure elements contained garbage. What would the code be on the send and receive sides of the app …

Member Avatar for sark4_rahul

guys, I have a big problem. I want someone here to just read the charecters from the attachment to another file using c. The file is AES encrypted.Forget the encryption.Just read those encrypted chars and write to another file. thanks.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for perlsu

Hi all, My csocket program is as follow. The program run properly but the server don't wait the message from client and the client also don't send. Can anyone help me what's the problem in client server communciation API. Thanks a lot in advance. #include <afxwin.h> // MFC core and …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for SkyFlyer1312

I have a program that need some help. I've attached a zip file for the codes. The main problem is that I need to have the RoomRate edited2 (that must include the friend and overload function) work with the main function. Any help is always very much appreciated. :?:

Member Avatar for perlsu

I'm trying to compile a program and the 3 linker errors I get are: Linking... nafxcwd.lib(thrdcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __endthreadex nafxcwd.lib(thrdcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __beginthreadex Can anyone help me. Thanks., rgds, perlsu

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for thinhbk1802

Hi everybody. I have a problem with my program. I want to make a program that can display the Fibonacci, but the number of term i must display is 2147483647. So there is a float number problem. How can i do it with fast speed.

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, the code is quite big so I'm hoping someone can help based on the errors reported: [quote] D:\Scanner\lexicalScanner.cpp(185) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'char *' to 'char' This conversion requires a reinterpret_cast, a C-style cast or function-style cast D:\Scanner\lexicalScanner.cpp(197) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello guys. I've got a query which is most likey really simple. I've got an array of char's thats : char temp[10] = "abcd"; I'm wondering why I can't put these into char a; since char a = 'abcde' would be legal right? Or can a single char only hold …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for muthuivs

I am now trying to print the output to a RTF template that will defintely work since I have my formatting saved in the template but once my program writes to it , the formatting in the RTF is all deleted. Any Idea how to get around that? It doesn't …

Member Avatar for andrax

I'm writting a program where I need the coordinates of the mouse when it's clicked inside the client area. For some reason, the coordinates seem to be in base 21, maybe higher (I've seen the character k). I'm not sure why this is happening. Here's the mouse section of the …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for darkstar80

hi! im writing some code about a banking system i have done so far the classes and functions to create account, save date in a text file find account by last name show account info and although i can read from the file the amount of a client i cant …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for kharri5

I know I've been posting a lot into this forum with questions that might seem....dumb, but I am learning a lot actually from those questions and the help I've been given. Many thanks( mostly to Rashakil Fol. I salute you sir!) The latest and greatest problem, is that I'm not …

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Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, I've been asked to make my own user defined type. when we've got this on an imput stream (a+b+c$) the a = ID b = ID c= ID how can I say that when its not a reserve word assisn ID to the a,b,c? I know this is a …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Nedals

I'm attempting to build a simple listener, preferably without a Thread, but I am lost. I have a working listener in 'console' mode but I need one that works with MFC. It should stay open indefinately - (until I send a shutdown message) This is my initial non-working attempt. It …

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, I've got this array defined as a global just to test... [code]char RW[100];[/code] but its giving me grief when I try to use strcpy with it... I'm putting since varibles and longer ones too thats all I can think of as the cause of my problems .. error quote: …

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for pietromele

I have a huge set of small objects that work differently, but with a common interface. They have to stay in the same container. I cannot use templates, because I need run-time polymorphism. **Run time efficiency is critical** Can anybody tell me which of these options is the most efficient …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rasheed1982

Hi I Have One Doubt. Is It Possible To Find The Large Value In A Set Of Numbers Without Using If Statement? Plz Give Reply To This

Member Avatar for rasheed1982
Member Avatar for Nurul Dee

i have a problem to simulate program on array-based list :rolleyes: :sad: .The array can store 10 integer value.The application should be perform basic operation such as inserting,deleting and displaying the array's content :rolleyes: .Any extra operation are welcome.The application should promt user a menu as follow : 1)insert value …

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for cesarmas

Please can somebody help me .......... I have no idea on how to implemenet a program to benchmark functions such as insertion , deletion and iteration and deuqe. I know that I have to use the clock_t function but I can not figure out, if I need to call the …

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for ani_manit

Hi I am in III yr engg. Any1 wid any programming experience on steganography and/or Virtual Private Networking, please help. Your valuable suggestions are welcome. Also please suggest any other good topics for a minor project. I am out of my wits at this.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for michika

hi.. just want to ask if <fstream> is really needed in making a program for round robin scheduler? im currently taking my os class and our project is to make a code for RR.. :?:

Member Avatar for michika
Member Avatar for muthuivs

Anyone know what function will copy contents from one folder to another, I know the source folder and the destination aso I dont have to use the mkdir. Any Ideas?

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for K_te_J

I am converting some code from C into delphi pascal and have come to a brick wall. As my understanding of C is quite limited i am unsure of what '%*.*ld' is doing or how to do the same thing in Dephi. The full line is a bit long to …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for yoshi4483

I'm trying to write a pseudocode for finding the area of a trapezoid. Is this right? THIS IS THE GIVEN INFORMATION Write a Fortran 90 program to compute the area of the trapezoid. Upon execution of the program, the user (you) will be prepared to provide the lengths of the …

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Member Avatar for btech

I have a question about hashing. If you have a hash table that is 101 in size. and the items are inserted into the table using quadratic probing. I want to insert a new item with address 30. If position 30 in the hash table is occupied and the next …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for muthuivs

Good Day, As u can see I have been away from programming for a while and I have a task that desperately needs me finsh a program. I am trying to use the rename(arg1,arg2),feature of c to rename files on the system. Since the path to these files are long …

Member Avatar for muthuivs
Member Avatar for server_crash

I have a matrix class which there are matrix objects. I want to call `.value(int,int)` directly on the matrix objects and set the internal 2d vector to the value on the right side of the equal sign. Here is what I want to do: new_matrix.value(row,col) = 0; Here is what …

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The End.