15,548 Topics

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Member Avatar for aripaka

Hi, Probably everybody know that sound() function in C produces sound thru the PC speaker. I want to code a program in C to play sounds thru stereo speaker. I learnt that we need to make extensive use of ports. So whats the concept of ports? I also want to …

Member Avatar for calcop
Member Avatar for YoTaMiX

Hello you all!!! I got an Assignment to sort a Randomized Dynamic 2D Matrix of Integers , Snake style : for Example : biggest number in row 0 , after it follows (beneath it , vividly) the next number : 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 …

Member Avatar for YoTaMiX
Member Avatar for matika

hiiii i'm new using opengl when i was trying to do some transformation using glRotated(45,0,1); for example, it do the tranformation on all wht i've drawn on screen ex. if i was drawing a rectangle and triangle they both rotate at the same time while i want on the triangle …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for atrusmre

Is there a way to make a MFC application have Network capibilities without using windows sockets? If so, anyone know of a good tutorial?

Member Avatar for calcop
Member Avatar for drock9975

just a simple question that has been driving me bonkers for a few hours, but I'm new to MFC and haven't encountered this until today I've implemented serialization in my current project and set the modify flag appropriately... when I select "New" or "Exit" in my menu the program correctly …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for server_crash

I'm trying this: char info[50]; myfile.getline(info, sizeof(info) ); double my_double = atof(info); It seems to work, I think, but I'm getting an error when I try to print out the double. It says no matching function for ostream& << &double. Can anyone help me with this?

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for zenoen

here is my problem main.c:17: error: parse error before '{' token main.c:27: error: parse error before string constant [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <c.h> #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define kmll 200 #define Kzll 0 int myint,any,go; int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { (myint, …

Member Avatar for zenoen
Member Avatar for wigster84

If i have a set of numbers: [B]48098, 50933, 3128, 323, 42, 5[/B]..etc how can i convert them into integers? I have an example of a code ([I]see below[/I]) that will convert one number, not the whole set. So, im having trouble trying to convert a set of numbers seperated …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for trinath

Hi all, I have a problem in handling files through C. here is the problem im having: i will query the database (for instance consider employees table ) for empno,ename,job,salary fields.The query returns me some 100 of rows. now i need to place them in a file in row wise …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for zenoen

im learning c and need help learning this concept and what it does [code]#include <stdio.h> #include <c.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> int rollone(void); void printrolls(int rolls[]); void printx(int howMany); int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { int rolls[ 13 ], twoDice, i; srand (clock() ); for …

Member Avatar for zenoen
Member Avatar for DotNetUser
Member Avatar for masa

Hi if you have a file on c drive under a particular folder how can you open it [code] ifstream input(filename); [/code] if your file name is available in c drive on myfile folder (filename=" C:\myfile\hi.txt") :idea:

Member Avatar for masa
Member Avatar for Aldin

Hi see this code [code] #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 1024 #define MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH 32 typedef struct max_min { char maximum[MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH]; char minimum[MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH]; } m_and_m; [/Code] [code] enum data_type{enumber}; [/code] in your main program did this [code] m_and_m max_number; FILE *fp; int result; /*Open input file*/ fp = fopen("read.csv","r"); if (fp != NULL) { …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for masa

hi if you use [code] rewind( FILE *in); [/code] what you can use for [code] I/O stream library ifstream in(ff.txt); [/code]

Member Avatar for masa
Member Avatar for plus

hey, newbie here.. how do i store a string which is taken from integer :?:

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for masa

Hi when I was looking on some thread, a question :?: comes to my mind, when you have a file like the one Log.csv from Aldin post, do you need to put it in a dynamic array to get the max and the min and the date..etc. or you can …

Member Avatar for masa
Member Avatar for Ahzraei

I have a base class (call it A) from which I have several derived classes. A has a CArray<A*> data member (dynamic array of pointers to A objects). When adding an object of B (class derived from A), none of B's data members show up when the object is accessed …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Aldin

[qoute] If you have a folder called Data in your C drive, in Data folder there are day_01.txt, day_02.txt ,……………………day_30.txt . you need to build a program that called the file according to it previous date, so if the date 2/10/2005 you have to call and open file day_01.txt. Notice1: …

Member Avatar for masa
Member Avatar for iamlearning

I would like to create a macro to convert a variable string into the UNICODE (16 bits). Example: [B]#define UNICODE ("xyz") [/B] - It will return 0,'x',0,'y',0, z at compilation time. The size of parameter to the macro can be any length. Thanks for helping

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for TimC

I am having a small problem removing ALL items from a linked list. I have written a function that will remove all discharged patients from the linked list. [code] [COLOR=Red] for(int a=1;a<(S.size()+1);a++) { int x=S.retrieve_status(a); if (x==5) { S.remove(a); } }[/COLOR] [/code] in this function I check to see if …

Member Avatar for TimC
Member Avatar for zenoen

[code]#include <stdio.h> #include <c.h> //int main (int argc, const char * argv[]); switch (1066) { case 1066 printf( " Battle of Hastings"); break; case 1492 printf( "columbus sailed to some place" ); break; case 1776 printf( "The decleration of indipendence was written and signed") break; defult: printf( "something happend but …

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for bops

Hi, I am trying to get the file size of a .exe file in C, I have tried using the GetFileSize(); function using the CreateFile(); function to get a handle for it, but the value returned is a DWORD and doesnt seem to work when i output it. I want …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vitoto

Hi, some expert can help in make code for protect specify process. Maybe some HookAlert the this APIs : GetHProcExe FindWindow GetWindowProcessID OpenProcess ProtectEx WriteProcessMemory GetProcAddress When try get infor the SPECIFY PID, is posible ? Check Program AntiHook 2.5 the InfoProcess.

Member Avatar for hanuma4

if we use short then we can save memory.But eventhough if we use short it occupies 2 bytes of memory so how can we save memort?

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for thehakan

int p(int x) { if(x<3) return x; else return p(x-1) * p(x-3); } say m(x) is a number of multiplication operations that the execution of p(x) performs. what can be recursive definition of m(x)?? Answer should be (x-1)*(x-3) . Am I wrong?

Member Avatar for thehakan
Member Avatar for taha umar

[U][B]Problem Statement: Write a program that adds two matrices A and B of order 2X4 and store the result in third matrix C and C is stored in a file “result.txt

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Benfried

Hi everyone, I'm beginning to learn about progamming and I'm currently working through the seminal 'C Programming Language' which is excellent, but I have a problem regarding functions. My understanding of functions in C is that they return a value. For example: [code]x = func(a, b);[/code] ...would set x to …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Dabdob

Hi guys… I want to write small program in C printing three or more people in array..how? please write to me the syntax as I am very poor in C.. How to define the name? and accept the conformation from the user? Either by yes or no The printing should …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for nabil1983

Trying to understand how to do this Q. Can some explain using O-notation, how would i analyse the efficiency of the two algorithms below. ? Assuming that the critical operation is compute and size is the size of the array. 1) compute(a[1]) + compute(a[2]) + compute(a[3]) + compute(a[size]) 2) for …

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Member Avatar for comwizz

I am having this problem with precedence of operators. Its with the increment and decrement operators. [code] int i,j=1; i=(j++)+(++j)+(j++); [/code] this evaluates to 6 instead of 7 . Why does this happen. It would be of great help to me. Thanks, comwizz

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The End.