15,548 Topics

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Member Avatar for akki_freak

greetings folks, #include<stdio.h> #define T t void main() { char T = 'T'; printf("\n%c\t%c\n",T,t); } just check what is the output of this program and puhleease tell me reason whyit happens so?? :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for SNA

Hello, If I want to check my algorithm if it works good in every cases so can i check very outer cases and then I can conclude that my algorithm works well in all cases?

Member Avatar for perniciosus
Member Avatar for sheldonhigh16

i am doing a project on computer programing and i need someone to be working in that field to answer some of my questions......... Here are the questions: 1. What degree do you need to be able to work in Computer Programing? 2. Is this job hard? 3. Is this …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for SpS

We can call static member function through both class name and objects...but we generally use class name to call static member function instead of objects.... Is there any performance benefit in it by using class name or is it just to remove confusion by not calling through object

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for ban26ana

I don't really understand arrays. I'm getting myself quite confused here. I have to answer a bunch of questions regarding a 2x3 integer array t. Here are the questions that I'm still having a problem with: 1. Write a nested for structure that initializes each element of t to zero. …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for ilikerps

How does one reset an array, to make it retain its size but get rid of all data it has stored? Would one do it by setting all the array values to '\0'?

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for nabil1983

Ok i've tried understanding some previous posts but im just finding it really hard to work with structure passing to other functions and sorting. Can someone please explain in a simplistic on how i can pass structure to a function that sorts the structure by 'Year' or 'Artist' Below is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for loganb

Ok I'm working on a class project for C programming and I'm having problems opening 2 data files I need. When I execute the code it gives me the error opening files message. To execute I've been getting into the proper directory and then typing finalproject population path finalproject is …

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for nabil1983

Ok i decided to start from scratch for my CD database. I've created an array structure, i can enter the fields, but for some reason it dont display to screen neone know why please??? also how can i add an option to either add more records or just quit . …

Member Avatar for perniciosus
Member Avatar for vicky_dev

Hi, this program is supposed to print the first word of a string ( the whole string could be a single word as well. But it gets stuck in an infinite loop :!: : [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { char *str = "This is a sample string"; …

Member Avatar for ajit.nsit
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, For easy to use I've uploaded the code as a zip. Basically it compiles but everytime I push something onto the linklist, it doesnt want to go. I know this since when i get to the print function it prints '15' '15'. instead of the date objects defined in …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for Dabdob

Hi everyone.. Have you ever head of Ruby programming language? Waiting your comments and help

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for nabil1983

Hello I done the program below for a CD database but im having a few problems with some of the functions can someone please help me out here ,, :: First this is when i enter a record i can enter the first set but when i try to enter …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for diddle

I would like to sort the temp.txt contains like the following. 1_r0.png 1_r10.png 1_r100.png 1_r105.png 1_r15.png 1_r150.png 1_r155.png 1_r160.png 1_r20.png I want the sorted result to be 1_r0.png 1_r10.png 1_r15.png 1_r20.png 1_r100.png 1_r105.png 1_r150.png 1_r155.png 1_r160.png like the above. Anybody can help me? I used sort -n temp.txt sort.txt But …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for atrusmre

I have a MFC application that uses a menu, I want the menu disabled by default (easy enough), but what command do I use to reenable it? I tried [CODE]GetDlgItem(IDM_FILE_TEST)->EnableWindow(TRUE);[/CODE] The program runs up until it executes that statement, then it crashes. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for atrusmre
Member Avatar for pokerponcho

I'm programming a text based game and I'd like to turn it into a cell phone game. Unfortunately I don't know how to do it and I can't find any books on this. Does anyone have a book idea? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for johnray31

could anybody tell me that how could i read (i.e scan) a image with the help of c program i want to scan a image tht is taken with the help of a webcam (for scaning i want to take the pixels in an array and thn want to manipulate …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Loopah

Is this possible? I would like to have a user input a sentence, and then have each word in that sentence be put into its own array.

Member Avatar for Loopah
Member Avatar for snl_edupuganti

Hi, I am new to this group... Can any one help me regarding this Scheduler project? I attached the question regarding the project. Thanks in advance... sri

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for TimC

Dear All. I have a small problem with the code attached. I am trying to add an object to a linked list. When I try to compile I am getting an error. For the life of me I cant figure out the error. this is after 5hrs of head wrecking …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for free_eagle

hello people... I don't know what to do and how to do to improve my programming skills. i really need your help , advice and suggestions... you see i have been studying programming for a few month and since the time i started i just read and had very few …

Member Avatar for free_eagle
Member Avatar for tyczj

ok so here is what im doin. Given a square matrix, write a program that determines the number of white(numbered) blocks and total number of squares in each of the white blocks. By definition, the outside boundaries of the matrix must be shaded(0). A block of white squares consists of …

Member Avatar for tyczj
Member Avatar for h46

hi I'm trying to create a program in c that reads in words and prints them out backwards, e.g. hello would become olleh. I want to do this using a linked list and getchar to get the characters. I know I need to insert each single character at the start …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, instead of using an array of objects I'm wanting to use an link list of objects. Could anyone point me in the directions? One class is called: Personal information... The other is my link list. I'm stuck on how to get the link list to take an object as …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Mistro116

If you would be so kind to go to this url, where I have already posted my problem and give me some tips on this forum or on the one already posted: [url]http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=387067[/url] Thanks in advance, P.S. This is really urgent, and it is probably a small problem. Some updated …

Member Avatar for Mistro116
Member Avatar for peter_budo

Having strange behaving programs,at the bottom you can find them, but here is short explenation. Main program will present a menu from which you can pick operation to do. When I choose 1 it is suppouse to create file of certain name(not exactly, you have to complile score.c program and …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for nabil1983

Does anyone know wether i can convert a Java written program to C? Thank You

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for SNA

what is the target of pointer to function? when do i use pointer to function? :?:

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for ToySoldier

Need help in finishing this problem. I was doign ok at first but somehow ran into 2 compile errors. Now I'm tired and going in circles. I need a fresh pair of eyes to look it over. This is my first time doing arrays. [code]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> …

Member Avatar for perniciosus
Member Avatar for drew010

ive made a dll in c, and it gets called with visual basic. in vb one of the parameters i pass is the address of a vb function. i can get the dll to run the function fine, but i need to put that address into a struct to pass …

Member Avatar for perniciosus

The End.