15,555 Topics

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Member Avatar for geegoo!

hallo reader, I ve been trying to improve my algorithms skills and tools lately. So, i ve read about the big O and little o notations, but i couldnt really get them Especially the little o.. so if you could explain them or even direct me to a link where …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for kennyk

Hi, does anybody have an algorithm in C that approximates the probnorm functions that one finds in SAS, for example. I'd hate to build the table from scratch. Probnorm function is the P(X <= x) where X ~ N(mu,sigma^2) So, Probnorm(1.96) = 0.9750 and so forth. Moderator edit: No requests …

Member Avatar for potential

hi guys! please help me... :cry: i really don't know how to do this... part of the specs in my program is to show values after i used some formulas...but i need to make it such that i can scroll down/up to view my results, since i'll need to display …

Member Avatar for potential
Member Avatar for kloony

Hi, I wrote a program in C and when I compiled, got the following message (word for word): Error: Unresolved external '_EDGE' referenced from C:\Graph\Test1.OBJ The funny thing is that the error is not the usual compiling error that tells me which line of my program has the error. That …

Member Avatar for kloony
Member Avatar for f_escobar82

I am writing a Win32 Console application and I need to change the font size to 18x10 pixels. I think this can be done with a function in windows.h but Im not sure which one or how to do it.

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for fopah

i am trying to make a program that displays to the screen the prime factors of a given number. i have it all the way to the prime number checking i dont quite understand how to extract the prime numbers any help would be much appreciated

Member Avatar for Asif_NSU
Member Avatar for odee

should i use [COLOR=Green]#define[/COLOR] or [COLOR=Black]const[/COLOR] in declaring constant variables?? which one is better? when should i use [COLOR=Green]#define[/COLOR] or [COLOR=Black]const[/COLOR]? for example when i declare a hexadecimal (0x01), should i use [COLOR=Green]#define [/COLOR]or [COLOR=Black]const[/COLOR]?

Member Avatar for odee
Member Avatar for evilsilver

hey all, my problem is this, i recently learned how to play a midi file in the code snipet area. but i couldn't figure out how to get the program to switch sound files when i want. idealy i would like to have one file start out in the beginning …

Member Avatar for hopeolicious
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for _Dan

How would I go about making a loop to search through the entire RAM? For the purpose of finding lost data, or saving it to disk for later examination...(i'd like to code some sort of ram viewer similar to a hex editor). Thanks!

Member Avatar for jonnie83

I am creating a program that automatically inputs a file into it simply by the user entering a name. the program then marks the file by incrementing a counter everytime a key word is found. I think is can be done by string find but i'm not sure how to …

Member Avatar for LoS_RoOcKoO

Hello, i want to write a program to print out a table showing time in 0.1 sec, soldier’s position, arrow’s position, and the distance in feet between the arrow and the soldier every tenth of a second until the arrow hits the soldier or he escapes, if he was X …

Member Avatar for steveh
Member Avatar for hopeolicious

I want to create a program and send the information i come up with to a data file which already has something in it for Ex. in my data file I have student names and other stuff and in my program i'll find the letter grade of the numeric score …

Member Avatar for harshchandra

I m trying to design a animation like code....somewhat like object is moving from one place to other.....i need just to clear out any specific portion of the screen...is there any command in C for such ....and if not wat else i can do to erase a specific portion ?

Member Avatar for dallin

I have a Distance Structure that includes Miles, Feet, and Inches. The user inputs these amounts 3 digits for miles, 4 digits for feet and 2 digits for inches. Not all of the time the user will input the full number of digits, when the user doesn't input the full …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for {{unknown}}

Hi… Please I Need To Know How can I Display All The Topics Which I Added By Sorting In Option 3? I Programmed The Option (Case3) 3 To Display All Da Topics but I Need To Put Them In Order. Please Can Anyone help me In Adding The Code In …

Member Avatar for {{unknown}}
Member Avatar for Tresa

can someone please explain to me 1) the difference between getline and gets(). 2) why sometimes when getline is used along with some other cin statements it skips some of the cin statements. :sad: 3)what exactly does the array of structures do? please help me out with this.

Member Avatar for Tresa
Member Avatar for dallin

I'm using the abs() function in a probability calculation using float and int variables however I'm getting error messages. What I'm trying to do is get a decimal answer using abs() but it appears to only accept integer variables? How do I get the abs() to give me a a …

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for dallin

I have a column of floating point data that I need to right justify and align the decimal points. Help. Data looks something like this. 30.768 1.345 .430

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Foxtildawn

help! im trying to input data from a file into an array. I cant figure it out...this is what i have: inData.open(fileName.c_str()); int i=0; while(inData) { inData >> T[i]; i++; size++; } thanks

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for allomeen

Hi i'm trying to concatenate two char and i keep getting core dumpped: char *user = "name"; char *temp = "USER "; strcat(temp, user); if anybody knows what i'm doing wrong please let me know. Thank u

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for akila

I have a simple program to figure out the single machine precision (epsilon). According to C, float precision is 1.2e-8, but I'm getting the double precision, 2.2e-16. I can't figure out how else to force single precision? [code] void main(void) { float eps = 1.0f; while( eps + 1.0f != …

Member Avatar for murschech
Member Avatar for H4_Extreme

Hi all..I need urgent help please because I am going to hav my computer science practicals tomorow and i hav to submit my project tomorrow. I hav made a small graphics program. In the program a person chooses any video cassettewhich he wants to buy and after he chooses the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for akila

This may be trivial for most of you, but I've been scratching my head as to how to convert real numbers (ie 5.375) to binary. Actually, I'm trying to convert the real number to 32-bit IEEE binary format, but I'm just working with trying to convert it to binary for …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for ysong00

I created this 2d array consisting of morsecodes: char m[57][6] = {".-..-.", "", "", "", "", ".----.", "-.--.-", "-.--.-", "", "", "--..--", "-....-", ".-.-.-", "-..-.", "-----", ".----", "..---", "...--", "....-", ".....", "-....", "--...", "---..", "----.", "---...", "", "", "", "", "..--..", "", ".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Index

Hello everybody, I have a problem with libpng library, I am trying to use my own memory allocation routines. So, as stays in doc, I define PNG_USER_MEM_SUPPORTED and want to use png_create_read_struct_2() instead of png_create_read_struct(). png_create_read_struct_2 takes following parameters: [CODE]png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct_2 (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, (png_voidp)user_error_ptr, user_error_fn, user_warning_fn, (png_voidp) user_mem_ptr, user_malloc_fn, …

Member Avatar for Index
Member Avatar for kloony

I have the following list-processing interface which I save as .h file. I don't see anything wrong with it but everytime I compile, it says that the declaration in line 2 is missing ";"..........can anyone please help? my code is: typedef struct node *link; struct node{ itemType item; link next; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mad_cow01

Hi i'm new here and tommorrow i'll be doing some project in computer science so i need a template/outline of a triangle.h file, thanks in advance ; )

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for Kate

hi there. I've been battling with this for a while now, and really need some help!! I have five files full of 100 numbers each, they are labelled 1.txt, 2.txt up to 5.txt. I want to read these files in and put them all in an array: `files[5][100]` so I …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for mr_mooz

Hi I have an array of float and i need to mask the values. I want to be able to get arr[x] and arr[x+1] and then mask them and recombine them results in a radom order (im doing an evolutionary algorithm!) But i cant get the masking to work, it …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

The End.