15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for BountyX

Does anyone know how to have a windows program accept command line options? For example a terminal program just needs a parameter in the main function to accept command line parameters, how can I do the same for a windows main functions, since parameters are already there?

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Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello from what i can understand about function is that you need the prototype , then you need some kind of call function in the program and then the delcared function. Well I've done that but it doesnt want to work :( #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> using namespace …

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Member Avatar for PriyaJaiGanesh

Hai! I tried writing a stack program using the concept of templates. It worked well for the int,char and double.But when i tried to pass a complex class error occured. Is it possibleto pass a class to the template class? If so what is the syntax for doing it? I …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hi I know pseudo code is not a generic language... I've google about a little and found different / similar words with the same meaning, however I'm a little stuck on the "toss = 1 + rand() % 2" Which basically looks at the system clock ,creates a random number …

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for cancer10
Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for fakhre

hi ppl i am fakhre, and i am new, not only at your web but also in 'C' language. will any one of u will help me, i need a simple code written with while loop to convert binary to decimal. your frnd Fakhre.

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for unikiller

I am allitle confused about shell sorting , how exactly is it done ? Say I have an array of 25 , 15 , 20 ,40,9,2,4,5,100,1 The next step would be gap1/2 , which would be 5 right ? so then it would look like 2 15 20 40 9 …

Member Avatar for Nabs

Consider this function: double find_distance (const stud &pnt_1, const stud &pnt_2); stud is a defined structure. What is the point of calling pnt_1 and pnt_2 by reference if 'const' is included at the begginning, making the value remain constant? I mean, when we call by reference, its only to change …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for RaulC

Iam suppose to make a program that creates an employee database of names, addresses, and phone numbers. the user to search by name for an employee in the database. if the name is not found output a message to that effect. so far I have this but its giving me …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for Mooonky

I have to make a C program read ordinary text (a sequence of lines) from the program's standard input, and print it with each line reversed from left to right. It has to be no longer than 80 symbols and it should read until it gets an EOF. Im stumped …

Member Avatar for anastacia
Member Avatar for netjet

[i]editing function messed up this post. For more information, feel free to PM me. Sorry about that! --alc6379[/i]

Member Avatar for netjet
Member Avatar for serfurj

i've been reading a lot of the posts here to help me learn C. the problem is, much of the code is written for other compilers (i use gcc). i didn't know there was compiler-specific code until i tried to compile code from questions asked here. this seems so backwards, …

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Member Avatar for k1d

SHORTEST-JOB-FIRST , PRIORITY , ROUND ROBIN I need the idea of each of the above algorithms as flow chart??? please help me

Member Avatar for k1d
Member Avatar for riturajraina

Hi! I am developing a project in which i want to run 2 programs simultaneously in such a way that when the user runs 1st program,the 2nd program gets called from the 1st program and now both the 1st program and the 2nd program start executing simultaneously. For ex :Suppose …

Member Avatar for varunrathi
Member Avatar for RaulC

I have to make an assignment for my class I ve done 9 assingments already but this one got me lost. How can I do it? New concepts reinforced: Pointers 1. Create the function GetEmployeeData. 2. Call the function above passing as arguments the addresses of Name, Id, RateOfPay, and …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for kiki021600

This is the code I wrote for a calculator in C #include <stdio.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; int value; int total; char operator; total=atoi(argv[1]); for(i=2; argc>i+1; i=i+2) { operator=argv[i][0]; value=atoi(argv[i+1]); if(operator=='+') { total=total+value; } else if(operator=='-') { total=total-value; } else if(operator=='*') { total=total*value; } else …

Member Avatar for jifiii

Hello, I am trying to write a tee filter in C language, almost like the UNIX utility. But I have no idea where to begin can anybody give me a direction I should start in.

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for irish

I am taking a class in C and I am having a problem bringing an int through scanf. I have to create a function that will check a date in this format (MMDDYY). So I have set up a scanf for the users input and then I bring it into …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for dalaharp

hi, in turbo C the maximum array size i am able to specify is array[250][250].. what should i do to enlarge this size to say..array[512][512].. i dont know a thing about memory allocation, so please help me out/.. :-|

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Member Avatar for tyalangan

Hey everyone. Been doing C for a little while now and this website has helped me in advancing my knowledge and skills in C programming. I have another question now... it's really bugging me actually... I'm trying to make a program basically just encode and decode. It seems too simple …

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Member Avatar for sherbertmonkey

Ight im kinda stressed now i have this program due in like 3 hrs but im gonna turn it in late! I would show you my progression but its just the frame work of my thoughts and nothing on it answers my question. I have to creat a calendar using …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for missy

this is the beginner again how do u display one of three user-selected shapes, ('T'=triangle, 'D'=diamond, or 'R'=rectangle and 'X' to terminate). using a switch statement. please help me with the following. prompt user to choose a shape, using a switch statement, then, choose the appropriate code/function required to prompt …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for lizjci

im studying programming fundamentals..I dont know what is the commands and syntax of c language, pls can u give me some definition and information about c language...thnks!!!!!!!!! ;)

Member Avatar for Sphyenx
Member Avatar for erin21gobra

I know it refers back to variable but I have never seen it used before, could someone please explain :o void change_item( diner * d, float *total ) { int item_num, quantity, new_item_num, new_quantity; float price; display_items(d); do { printf("\nEnter item number to be added : "); scanf(" %d", &item_num …

Member Avatar for serfurj
Member Avatar for Archer

Is my code correct??? I would like to find the percentage like for example: 30pcs of 60pcs is 50%. But how do I code it??? I mean, how to code to get the PERCENTAGE... Is the formula: (num/total) * 100 ??? Is this correct: [code] for(x=0;x<3;x++) { y=total[x]; p[x]=((float)(y/grand))*100; } …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for thatsalok

Hi All, In one of my project, I need signed Key Algo. As crypto always go miles over my head. So if any provide me nice pointer or source code. Let me explain looking for this type of thing. Using user name (any name) I generate the Keythat key I …

Member Avatar for potential

guys, i need your help. please... i need to make a function which compares 2 values if they are equal up to 1,2,3,4,5 significant figures. it needs 3 parameters: x1, x2 (the values to be compared) and sf (the # of sign. figures) i think i need to subtract x1 …

Member Avatar for anastacia
Member Avatar for Reagan

I am trying to get a program to draw a sine curve (from 0 to 2pi). It takes 8 lines to draw the complete curve. However, the user can choose to use up to 100 lines to make the curve smoother. How do I get the program to calculate that? …

Member Avatar for nvanevski
Member Avatar for jifiii

Ok, for a lab I have to write the UNIX more filter in C, but I have got everything done execpt one thing. I only hvae it to where it can read 20 lines at a time. But what I want to do is if argv[1] == -Pxx where xx …

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Member Avatar for indranil
Member Avatar for frrossk

The End.