15,551 Topics
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The aim of this assignment is to write a program that simulates a small collection of computers on a Lan sending messages to another small collection of computers on another Lan. There is a Wan connection between each Lan. This introduces the concepts involved in simulating a simple Lan-Wan-Lan connection … | |
This code works to access the whole file, but need to access the primary key. Please help! Thanks! :mrgreen: #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <tchar.h> #include "ODBCWrapper.cpp" //make sure you include the namespace using namespace ODBC; int main(void) { MDBConnection link; if(link.Connect("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Chester Mayle\\My Documents\\My … | |
Hi, I am very new to C, and also to this forum, so please bear with me. :!: :o I am trying to create a console astronomical program, and I need to know how to convert radian numbers to degrees. I would appreciate any help. | |
I don't how to description this puzzle, just like this: [code] int *fun_num() { int b = 123; return &b; } char *fun_char() { char *b = "123"; return b; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int *pfun; char *pchar; pfun = fun_num(); pchar = fun_char(); cout << *pfun … | |
I am to write a program to read a non-negative integer n and call function add_it() to calculate the sum ... If n is 5, the sum 1+2+3... would be computed. n must be less than 8943923. Use a for loop, rather than the summation formula. I am to put … | |
just a quick ques :P lets say i hav five names in my input file. i wanna read the 3rd name in my program. how do i do it? (remember i dont wanna read the whole file..i know how to!) | |
Hi, I just started a program containing every single prog we have done for school so far and added some private stuff. Searching through my older files I found a prog which lists all Integers between 1 and 255 and their respective ASCII char, so I decided to include it … | |
hey! ....i'm creating a lo0p program right now. and i'm on the finishing touch part. i want the program to ask "[B]press any key to continue[/B]" and when the user inputs any key, it'l return to the top of the loop( a while lo0p). hope you can help me ... … | |
Hi, I want a generate a node that consists of three integers but I want to store these three integers in bits and not bytes e.g if the node has the values 4,3,2 in integers it will be stored as 00000100-00000011-00000010 but if I store them in bits then they … | |
Hey Everyone Right now I am writing a file that needs a queue defined as a class. The queue has a function called 'front' that should return a reference to the front element of the queue. Needs to be a reference so the element can be altered. Bloc is a … | |
Hello, I am new to this site, found reference through google.com. I am attaching a sample code. The variable “file_nm | |
i want to make a matrix with specified numbers and the time of occurance of the the number is also pre-selected. i cant find a way, please help me. | |
Im trying to find the circumference of a circle and the area whe i runn the program need help starting and help with area can some one help please Im new and dont have a clue with c :sad: | |
Im writing a programme in graphics mode using BGI.I want to get inputs from user and display it on screen,like text mode does.But fuctions such as scanf() cannt work any more.Can anybody give me a solution? | |
would there be any drawbacks, or would it simply be bad form, to divide the implementation of a particularly large class into several files? | |
What I'd like to know is if there is a way to tell how much space I have available in the stack and put that size into a variable. ie long x = [stacksize] I think I may have a poor understanding of how memory management works, so forgive me … | |
I just wanted to post this thread and let you guys know that I really appreciate the help you have given me. Your advice was great!! | |
I'm useless at programming so could someone help with simple programes for calculating the aresa under a curve ie "Integral" and one for reading words from an infile sorting them alphabetically and prenting to an outfile?? | |
troubled about this: i need help on how can i display the number of times a value appear in array ex: number[3][3]={{1,2,3},{2,3,4},{3,4,5}} 1 appeared 1 time(s) 2 appeared 2 time(s) 4 appeared 2 time(s) simple tips would do....thanks | |
Just wondering about the best way to capture keyboard input from a CEdit or CComboBox control. Any ideas from those who have already invented this wheel would be appreciated. Thanks! | |
Hi I want to know... can we able to create array of files and how ????????? | |
how to increment file pointer .... suppose i want to read the 1st possition in the file and then the 64th position ..how to do that?????????? | |
Our instructor asked us why its important to be able to replace values in a pointer........Here is what I came up with... By using a pointer, a block of memory is allocated at runtime, therefore a program can be more flexible than one that allocates all its memory at once(read … | |
PLzz guide me.....How can i produce MIDI sound through external speakers using sound card.. | |
I need to make a program for school and I have no idea how to make it. I am supposed to do: [QUOTE]A right triangle can have sides that are all integers. A set of three integer values for the sides of a right triangle is called a Pythagorean triple. … | |
I had such code to copy three 2D arraya around by using pointers like below, but it seems all three pointers are pointing to the same memory address. How can I get it correctly? float **U_past, **U_future, **V_past, **V_future, **U_pp, **V_pp; In construct : U_past = new float*[a]; //a=100 U_future … | |
I need help in creating a program in C which tells whether the user pressed the Insert, Caps, Numlock, Alt, Ctrol, Left Shift and Right Shift... I would appreciate any help. | |
Hi, I confess I am stuck. Can anyone see a problem with the following code, to be run under Linux, compiled with g++ ? #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/times.h> int main () { struct tms tmp; times(&tmp); printf("stime %d \n",tmp.tms_stime); printf("utime %d \n",tmp.tms_utime); return(0); } The code compiles and … | |
How do I make a greeting a named constant rather than a literal constant? | |
I have a problem which is outlined below. I get an unhelpful memory dump. I have 2 questions. Why doesn't the memory dump contain the line number as it should. And why am I geting memory dumps without ever using new or malloc or any such functions. This is being … |
The End.