15,554 Topics

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Here is what I have so far. #include <iostream.h> int main() { int i, total[3]; int myValue[3][3]; myValue[0][0] = 53000; myValue[0][1] = 5; myValue[0][2] = 1; myValue[1][0] = 89000; myValue[1][1] = 3; myValue[1][2] = 2; myValue[2][0] = 93000; myValue[2][1] = 3; myValue[2][2] = 3; for (i = 0; i < …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Alfy

i am suppose to multiply the two matrices together using a for loop, but the only way i can figure it out is by using printf( a[0][0] * b[0][0] + a[0][1] * b[1][0]) 4 times to find each piece. Please help. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i,j,k; int a[2][2]={{1,2},{3,2}}; …

Member Avatar for Waskar
Member Avatar for trashed

[CODE]// Calcolo formula per Legge di Murphy ([url]www.andreagozzi.com[/url]) // Inclusione librerie in directory di sistema #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> // Funzione Main() main() { // Dichiarazione delle variabili float urgenza; float complessita; float abilita; float frequenza; float importanza; float e; // Impostazione variabile e fissata al valore 0.7 …

Member Avatar for trashed
Member Avatar for Alfy

write a function begins(string1, string2) that reurns true if string1 begins string2. Write a program to test the function. program: #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> char begins(char sentence1[],char sentence2[]) { int i,j=0; for(i=0;sentence1[i]!='\0';++i) { if(sentence1[i]==sentence2[i]) j=j+1; else if(j==i) printf("True\n"); } return(0); } int main() { int i, j=0; char string1[100],string2[100]; printf("Enter a sentence:\n"); …

Member Avatar for Alfy
Member Avatar for rmerchan

I am getting a -NaN message and I don't understand why? The program so far compiles okay. But prints "the value of lat1 is -NaN." Any help would be greatly appreciated. # include<stdio.h> # include<math.h> float get_lat1(); int main (void) { float lat1; get_lat1(); printf("the value of lat1 is %f …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for HollywoodTimms

I gotta write a program that reads a file and determines a customers priority number. The program then builds a priority queue using hte priority number and prints the list of people waiting. Here is what I have so far int main() { int myValue[3][3]; myValue[0][0] = 53,000; myValue[0][1] = …

Member Avatar for HollywoodTimms
Member Avatar for minnie

[B]Is it possible to convert from VB code to C and what is the best way to do this?[/B]

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bemrag

thank you for your replies but, I can't open the program. program doesn't work. If you have any different ideas please contact me. thanks....

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for zoey

Hi can any one help me with the code to reverse 2 strings with [B]unequal[/B] number of characters in them...read the first line and secondline relpace the second line with reversd first line...and replace first half with reversed second line... thanks, zoey

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Fleetfoot18

I'm suppose to execute the program in cmd prompt like this: fifo.exe data.txt However, I cannpt even get the program name which is fifo.exe. I found out that argc (parameter of main) does not even go to 1. It shows -1 instead. Why is this so? Anyone can help me?!?! …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for ooicheesan

:( ...hello there..currently i am doing the serial communication between my Vb at comm 1 with my PICDEM 2 PLUS BOARD..so i manage to send my data to the board to light up the LED but the data i send back by the board to VB that is "ok" to …

Member Avatar for felcris_pf23

hi!do you know how to make a program in C that can run the "*" 1.from left to rith? or 2.from rigth to left? 3.up to down? 4.down to up? 5.combination of all... pls...pls...pls....pls...help me.. :sad:

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for jaeSun

i havent been able to find anyone to help me .... i am looking to create a queue .... i cant use a stack, as that is LIFO (last in, first out) ... but i need a FIFO (first in, first out) .... i have some code for a stack …

Member Avatar for jaeSun
Member Avatar for ray96

Hi! I had 1 problem in C, now I have another one. :o Please bear with me. I am learning the C language. Please run the following calculation in a scientific calculator. When the "=" sign is shown at the end of the calculation, be sure to press the = …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for michal

Hi, I get this message when the program shold exit the main function. I think that the problam could be in that function (that is being called from main): void scanFileToMat( ifstream mFile,int arr[43][43]) { string m ,s; int pos; double sign; int col, value; getline(mFile,m,')'); while(!mFile.eof()) { mFile>>sign; arr[numSV][42]=sign>0; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for hansamurai

I have to write an algorithm that decides if two structs are structurally equivalent. This is more theory that real programming so pseudo-code in something that sort of looks like C would be fine. Basically I have to compare scalers, arrays, pointers, and structs. So if anyone can provide any …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for tonja1196

I have a lab to create a loop to determine the positive divisors of an interger and then determine if the interger is a perfect,deficient, etc. I am having trouble determining how to write the statement to determine the divisors of the numbers. I believe the % operator is used. …

Member Avatar for tonja1196
Member Avatar for felcris_pf23

[FONT=Arial]undefined[/FONT]how to make a program than can run the "*" 1.from left to right 2.right to left 3.up to down 4.down to up? 5.combination of all.... pls... help me... :-|

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for tkeineetse

The program to compute the area and perimeter of an arbitrary triangle using the formula: Area=sqrt[(s)*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)] where a,band c are lengths of sides ands is the semi perimeter. s=(a+b+c)/2. I m making a lot of errors where i dont know what to do.

Member Avatar for Cain
Member Avatar for Chester1

I,ve been on this page for only a week, and I got help from some one that took it upon Himself to go way beyond to help Me, His Name is clartsonly on on DaniWeb.His Rep is a lot high than what it is and if I had it my …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Him3

Hi, I have to complete a project as the part of my curriculam. The Title is[b] "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & HUMAN RESOURCE EXPERTISE DATABASE FOR A SOFTWARE COMPANY"[/b]. If anybody knows nything abt this then pl let me know. I want to know the how should I integrate 2 topics IP …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for aviral82

hi all , i have to create an ellispe the inputs are major axis , minor axis , and the angle of the major axis the ellipse needs to be tilted. thanks aviral

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for plasmafire

need to do the conversion as said above. eg. "one thousand five hundred" --> 1500 1500-->"one thousand five hundred" upto billion.. tried using this logic.. separate billion, million, thousnd, units..made std fn fn_conv(){ convert to hundredth place.. then store to var.. million, billion ..} then print in format.. ("%d,%d,%d,%d",billion,million,thousnd,units); but …

Member Avatar for plasmafire
Member Avatar for dooda man

I want the user to use the four cursors up,down,right,left. i tried to use getch() but it didnt work because the four have the same ASCII code which is 224, so i cant diffrentiate between them plz any one tell me how to make the user use them aam and …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Minky

online address book to keep track of names, addresses, phone numbers, and date of births of family, friends and business associates. the program should be able to handle any amount of entries by using linked list and pointers. :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Erica

My program is reading the last line of data from an infile twice. When I execute the program, the last line of data is being displayed twice. Please Help!

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ellas747

I'm having problem writing code for a program that estimates the value of the mathematical constant e by using this formula e= 1 + 1/1! + 1/2!... I just cant get this to work. Can someone please help

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Chester1
Member Avatar for Chester1

NEED some one to help me Access a Primary Key in SQL for MS, with the primary Key Being ST with a AutoNumbering of 23, HOW can I :cry: ? SEE code from YESTERDAY Chester1 at 09-28-2004-05:02pm.Thanks for the help!

Member Avatar for matika

#define ENDFILE "CTRL-Z" this end the file whenever the user enter CTRL-Z what i need, i want the user 2 enter CTRL-X to end the program #define ........ "CTRL-X" ( what could i write here) so the program end whenever the user press CTRL-X

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The End.