15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for galmca

hi guys...... i have a problem in writing a program of "how to delete the duplicate elements in an array" for example....if i enter an array like: 10 20 30 40 30 then it should print: 10 20 30 40 so could plz help me out????? i have attempted little …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for marwanessa

[B]Dear all I have what same body to answers this three question PLZ :sad: (1) The brief history of evolution of 'c' language. :sad: (2)The advantages of this language among other available languages :sad: (3) Why it was given the current name 'C' PLZ nooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww[/B][COLOR=Red]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=5]undefined[/SIZE]

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Etarr

Im stuck on these functions. How does one start to write a function to print out a set of 4 different patterns? So far ive gotten to the point where im using void PrintPattern(int pattenrsize, int patternnumber, char patterncharacter) now im lost as to how I read in the size …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for gpleonar

I need to write a program that will enter integers until 0 is entered. then the program needs to return the highest integer and the lowest integer. How do I return those integers.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for bemrag

hello everyone I changed the program like that but it still give me error please help me. [code] #include <stdio.h> int main () { char A; char G; double a,b,c,d ; double X,u,Y ; double campus,company,telecom,other; double q,w,r; double h,j,t; char P; char C; do { printf("Please enter the chosen …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Simplicity

How can I have different food items in a snake game? This is a piece of the code I'm given: [PHP] void display_food_at(int8_t x, int8_t y) { set_display_attribute(31); display_character_at(x, y, '#'); } [/PHP] I believe I have to add something somewhere around it..???

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for kimimaro

hi I wonder if array can be work along with structure? Below are the declaration of my structure struct employee{ char ID[15]; char Name[20]; char Department[5][30]; int selection; char Post[3][30]; }; struct employee record[200]; I was wondering could if there is anywhere you can : struct employee{ char ID[15]; char …

Member Avatar for Simplicity

Can any1 help me in this: [COLOR=Red]To the "Snake game" i'm working on, I need to to add a bonus food item that appears at random times in random positions and dissapear after a fixed time.[/COLOR] I really don't know what to do and not even where to place the …

Member Avatar for bemrag

hello everyone I need help to correcting and executing the program I wrote the program but program gives some errors like; warning C4013: 'printf' undefined; assuming extern returning int warning C4013: 'scanf' undefined; assuming extern returning int : error C2046: illegal case : error C2046: illegal case fatal error C1004: …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for nicoletonyf

Hello there, I have to overload the subscript operator to return the largest element of a collection, the second largest, the third largest, and so on. I don't really understand what to do. Do I have to create an array and sort it? What the output will looks like? I'm …

Member Avatar for jwstickley
Member Avatar for hopeolicious

It took me about 2 days but I got it lets see if you can do it. Challenge ends on October 27 the program will then be posted for you viewing The program is designed to write a three-structured program in structure form with data members and member functions. In …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for sachin kumar

Hi All I' m a new member of Dani Web Community.my problem is with nested linked list implementation.when i insert second node in linked list, it always overwrites the first. my declarations are as follows: struct dataset { int key ; char value[30]; struct dataset *ptrdataset; }*ptrd; struct geometry { …

Member Avatar for ZuK
Member Avatar for navyblue

Hello everyone ! I am a China student and I am a programfan. So I wanna to learn program,but there are many english book in my city! I feel study program so hard because my English is very poor! So I want to make a friend who come from you …

Member Avatar for smarkles
Member Avatar for prachi

hello frds, i am provided with assignments for evaluation of stack (i.e conversion of prefis ,postfix, infix into each other) i tried for a long time and had to go for searching on net i need it urgently .plzzzzz if any1 knows it let me know prachi

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Simplicity

[COLOR=Blue]Hey guys, For the snake game, I need to use different colours for the snake and food. At least two different colours must be used (other than white and black). How can I change the colours? I tried many ways but none did it properly :sad: ![/COLOR] This is the …

Member Avatar for Simplicity
Member Avatar for nicoletonyf

Hello there, I have to write a program using three classes. One for the input, a second for the transaction, and a third one for the report. Can I write the three class definition in one header file? Can I write the three classes in one .CPP file? Can I …

Member Avatar for Ejaz
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hi ladies and gentlemen, Gotta question, I have a program in wich I make a small array of 100 random numbers wich are smaller then 1000! Like this: # define MAX 100 void srand(int tabel[MAX]); void srand(int tabel[MAX]) { for (int i=0;i<MAX;i++) do tabel[i]=rand(); while (tabel[i]>1000); } This of course …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for jaeSun

ok, I have an assignment ... it requires the use of pthreads .. i pretty much understand it, well, sorta .... the assignment is to read input from the command line (input redirection) from a file the file contains a list of numbers, 1 per line, 50 total numbers max …

Member Avatar for Sanirsanir

hi guys, Anybody tell me a site where free system available on C language. Thanks in Advance, Sanir

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for tendekai

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iomanip.h> FILE *fp1, *fp2; int count; struct record { char name[20]; int empnum; char depart[20]; float hours; float rate; }; void main() { clrscr(); record h; int acount=0,adcount=0,scount=0; float grosspay,totalg=0; float tax,totalt=0; float health,totalh=0; float pension,totalp=0; float netpay,totaln=0; float deductions; fp1=fopen("employ.dat","r"); fp2=fopen("payrol.dat","w"); count = 0; printf(" ""Page1\n"); …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for smiler

write a programm that define a linked list class , the program use this class to manipulate students data acadmy to the following options: 1- add new student . 2- remove student. 3- list all students data. 4- search for student data using ID . 5- search for student data …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for dex

hi how can i create animation on pulpit ? i can draw on pulpit : GetDC(0) but i can't refresh my picture on pulpit (clear pulpit) who can help me

Member Avatar for tendekai

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> FILE *fp1, *fp2; int count; struct record { char name[20]; int empnum; char depart[20]; float hours; float rate; }; void main() { struct record h; int acount=0,adcount=0,scount=0; float grosspay,totalg=0; float tax,totalt=0; float health,totalh=0; float pension,totalp=0; float netpay,totaln=0; float deductions; clrscr(); fp1=fopen("employ.dat","r"); fp2=fopen("payrol.dat","w"); count = 0; printf(" ""Page1\n"); …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Anu

Hi again, since my last thread I proceeded a bit and in the meanwhile took a closer look on Mode13h. I started programming some simple games like Snake etc, but I'm stuck on a specific function I couldn't discover yet: I need a getch(); which aint actually waiting for the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Jpowers22

Recently we have been asked to create a hybrid sort based upon quicksorting down to a certain point and insertion sorting from then on. We are to calculate the efficency based upon previous tests. I had very little problems implementing a quicksort algorithm, but for the life of me, I …

Member Avatar for subtronic
Member Avatar for jasweb2002

I need to write a class using a vector and this is my first time using vectors. But I have looked through several books/web pages and can't see why this thing won't compile. #include <vector> template <class el> class pQ { public: private: vector<el> a(1); }; Any ideas. There must …

Member Avatar for jasweb2002
Member Avatar for skywing

Is there a way to change the button's shape from rectangle to circle like those in Windows Media Player ? :?:

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for cblue

Does anyone know how to get a loop to display the numbers across the screen in groups of 10 usin a while loop? for example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 etc.....

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for jasonburgess

Hey guys, Could you help me with this particular program, say, named wsh (wimpy shell) that reads commands from standard input, executing them one at a time. After starting the process to run a command, wsh waits for the process to complete before processing the next command. For example, the …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for arizona24

program of strack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I,m Arvind .I have problem in stack programming,please tell me how to enter no's in a stack and how to check for overflow & underflow using push & pop function. arizona

Member Avatar for Narue

The End.