15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for AussieBob

I want to create labels from strings in the following manner: for(j = 0; j < 5; j++){ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){ myLabel->Caption = CHAR(j + 65) + (i + 1); } } This is to give me A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 B1, B2, B3, B4, …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I have tried to write my sorting function but keep on getting error messages. Ive been reading the tutorials on this forum wich explaines alot but I'm still having lots of trouble in comprehending how pointers work and more important, how that I can correctly write …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

I need to add a recursive function, called [B]findaverage()[/B] into BST class that takes as input the root of the BST and returns the average of the entire integer items stored in that BST of integers. Plz help me with this function especially without using any static variables.

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Member Avatar for nowmn

sorry my bad english and maybe if u can write this source so give me ? (use a stack and tree) :cool:

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for liliafan

Hi guys It has been quite a long time since my last post, but I am having some very weird behaviour on a program I am writing and I was hoping to get a little community feedback ;) I am writing a class that basically opens a pipe to ksh …

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Member Avatar for mattcplusplus

Hi i need an explanation of the following array declaration: GLfloat colours[][3] Why are the square brackets empty, does it imply a default value? so it has say 1 row and three columns? Thanxfor your help in advance it is much appreciated

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for harshchandra

In easy to understand language can someone explain the premise behind Big O notation ? :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for Jpowers22
Member Avatar for jifiii

I got a question one of my friends asked me to make a program that you type in the number 1-27 on the command line, and get the corresponding letter for it. Like if you enter 1 as the arguement you would get an A as an output, and if …

Member Avatar for harshchandra
Member Avatar for Alfy

[code] struct student { char name[20]; int age; int id; }; struct student *sp, st[3],temp ; void sort(struct student *p) { *sp=st[0]; p->age; for(i=0; i<3; i++) { if(st[i].age<st[i+1].age) continue; else if(st[i].age>st[i+1].age) { temp=st[i]; st[i]=st[i+1]; st[i+1]=temp; }break; } } /* switch case junk */ case 1: /* sort by age */ …

Member Avatar for Alfy
Member Avatar for naya

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]undefined[/COLOR] hi, i m naya.i m student of telecommunicatin engineering.i have a lot problems in "C PROGRAMMING".plz tell me the codes to find max,min values....to print factorial of a number...how copy an array to other.....to print tables of numbers....n how to swaps in array.. plz they all codes should be …

Member Avatar for harshchandra
Member Avatar for missy

how do you convert to binary. i have to write a program that will prompt the user to enter an unlimited(user defined) number positive intergers, the program will convert each positive interger(base 10 value) into its equivalent binary representation and displat each conversation. to exit the program, the user is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for dcving

[COLOR=Red]How do I get the student names in all lowercase chars except the first letter which is capitalized?[/COLOR] [code] #include <fstream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main() { // Step 1: Declare ofstream OutFile; int NumStudents; int NumChar; int NewScore; char NewChar; // Step 2: Initialize OutFile.open("C:/Scores.dat"); …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for rishiraj_bayerd

Hi all, i want to read a dat file (vedio file) by a C program. But how it possible ? Help me with some basic tutorial. I am waiting for reply. Thanking you... regards rishi

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for idr1978

Can anyone help? Instead of outputting the decimal 1.75, C outputs 7/4 as 1.0000. I very much need to obtain the exact decimal product of integer ratios to 2 decimal places and then compare it to another decimal number. For example, if (7/4 > 1.25) printf("Yes\n"); else printf("No\n"); --> So …

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Member Avatar for Gingras_Man

These two programs: I would like to combine them. I wish to have an image shown under one of the menu choices. :D

Member Avatar for Gingras_Man
Member Avatar for missy

Write a program that will prompt a user to enter an integer between 2 and 999, inclusive. As output, the program will display all prime integers between 2 and the user-input value. This program will use a process of “cancellation

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for see_moonlight

I just want to print my data to a jpg or bmp control on UI , e.g. i got data: x y 1 20 2 10 3 30 How to print data in JPG or BMP by C? not only can be used in windows, but also can be used …

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Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Domainstop

Can someone please tell my why the following won't compile? } void main() { I'm pulling my hair out! Kevin

Member Avatar for Tresa
Member Avatar for monicaden

`vector <point> polygon;` this is my prototype for a class called polygon: `polyg & operator=(polyg& pg);//5` here is the directions: > make An overloaded operator = with a reference parameter of type polyg and a return type of reference polyg. > First make sure its not the same object because …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Alfy

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int i,k,type; char buffer[100],l,line[50]; struct student { char name[20]; int age; int id; }; struct student st[2],temp,*sp; int sort(struct student *p) { *sp=st[0]; p->age; for(i=0; i<l; i++) { if(st[i].age<st[i+1].age) break; else if(st[i].age>st[i+1].age) { temp=st[i]; st[i]=st[i+1]; st[i+1]=temp; }break; } printf("\t\tsorted student information\n--------------------------\n"); printf("%d",st[i].age); return(0); } int main() …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for SelArom

it's really frustrating to be looking in my textbook and see something like [CODE]void apd(vector& a, int j, int n) for (j = vector[a]; n > j; j--) j++; [/CODE] I would change it to something like [code] void functionName(vector& theArray, int position, n target) [/code] that way I know …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for kiki021600

hi I am trying to write a simple cat program in C but am getting very confused. I thought i knew where to start but I dont. the assignment says: You will be writing a simple version of the program "cat". It must accept as arguments any number fo filenames. …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for toadie2004

This is my project: Read the data one line at a time and store them in two different arrays. Pass the first array to a function that sorts the array in ascending order using selection sort. Pass the second array to a function that sorts the array in descending order …

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Member Avatar for winds

i'm try to do a fingerprint verififcation system with minutiae matching, function include threshold, thinning, and ridge detect. can any1 help and giving sample code??

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for zack_rage

im studying programing fundamentals. I dont know what is the commands and syntax of c language..can u give me some information and tutorials about this c language....coz, i can't find any website about c language, is there any tips on creating basic programs..thnks!!!!!

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Member Avatar for Jessicaal2004

The program I'm writing has an opening screen explaining what it does. I need to display the square root symbol to show the equation the program is using and I have no idea how to. Could someone explain how to

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

I have a weird situation. Suppose a string will be entered as an input. using the getchar() function i count the number of characters the string contains until a new line character is encountered. So i know the size of the string. And then i try to allocate enough memory …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Programming sta

i have been asked to write a program to detect 3 classes of virus and remove them in any language of my choice but i do not have an idea how to do this and would much appreciate if some one please advise me!!!!

Member Avatar for jasweb2002
Member Avatar for souphmars

here is the class i am using, and my main program that i have started-i need to use the LltC class as u can see-i keep gettin an error sayin list1 undeclared identifier-somebody please help-thanks

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The End.