15,554 Topics
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I am trying to get a program to draw a sine curve (from 0 to 2pi). It takes 8 lines to draw the complete curve. However, the user can choose to use up to 100 lines to make the curve smoother. How do I get the program to calculate that? … | |
Ok, for a lab I have to write the UNIX more filter in C, but I have got everything done execpt one thing. I only hvae it to where it can read 20 lines at a time. But what I want to do is if argv[1] == -Pxx where xx … | |
plz help to give the code of finding mode 1 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 6 8 5 4 | |
Hello everybody! My name is Given and I'm new to these Forums. I have been given an assignment by my c programing teacher and I don't know where to start can somebody helpme? I have attached my question here. | |
Hello, I have a project which involves basic implementations of linked lists, in C. First though, I have to read the information from a file, which contains all different types(int, char, float) which is my problem...after i read the information into the nodes, it should be smooth sailing.. I was … | |
Hello All I am new at this website and I hope I can be a good memeber. I have a question about C programing language. I need to change the decimal point of a double for example: If I have a doubles with 5 decimal digits 123.45678 234.12345 34.34567 I … | |
I have done a bit of physics programming and linked lists before. Anyone want me to post a tutorial on it??? would be about single / doubley linked lists, a bit about quick searching and simple particle physics if any1s interested...? | |
Hello everybody!I am a new to C.My lecture asked us to write a program with pointers.But I do think I get stuck on pointer's stuff.Can anyone please do me a flavour?It is kinda urgent stuffs. The following are the questions: Write a program to dispense change.The user enters the amount … | |
I can't figure out how to keep it from running off the array and going crazy. I tried a few functions, but they either get rid of my output or funk it up. I want the knight to be a 3 the kill spots a zero and everything else a … | |
Can anyone help me on strings??? I am a newbie and I have a problem dealing with string(school thing). ---------------------------------------------------- A program that checks if the substring "the" exist in the string inputted by the user. * Use a function for checking. ----------------------------------------------------- I'm in a big trouble right now... … | |
[code] Graphics In Pixel Part II B 'Realization of an Enigma' [/code] Introduction ------------ Life's unfair, writing good tutorials take a lot of time, not typing it, but thinking up the content does. Life's fun too, I had quite a good time learning new stuff. My hobby at present is … | |
I am trying to write a program that takes a series of numbers input by a user and performs some calculations on it. While I have most of the code put together and working perfectly fine, I haven't been able to write code that will refuse the users input if … | |
Does anybody have a source code for the MORE filter used on Linux, because I am curious as to how it works. | |
Hi, i'm working on assignment i did part of it and i need help in some functions which are : add(Ta) and remove(int i)// an exception is thrown when adding a duplicate entry or when deleting with an out of bound index i . the instructor gave us the main … | |
I have this program but a liitle confused about getting the loop to work. i have to write a program that inputs a text and a search string from the keyboard. using a function strstr locate the first occurrence of the search string of the line of text, and assign … | |
The Absolute Beginners Guide to C by Greg Perry. Its been very easy to understand so far, im on chapter 3 so far, as I only read on a day. I have to say he did a great job putting the book together, its published by SAM's but not all … | |
Hi I am using a recursive map. The class and data structures are given below. While trying to insert a node in hash map I am getting unhandled exception. typedef struct Item { char *text; char *Id; }ITEM; class Node; typedef class Node NODE; class Node { public: hash_map<const char*,NODE … | |
I need help with an initializer issue -- the following code works well: extern int i1, i2; typedef struct { char ch; int * * array; } qq_str; static int * a[] = { &i1, &i2 }; qq_str qq = { 'c', a }; However, I would like to remove … | |
Greetings everyone... I'm new to Standard Template Libraries thus I'm encountering problems now and then... I managed to get some examples on integer lists to work but the string lists give me nothing but grief... What I'm trying to do is to read a series of words from an input … | |
Hi Everyone I have to write a grep program in C and I am not sure where to start. :?: I need to use strstr() from the standard library, and get it to work; but I dont know how to do that. And that's only half the program, the second … | |
Hi everbody! Sample problem: program1 has a poiter that point to a block memory in PC memory. program1 write the address of block memory (the pointer) in hard disk. program1 still run. program2 start. program2 read the pointer (address of block memory) in the hard disk. Now program1 and program2 … | |
Man! I totally forgot the code this SORTING thing and now, I don't know how to do it again. I think having a vacation from programming was a bad idea... Any help contributions??? please... Here's the problem : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A program that sorts the ten (10) input values either in … | |
When I try to scan in the selection the program will not then let me scan in the string to encrypt. If i take the selection function out then the program does exactly what it is suppose to do. Any help would be great. Thanks alot Ryan [code] # include<stdio.h> … | |
please help me guys. | |
The program to be done; > Team Wins Losses Ties PF PA +/- > Blue 0 0 0 0 0 0 > White 0 0 0 0 0 0 > Red 0 0 0 0 0 0 > Black 0 0 0 0 0 0 > Green 0 0 0 … | |
I want to take integer inputs separated by spaces and terminated by newline character. suppose the user will be inserting integers this way 123 566 789 45 34 8999 341 57 67 and then the user presses enter. so the program will read all the integers when the user presses … | |
I have a program that outputs the first 30 numbers of the fibonacci sequence. My declaration to hold the integers works and the loop to calculate them works but I am trying to output them 5 elements per line with a field width of 10. I have the field width … | |
can anyone explain this programing codes? proc1.c #include <stdio.h> int main() { int fork_return; fork_return = fork(); printf("PID=%d, PPID=%d, fork_return=%d\n", getpid(), getppid (), fork_return); sleep(10); /* wait for 10 sec */ return 0; } proc2.c #inlcude <stdio.h> int main() { int chpid=fork(); if (chpid < 0) { printf("ERROR\n"); exit(1); } … | |
Write a program that will read the file, Address.txt, which I have provided. It contains names and numbers with no spaces between. Write the same data to a new file with the numbers right justified in 12 spaces and with 3 decimals. (file): Pete Moss25.33 Sara Bellum78.45 Harry Legg 76 … | |
I am trying to make a command line calculator, and I made up a partial code for it, just for adding numbers, I am jsut taking it one step at a time. But I am suppose a number then a space then the math function then a space then the … |
The End.