this is the beginner again

how do u display one of three user-selected shapes, ('T'=triangle, 'D'=diamond, or 'R'=rectangle and 'X' to terminate). using a switch statement.
please help me with the following. prompt user to choose a shape, using a switch statement, then, choose the appropriate code/function required to prompt user for details and create shape.

if user selects 'R' (rectangle) the program will propmt the user to enter the width and height of the rectangle, and display the character.

the character can be (* or $).

i don't know what to do with this, i don't even know how to start off. can someone help me. this is not homework.

>i don't know what to do with this, i don't even know how to start off.

Try: int main() comes to mind.

>this is not homework.

You're being employed to write this? Look for another job.

this is the beginner again

how do u display one of three user-selected shapes, ('T'=triangle, 'D'=diamond, or 'R'=rectangle and 'X' to terminate). using a switch statement.
please help me with the following. prompt user to choose a shape, using a switch statement, then, choose the appropriate code/function required to prompt user for details and create shape.

if user selects 'R' (rectangle) the program will propmt the user to enter the width and height of the rectangle, and display the character.

the character can be (* or $).

i don't know what to do with this, i don't even know how to start off. can someone help me. this is not homework.

A month ago you posted the same question ( Didn't you try to do anything in this time?

>i don't know what to do with this, i don't even know how to start off.

Try: int main() comes to mind.

>this is not homework.

You're being employed to write this? Look for another job.

I'd rather think her employer should look for another programmer and sue her for damages caused by faking her CV.

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