15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for squizzel

Hey all, this is a pretty basic program that will take a use submitted array and call functions to find the max,min and then a function to reverse the array. I have the first two functions written and working but I am having trouble with the reverse array function. The …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for deriweb

Hi everyone just wanted to ask: 1) How to transmit captured data through the internet from point a(sender), then get it to point b(receiver) in steady but fast format? "probably simmilar to Http or voip and close to ATA voice adapter without to much coding and hardware involved" I think …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for Krokcy

Hey! So i have started learning c, quite refreshing when i normally code in Java :) I have this task where i need to store three int values in an unsinged int via bitwise operators. Its for a RGB picture where the colour is limited to 256. I have done …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Faiza akmal
Member Avatar for sruthi atluri
Member Avatar for nitin1
Member Avatar for equation

Hi everyone. My question is how to copy values of 2 arrays from one function into 2 new arrays into another function? Copy data from arraay1[i] into arraay3[8] and from arraay2[i] into arraay4[8] ? int onefunction(int araay[]){ ....... ....... arraay1[i]; arraay2[i]; } int twofunction(int araay[]){ arraay3[8] = {0}; arraay4[8] = …

Member Avatar for nitin1
Member Avatar for equation

Hi everyone! I have a problem with a program - game of craps. The game plays with 2 dice. On the first roll the player wins if the sum of the dice is 7 or 11. The player loses if the sum is 2.3 or 12. Any other roll called …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for soujanya.bhat.184

Hi.I have written this code which capitalizes 1st character of each word in the string.All other letters of the word has to be in small letter.But i am not getting desired output.Plz tell me where i am going wrong.. #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { char string[]="hI i aM sOujanYa"; char string2[20]=""; …

Member Avatar for soujanya.bhat.184
Member Avatar for straylight

Hello, I am very new to C and having the hardest time with arrays. I am attempting to find a pivot point in a sorted array for example { 1 2 4 5 9 } might become { 5 9 1 2 4 }. I am thinking it should be …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for niyasc

I have made a simple socket program so that client can connect to server by specifying ip of system in which server is running. And in server we can type characters which will be received by client and client will store it in a file. I want to clear some …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for deceptikon

Encoding and decoding functions for RFC 4648 compliant base-64. The code is written in standard conforming C11 and backward compatible with C99 (pre-C99 is *not* supported without code changes).

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for volkang

Hi, I encounter an assertion error on my thesis while trying to write a line to a file. The related code is pasted below. The funny thing is that this code runs maybe 5000 times and i get the error at 5001 th time. Thank you very much for any …

Member Avatar for volkang
Member Avatar for Ahmed Sarwat

I really hope that you can help me installing and configuring Eclipse CDT and MinGW-w64 on my windows 7 64 bit pc. I swear that I am not asking this question as being lazy for not searching but really I have been searching for almost 2 days with no success. …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Nomi55

i m new in c language.plz tell me which compiler is the best GCC or Turbo c...?i m waiting

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Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hi, I am wondering if there is a somewhat simple way to output extended ascii values in c. Basically I am thinking actually about unicode characters, stored in ints. Is there an easy way to do this, or would it require a custom gui console?

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for donial

I want a simple data structure project using C ........ Any one please give me idea.... give me a title....i am very confused....:confused:

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for sebass123

Hello I am having trouble with my project crashing for every case. We are told to read in a data text file and store into structs and create a linked list of data and allow a user to choose from 4 menu options. I am completely new to linked lists …

Member Avatar for sebass123
Member Avatar for wschamps42

Can somone please explain to me what does fork() != 0 mean? From what I understand I think it means if fork is not false? Or if fork is true then.... I dont understand how Fork() can be true or false, seeing that it just creates a copy of a …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for Faiza akmal

Im new 2 c language..which compiler is the best f0r c language?gcc and turbo c

Member Avatar for nitin1
Member Avatar for Soup12

Program Does Numerical Integration For Data Sets Located in an Input File. The Code has to be All C language no C++ Paste Bin Link to The Full Code http://pastebin.com/NRVDqxdj Could Someone Help Me With This: Calculate the total area under the curve for this data set, starting with an …

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Member Avatar for straylight

I am very new to C and I am hoping for some pointers. I am attempting to take an input of 7 integers of an array and search through them to see if any number appears only once. Here is what I have so far #include stdio.h #define ARRSIZE 7 …

Member Avatar for straylight
Member Avatar for soujanya.bhat.184

I am new to programming.I have written this code which arranges the words in reverse order i.e., if input is "I Am Sad" output should be "Sad Am I" but am not able to get where i am going wrong so plz help me. here is the code #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for xIXZeroIXx

hello everyone, im new in here and im having a headache with my program,the thing is that i need to get a input from the keyboard and then separate it using strtok but have to separate the tokens using 4 diferent cases and in each case i need to print …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for michelle1

Hello, Can anyone recommend an [U]light weight[/U] IDE for C development? Preferably open source, but definitely free. (for Windows) It doesn't need to have its own version control - I'm using subversion - a plugin to subversion would be nice but it okay if it doesn't. Currently my colleague is …

Member Avatar for Abdelghafour
Member Avatar for narendharg

Hi , I would thank you for replying for my thread, I would like to know about [B]static functions [/B]C language,what is the use of static functions. Narendhar Gomathirajan

Member Avatar for nitin1
Member Avatar for nitin1

actually, I was thinking arbitrary that i should make my own sizeof function. till date, i have made many many my own C functions which are also defined in C libraries. but i got strucked in sizeof operator desiging. can anyone give me hint how to start with this ? …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for RozenKristal

So my assignment is make a dynamic array to read integers from a file, which the first integer is the size used to create a dynamic array. But I am lost at how to specifically take the first integer. main(int argc, char **argv) { float average; /* SET this variable …

Member Avatar for nitin1
Member Avatar for samohtvii

Can someone tell me how to write ` void readBinaryTree(BinaryTree *&p, ifstream &fin) {` in C ... `void readBinaryTree(BinaryTree **p, ifstream *fin) {` `readBinaryTree(&p, fin)` ??? Thanks

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Abhineet.Ayan

Hi All, I am somewhat confused about how to put this before you, so pardon me if it creates confusion in your head. **Requirement**:: To write a removal Tool for a Software. **Language**:: C (preferred), C++ (Will do), Windows API (Will also do) **Problem**:: The problem is where and how …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for adrawat

This is a basic question, but I can't seem to understand how this works: Suppose I pass a structure pointer to a function, do I need to malloc memory for this passed pointer inside the function? e.g., typedef struct example_data_ { int serial; char *name; } example_data; int main() { …

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The End.