15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for cortiknee

I need to figure out how to append an int to a string, so basically i need to convert the int to a string 1st, but I cant figure out how. :rolleyes: any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you, courtney

Member Avatar for dverex
Member Avatar for chandrasekhar p

`Inline Code Example Here` **how to run the c program on note pad shall any one give me answer**

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for I_m_rude

What Can I do so as to stop compiler not to do padding in the structures ? is there any pragma or something like that which i can use ? thanks in advance. now, "ANY" response will be appreciated. :-D

Member Avatar for I_m_rude
Member Avatar for I_m_rude

The publicity team for Technozion is in full swing. Like every year, this time too, the team is planning to visit N different colleges in India. This publicity campaign shall involve the members of the team giving presentations about Technozion. For the publicity trip, the team has decided to come …

Member Avatar for I_m_rude
Member Avatar for Ahmed Sarwat

Dear All, I have a question about array which let me confused and I think it needs deep understanding of arrays. I would like to know why it is possible to use array of char as pointer without a fixed size and also without dynamically allocating memory for it and …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Mahkoe

I've used malloc countless times, but as far as I know, reading and writing to memory that isn't expressly yours (which is in fact done by the malloc function) causes a segfault. If I wanted to make my own dynamic allocation functions my computer would probably just laugh at me …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for murtazamzk

Hello guys this is an amazing programming that converts entered digit into word.nut i need your help i am only able to do it upto 99. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n,m,j; clrscr(); printf("Enter any number between 1 to 99 : "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("You entered "); if(n>0&&n<=10) goto one; …

Member Avatar for soumava28
Member Avatar for Swati_1

please help me understanding the following program? int i= -1, j= 1, m; m= i++ && j++ || i++; printf("%d %d", i,m);

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for rocky2008

Can anyone explain the difference between * ptr++ and ++ *ptr ? To my understanding, * ptr++ increments the pointer and not the value pointed by it and ++ *ptr increments the value being pointed by it. Does the former mean incrementing the address of the pointer ? Please explain. …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Subodh11

plz help me to solve the error in this program : Given programs replaces multiple spaces with only one space... there is no error , but it shows "Segmentation Fault"...whats the issue ????????? #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { char *t="ALOK KUMAR ASHISH KUMAR ANKUSH"; char *c; int n1=0; while (*t) { …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shanki himanshu
Member Avatar for I_m_rude
Member Avatar for ronnel09

#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> void main() { int iRows; clrscr(); printf("Enter a number :"); scanf("%d",&iRows); if(iRows>0) { for(int iResult=0,iCount=0,iRows; iResult<=iRows; iResult++) for(iResult=1,iCount=0,iRows; iCount<=iResult; iCount++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); }//for getch(); }//main please help me to correct my source code: i should make a program like this: * ** *** **** ***** . . . …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for rahul pareek
Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for samohtvii

I am looking to create a binary tree and then print it out. I am getting some strange errors I cant fix. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> struct animalTree { char data[100]; struct animalTree *left; struct animalTree *right; }; typedef struct animalTree aTree; void fillTree(FILE*, struct animalTree*); int readNext(char*, FILE*, int*); …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Prisms

Hello everyone I'm having a bit of trouble with C. Its been awhile and I was wondering if I'm on the right track I'm trying to read from a file and manipulate the data with a structure I created. The problem is the first two values in the text document …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for I_m_rude

hi.... Let F be the matrix 1 1 1 0 Then F^n (2x2 matrix multiplication) equals F(n+1) F(n) F(n) F(n-1) because: (F(n+1) F(n) ) (1 1) = ( F(n+1)+F(n) F(n+1)) (F(n) F(n-1)) (1 0) = ( F(n)+F(n-1) F(n) ) Can anybody tell me or give me the hint that how …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for abrarsyed

hello frends, i m havig a problem with the deletion of node int the tree plz help me to get my code debugged void delete_node(struct node *temp,int data) { struct node *temp2=NULL,*temp3; if(temp->data==data&&temp->left==NULL&&temp->right==NULL) { temp=NULL; } else { while(temp->data!=data) { printf("\n temp = %d",temp->data); temp2=temp; if(temp->data<data) { temp=temp->right; } else …

Member Avatar for Despairy
Member Avatar for chandnigandhi

can anyone please help me out with creating simple screen editor using graphics functionality in c language.

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for I_m_rude

float* values = calloc(m*n, sizeof(float)); float** rows = malloc(n*sizeof(float*)); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { rows[i] = values + i*m; } What is this code trying to so ? Can you explain me the first 2 lines in detail ? I am not getting it. thanks.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Perry31

Hi Geeks, i have declare Char *a type variable and i want to fill data in a[0][n], a[1][n], ... a[max][n]. below is my code snippet which i'm facing build error while initializing. I'm getting build error as ".....subscript requires array or pointer type " ......... char *a; a = (char*)calloc(3,sizeof(int)+3);//trying …

Member Avatar for Perry31
Member Avatar for jigar23

Hello I am getting error as **segmentation fault** when my file contains large number of line(approx. 44000. However if I run the same program with lesser number of lines, it works fine. I am not getting the reason for this error and how to rectify it. int main() { FILE …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for billionair
Member Avatar for Gaiety

hi, i have seen somany people asking about fnding loops in a single linked list. i would like to know is there any advantange or necessity for having loops in a linked lists. is there any application that really requires loops in lists. Thanks, Gaiety

Member Avatar for rubberman
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Member Avatar for DizaFire

I am developing a pos application with c language, What i am trying to achieve is to add, and delete users. Adding is not a problem at all. but deleting is becoming too tricky What i am doing is, i am seaching for the record using fread(), then as soon …

Member Avatar for VatooVatoo
Member Avatar for qwazy

Hihi im very new to programming. Need help for this program. Im supposed to create a queue using an integer array. For input value > 0, program will insert value to queue ; input value = 0, program will remove least recently added value from queue if non empty ; …

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Member Avatar for DizaFire

Hie Team, Can someone help me with an AT Commnad to send Data over a Wifi Modem. I am developing a project with a wifi connectivity and now i am stuck on how to send data over the wifi. I can search for available networks, choose the one i need …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for iqbal2907

anybody help me "how to write our own (by user) scanf function so that it will works exactly as scanf function defined in liberary, what will be its declaration and definition ".

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for I_m_rude

Can i allocate memory to an array of it or char using malloc ? if yes, then why is it so ? And if no then also why ? I am confused a little bit. thanks in advance to james sir ;)

Member Avatar for I_m_rude
Member Avatar for shkr

hi, i have a file which contains dfca2345f1278aba11110012567ade21 i also have a structure i need to read from file and print the values of struct in decimal form (i.e s.a=3754566469 , similarly b,c,d,e) so i ve come up with only this, i am not getting how to populate struct and …

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The End.