15,555 Topics
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while((c=getch())!=13) { pass[z++]=c; printf("%c",'*'); } I used this while loop to take the input of the password. Everything works fine until no "wrong" key is pressed. the problem is, suppose, if i press a wrong key n i want to delete it (backspace) then even backspace is taken as a … | |
I have a a few callback functions. i need to register them as a list. And callback all the registered functions in a main after a certain task is done. I am new to callback functions. Please shed some insight on this xcallback(register_callbackfunctions); ycallback(register_callbackfunctions); register_callbackfunctions()//not too sure what goes in … | |
![]() | we are getting i/p of 5,00,000 numbers ranging from 0 to 10^9 one by one. all numbers appears twice except one. We have to tell that number in the most efficient way. Any idea or just a hint to get this ? no code, no algo nothing i want. i … |
sorry i'm new at c i want to read these data from txt file. A 7 c 5 y 6 U 9 j 4 Z 3 z 5 0 here is my code while(feof(input)==0){ char c; int num; fscanf(input,"%c%d",&c,&num); printf("%c:%d\n",c,num); } but result in console is not same as txt … | |
In a forest n animals has homes. Each home has m racks, each rack for each of the m products which the animals can buy from the shop. From the shop, only the king can buy and only in the first day of the month. The king needs to know … | |
Hi everyone I have a simple piece of code thus: char userChoice = '\0'; validate:; printf("Please make a choice [y/n] \n"); //fflush (stdout) ; scanf("%c", &userChoice); if(userChoice != 'y' && userChoice != 'n' ) { printf("\nInvalid input; please enter y or n. \n "); userChoice = '\0'; goto validate; } … | |
#include<stdio.h> int arr[20]; int main() { int n,i; printf("Enter the size of array\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the elements:"); for(i=0; i<n; i++) scanf("%d",&arr[i]); merge_sort(arr,0,n-1); printf("Sorted array:"); for(i=0; i<n; i++) printf(" \n %d",arr[i]); return 0; } int merge_sort(int arr[],int low,int high) { int mid; if(low<high) { mid=(low+high)/2; merge_sort(arr,low,mid); merge_sort(arr,mid+1,high); // Combine merge(arr,low,mid,high); } … | |
![]() | Can anyone give me the nest links so as to learn socket programming in C from net ? As i have searched net a lot and also have read many things, but i want you all to tell some more better links. thanks in advance. |
i cant run my program even my directories are correct.......!! my flashdrive is in (F;) then in my directories are: Include Directories F:\TC\INCLUDE\ Library Directories F:\TC\LIB what will i do.....?? | |
[code]void strcpy(char *s, char *t) { while ( (*s++ = *t++) != `\0);}[/code] i saw this code in a particular book..... in the what does the assignment statement (*s++=*t++) return each time it gets executed........ all along i was thinking that the assignment statement return a 0 or 1 based … | |
to input an unsigned integer and reverse the first and last nibble of the number ![]() | |
I want to make a program that analysises which key has been pressed the most as a part of my school assignment. I want that the key input be recieved by my program and later by the program it was intended for. Is there a way to do this? Please … | |
![]() | Can anybody give me code snippet for finding the nth fibo number in logn time using matrix exponentiation ? thanks in advance. ![]() |
struct abcd { char q; int w; //long int e; }; why size of this structure is 8 bytes and if i include **long int e** , size becomes 12 bytes? ![]() | |
just like java has sun microsystem certification exam what is for c certification? ![]() | |
I am in first sem in university.. and i can't do it alone ~~ http://www.mediafire.com/view/?1nqlfsuc3nrg4cc any one can help to solve those 3 questions or any one ^^ | |
![]() | hi.. can anybody please tell me that how can i print the execution time for my code ? Actually, what exaclty i want is that my program should also print the time which is elapsed while executing it or for maupulating any i/p. any pre-defined or user-defind function which can … ![]() |
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define p printf #define s scanf int total( int q, int w); void gemar(void); void gem(void); int setfunction (int *team1score,int *team2score); static int team1score_set1 ; static int counter1_set1 = 0; static int team2score_set1 ; static int counter2_set1 = 0; static int team1score_set2 ; static … ![]() | |
can anyone tell the output of following code and also explain it #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> union employee { char name[15]; int age; float salary; }; const union employee e1; int main() { strcpy(e1.name, "K"); printf("%s %d %f", e1.name, e1.age, e1.salary); return 0; } ![]() | |
Is main(); function included as loop statement? for example i have a program with subprograms then if I finished a subprogram i will use main(); function to go back from the main program. is that considered as loop? thanks!! | |
Hi, first i need to download a good compiler, what can you recommend me? I always used dev-c++ but in windows 8 don't work, it gives this error: "gcc.exe: Internal error: Aborted (program collect2)". Well, i need to get content from json files to make a sql sentence, insert into. … | |
** # is it possible to creat threads in c-programming? # ** ## Sub-Heading Here ## yes,then how? no, then why not? | |
Hello, I have an array string as character[i] = "john" Now, when i supply 'o', it should return me the array index from above as '1'. 'j' as 0 'o' as 1 'h' as 2, etc. Please help | |
I have some strange problem which i started facing from yesterday. i have used GDB many times on my system , but yesterday when i started running GDB , my dubugger is enterings the library functions code part also which is very irritating for me. I mean if the program … | |
Hi guys, I'm facing a new problem. Now I'm learning how to send signals to process in order to make them communicate. I was trying to create a process and when this process is created, send a signal to his father... But I had no success. I get a bunch … | |
I'm trying to make a C program to run DOS commands but I keep getting "illegal command" error. Here's the code. #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> int main() { system("ipconfig/all"); return 0; } | |
Considering the following lines of C code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> void print_upper(char *string); int main() { char s[80]; printf("enter a string\n"); gets(s); print_upper(s); printf("\ns is now in upper case: %s",s); return 0; } void print_upper(char *string) { register int t; int k; for(t=0;string[t];++t) { string[t]=toupper(string[t]); putchar(string[t]); } … | |
![]() | hi... Can anyone please explain that why we always take 6 points into consideration while finding closet pair of points in a given set of points ?This problem is solved using divide and conquer algorithm. And if anyone please give me psuedo code for closest pair problem, then i will … ![]() |
I should write a program for school classification. It should give out all the 5 marks, but nobody can be on the border points or near the border points. Thanks in advance for your help! | |
The End.