20 Topics

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Member Avatar for Auroch

Hello everybody! I'm trying to display the result of difference of two-dimensional vectors using friend overloading. Builder shows the following error after compilation (line 40). What should I change for in my code in order to find the problem? Thanks in advance. **[C++ Error] 05_Part.cpp(40): E2034 Cannot convert 'double' to …

Member Avatar for Auroch
Member Avatar for Auroch

Hello everybody! I'm trying to display the result of addition of vectors. But Builder shows the error after compilation (line 29). What should I change for in my code in order to find the problem? Thanks in advance. #include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <conio.h> class CVector2D { public: CVector2D(double x0 …

Member Avatar for Auroch
Member Avatar for Elixir42

Dear Kind DaniWebbers, I am trying to overload the fstream operators (ofstream/ifstream), so that I can save a class to a 'Binary' file and also display it with cout. But the ways in which each need to be implemented is different. Please can you show me how to define different …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Denral

#include <iostream> int main () { cout <<"***\n"; return 0; } just an idea ... it is a short code but anyway it doesn't work (i just started c++ and i have dev c++ c) cout isn't working

Member Avatar for blueshiftdani
Member Avatar for mohamed.rani

want to change all printf to cout with keeping the same output #include <iostream> using namespace std;Heading Here void main() { unsigned int a,b,c; char*format1 , *format2; format1 = "%04x%s%04x=%04x \n"; format2 = "%c%04x=%04x \n"; a = 0x0ff0; b = 0xf00; c=a>>4; printf (format1,a,">>",4,c); c=a&b; printf (format1,a,"&",b,c); c=a|b; printf (format1,a,"|",b,c); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for softwaretime

Could someone please help me find out what the problem is with this simple program? This souldn't be happening. Here is the code: #include "stdafx.h" using namespace std; int main () { int numbers[5]; int * p; p = numbers; *p = 10; p++; *p = 20; p = &numbers[2]; …

Member Avatar for softwaretime
Member Avatar for Everlight

Hello, I have the following code: `#include <iostream.h> void main() { double test=3.46578953218549; cout.setf(ios::dec); cout<<test; }` I understand that iostream.h is outdated and Microsoft Visual Studio has iostream. However, When I remove the ".h" the setf, ios, etc, line 6 has multiple errors. So, my question is: How do I …

Member Avatar for Everlight
Member Avatar for hello10
Member Avatar for deluksic

Well... im making some kind of graphic engine for console in [B]c++[/B], ASCII based, just for exercise... anyways, i was wandering, can i print text [B]faster[/B]? Right now i'm printing the whole map of characters (pix[160][120]) in a [B]single line[/B], so it is fast, however i need it faster cause …

Member Avatar for deluksic
Member Avatar for Sudo Bash

Hi all, I am trying to create a class to serve as a customized cout class. Right now I have made some test code to see if I can do it. Right now I am trying to make it function just like cout, but later I will have it do …

Member Avatar for Sudo Bash
Member Avatar for Shodow

can u help me convert the cout to printf..i dont have a clue how.. tnx [CODE]#include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> int findSimilar(char[],char[]); void checkValue(int,int); int main(){ char boy[50]; char girl[50]; int similarInBoy=0; int similarInGirl=0; int total; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter Boy's Name: "; cin.getline(boy,50); cout<<"Enter Girl's Name: "; cin.getline(girl,50); similarInBoy=findSimilar(boy,girl); similarInGirl=findSimilar(girl,boy); total=similarInGirl+similarInBoy; cout<<"Boy: "<<similarInBoy<<","; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for tikoti

Hi all! I have a little problem here, I would like the width function in cout applied to all the sucesive outputs. However, it is only applied to the next output only, I mean, with this code I get 0:00:10:20:30:4 1:01:11:21:31:4 2:02:12:22:32:4 3:03:13:23:33:4 4:04:14:24:34:4 5:05:15:25:35:4 6:06:16:26:36:4 7:07:17:27:37:4 8:08:18:28:38:4 9:09:19:29:39:4 and …

Member Avatar for tikoti
Member Avatar for niggz

Hello everyone. I am working on my final project at university for C++, and I got stuck a little. I have an array inside an array. And I want to access that inner array's member and print it with cout. Here is the code: [code=c] void standings(userClub uc){ cout << …

Member Avatar for niggz
Member Avatar for nightcracker

Hi! I've recently converted some C code to a bit more native C++. This included changing printf() statements to std::cout statements. However, some printf()'s are rather lengthy and annoyingly long (and human-error-prone) to write in std::cout. Example (and this one is a short one): C-style: [CODE]printf("ERROR %d: %s: %s\n", event, …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for bensewards

Hey guys, This is my first official post on DaniWeb :) I am new at programming in C++ using visual studios, and right now I am fooling around with storing user input into Arrays. I am having a problem with my code, using an array size of 3 to store …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for pradeey

hello there I was wondering how would we print numbers like xxxxxxxx.xxxx using cout? I know we can use setprecision() to get the decimals right to the dot. But i am looking to print the numbers left to the dot.ex: 00000012.12345 is there a way that i am unaware about …

Member Avatar for vidit_X
Member Avatar for aviavyne

Recently I was assigned to create a program driven by a main menu, followed by a submenu, followed by functions. Below is an attempt of mine, which does display the main menu, and from there a user must enter a value to proceed to a second menu, however it doesn't …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for maddav

Hi, Recently (today) got an assignment to take a particular code that we've done previously, and split it into 3 files: 2 .cpp files and a header file. Now, i believe i've done it correctly, but the only thing that's throwing up errors is the use of friend for overloading …

Member Avatar for maddav
Member Avatar for Drenon

hi im working on a project for uni. i am doin a games software development course and i am currently working on a small game. we have to then optimise it so it runs as fast as it can to prevent lag. though im getting alot of bottlenecks around cout …

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Member Avatar for Alibeg

I guess i'm missing something basic, but i'm new to C++ and do not know how do these streams behave. Can someone please explain why no text is printed to the screen in the following example: [code=C++] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (void) { char *ptr = NULL; …

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The End.