9 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I wrote a timer/alarm app in Python that I wanted to be accessible from all Windows Desktops. What I had to do until recently was run the app, select the desktops icon on my toolbar, then right click the app and select "Show this window on all desktops". I was …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for khess

This year is not the year of the Linux desktop. Next year is not the year of the Linux desktop. In fact, NO year is the year of the Linux desktop. Every year, there are at least ten writers (Ashamedly, I'm included in that ten) who proclaim that the current …

Member Avatar for techevar
Member Avatar for khess

I saw a netbook at a discount chain store the other day that I want. It's an [URL="http://us.acer.com/acer/product.do?link=oln24g.redirect&changedAlts=&kcond5e.c2att92=843&CRC=2745306029"]Acer Aspire One[/URL]. It has 1GB RAM and a 160GB Hard Drive for $296. Awesome deal. The problem, at least for me, is that it comes standard with some whittled down version of …

Member Avatar for wonderbird
Member Avatar for khess

This morning I heard a news blip about a Netbook offering later this year from Verizon. Verizon? The phone company? Yep. I had to do a double-take on it too. There's talk that the Netbooks will be subsidized and cost about $100. I'm sure that price is a result of …

Member Avatar for jefro@jefro.net
Member Avatar for khess

Those of you who follow the state of Linux may realize that Linux is now at the precipice or "jumping off place" as an operating system. Linux, to others, is viewed as being at the crossroads for success. What's the difference, for Linux, in teetering at the precipice and standing …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for khess

Have you ever heard of or considered using Linux? Here are five reasons to give it a look for your desktop or server. Over the past 15 years or so, Linux has gained worldwide acceptance as a first-rate server operating system but do you know why? It's because Linux can …

Member Avatar for LinuxCanuck
Member Avatar for khess

I guess no one ever asked before--maybe no one cares--or maybe it just isn't discussed. While at VMWorld, I asked a major virtualization vendor representative if they had implemented VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) in their Enterprise. The answer I got is shocking to me. Maybe someone should have asked before. …

Member Avatar for khess

The highly-anticipated release of Fedora 9 is here! It has the new KDE4 desktop that I [URL="http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/6464/"]reviewed[/URL] on LinuxPlanet which makes some big improvements in user experience and speed. It also includes the hot new [URL="http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/6467/"]FireFox 3[/URL] web browser with some new security features that are sure to impress even …

Member Avatar for Danny

High performance gaming and media center computer systems manufacturer [url=http://www.alienware.com]Alienware[/url] announced today that it has made available a new product line of high performance rack mountable servers. Dubbed the [url=http://www.alienware.com/hivemind]Hivemind series[/url], the servers come in both single and dual processor configurations, and can support up to a reported 2.4TB of …


The End.