43 Solved Topics

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Member Avatar for ehpratah

Hi i just wanna know if there are way to **decrypt a files that is infected and decrypted by a virus / malware**? all of the files from one of the workstation are encryted as in totaly you cannot open the files.there is a noted in there saying that i …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for joshuawilson11

Hi,so I am supposed to encrypt a text file chosen by a user at the moment I have completed most of it (offset factor/shift), I have got each separate character from the text file and put it into a list and converted it into ASCII, I am wondering how you …

Member Avatar for joshuawilson11
Member Avatar for Sphinx'LostNose

How are keys and passwords stored in a computer to make them secure? If encryption is used to secure keys and passwords - won't there need to be a key or password for it also? Will that one be encrypted as well? It seems to me that eventually there will …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for berserk

i have an issue, my code works wonderfully for the pupose its designed for however for security reasons i need th epages page my login page to have either randomized links or just links that cannot be bookmakred too so that one can bypass the login page. My login page …

Member Avatar for berserk
Member Avatar for Excizted

Hello Daniweb, I'm rebuilding a Flash-based website in PHP/HTML maintaining the same MySQL database. My problem now is, the user passwords are hashed of course - I need to use the same hash in the new application for old users to be able to still log in. But since the …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for iFrolox

Well, in my previous thread i needed help deleting arrays, for the codes i use its here: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/426588/how-to-move-arrays-1-place-down- But now i need help saving the arrays, i can save all the arrays to ini file like this: Ini module: Option Strict On Module INIAccess #Region "API Calls" ' standard API …

Member Avatar for DreamForLives
Member Avatar for butterfingerss

Hello People! I am quite new to Qt (and programming in general). And I am making a program that requires me to encrypt a file and decrypt it after asking for a password through the program. But I have no Idea where to start. What I already have - A …

Member Avatar for sarahwilliams25
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Alright, so I have been coding a Ceasar Cipher in Java and I have the encrypting working, However, I cannot seem to find my problem decrypting. Here is the code, I thought just by revearsing all the operations it would decode it, but that doesnt seem to be the case. …

Member Avatar for sixtorodriguez

So, I have attached my code below. It worked fine , until I introduced the part to print out what's in the input file. After I did this, it says it's completed, but I doesn't copy the content in the output file. What should I change? Thanks a lot /*Program …

Member Avatar for sixtorodriguez
Member Avatar for farmwife

"Active cracking" means indirectly changing a plaintext message so that it becomes a totally different, plaintext message that says something totally different but still makes sense, by creating a brand new encryption key that is applied to the ciphertext itself and changes the ciphertext rather than the original plaintext. I …

Member Avatar for Jed_1

So, I've been through a class in java so I know a little bit of what I'm doing... The assignment I have is to create a program that takes a string and converts the letters four away in the alphabet (ie: a becomes e and so forth). I've gotten most …

Member Avatar for Jed_1
Member Avatar for bsimms86

I currently have a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS box serving as a network repository for daily workstation backups for our HQ office. Throughout the day the Win7 workstations use Cobian Backup 11 to backup their user folders to their respective samaba shares on this server. At night this server rsyncs all …

Member Avatar for bsimms86
Member Avatar for helixkod

I have an XML file that is in this format: <root> Test string <Signature> WvZUJAJ/3QNqzQvwne2vvy7U5Pck8ZZ5UTa6pIwR7GE+PoGi6A1kyw==</Signature> </root> I was able to produce the SHA256 and produced a string by using the following: string CalculateSHA256(const string& input) { SHA256 hash; string digest; StringSource _(input, true, new HashFilter(hash, new HexEncoder (new StringSink(digest)))); return …

Member Avatar for plenty.groover
Member Avatar for 111100/11000

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposition_cipher#Columnar_transposition This is wiki site of what am trying to do #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> using namespace std; char GRID[3][80]; int MENU(int menu_choice); int REVIEW_OF_GRIDS_FIRST_79_CHARACTERS(int four); int main() { cout << " This is RAIL FENCE CIPHER\n" << endl; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //filing GRID with asterisks(*) char asterisk='*'; int k=-1; …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good day. I have a quick question is anyone able to assist me in saving a password file. I encrypted my password and so I want to save the salt and the encrypted password(which are byte arrays). I tried using a properties file, but I soon found out that …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Hi! I recently created a website that has a contact form that sends an email with the PHP Mailer class. I had to use my gmail account because I cannot get my LAMP server's SMTP protocol working... In my mail.php file, I display the password and account quite openly as …

Member Avatar for PhilEaton
Member Avatar for 111100/11000

#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> using namespace std; char Outputing(char shifted_letter); int found_match; int searching_alphabet; int main() { const char ORIGINAL_alphabet[26]={'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'}; //maybe const isn't necesery char alphabet[26]={'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'}; cout << "This program encrypts messages using Ceaser Cipher\n"; cout << "\n---------------------------------------------------------"; cout << "\n---------------------------------------------------------"; cout << "\nEnter …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I have problem with this part of the code private char encryptChar(char c, int shift) { if (Character.isLetter(c)) return (char) ('A' + (c - 'A' + shift) % 26); else return c; } private String encryptMessage(String msg, int shift) { String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i …

Member Avatar for mehnihma
Member Avatar for gotboots

Hi there, I have recently been looking into encryption, for MySQL and php, to figure out someway to encrypt the information in the database, or more to the point before it goes in, or decrypted when it comes out. What I'd like to happen is for the info submitted from …

Member Avatar for gotboots
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have been doing some research on how to go about using a random salt per user's password. There are a few things that I am still unsure about. It is easy enough to store a random hash using something as the following: [CODE] <?php $password = 'MySuperSectretPassword!'; $salt = …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for mrcerimo

I'm trying to make encryption program but when i run the program it gives me this error: Debug Assertion Failed! Program:...nts\visual studio 2010\projects\encrypter\debug\encrypter.exe File:c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring Line:1441 Expression: string subscript out of range For information on how your program can cause assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation …

Member Avatar for mrcerimo
Member Avatar for cajohnson

I am working to take c code from an academic paper and edit. I am studying cryptographic algorithms. I have ran the following code, but I am having a little difficulty understanding two things. First, the program uses unsigned long ints. When they are added or subtracted, I don't get …

Member Avatar for cajohnson
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I have been programming in C++ for a while now. I heard about RSA Encryption algorithm, and i have read many online sites on how it works. But i still cant grasp how the algorithm works. i have tried to make programs with RSA, but they doesnt encrypt. If you …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I am looking to encrypt data (preferably XTEA) on my .Net Micro Framework, send it to a webservice in .Net (Azure) and decrypt it there. I found this [URL="http://www.dmcinfo.com/Blog/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/83/Encryption-Compatibility-Between-NET-Micro-Framework-and-the-Full-NET-Framework.aspx"]blog post[/URL] but I am unable to get it to work. The encryption result on .Net differs from the .NetMF. I hope …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Youg

Although, I could easily state quite a few people will be bored with these, I couldn't find someone else with my problem. The code below runs, though doesn't decrypt. It gets to the first "Error: Unidentified Character" and ends. Any help great appreciated. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <array> #include …

Member Avatar for Youg
Member Avatar for nsyncpilu

Hy , I have to encrypt a message and then decrypt it. I have this code , but i need to save the encrypted string in a database and the code generates a random key every time. I could save the string and the key in the database but that …

Member Avatar for nsyncpilu
Member Avatar for jagan605

i am trying to implement ceaser's cipher in the generic sense by rotating the digits by integer n.i am trying to find out the pairs of these from a file containing words. this what i've done so far, [CODE] from string import * d = dict() l = [] for …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mrjillberth

I am going to do my first Java Project the ElGamal's Encryption. Honestly, i have no idea yet on how to start my program because i don't have idea in encryption but i have to do it. Because it was assigned to me by our instructor. Please help me.

Member Avatar for mrjillberth
Member Avatar for NetJunkie

I am using a DLL file as my license file for a VB.NET project and was wondering if there was a way to make it locked so notepad can't open it and edit the data stored in there. Thanks in advanced!

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for iampord

Is anybody know what is the easiest way to encrypt and decrypt text from textbox? Thank you in advance. Good day!

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.