18 Topics

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Member Avatar for oussama_1

VB.Net never meant for games! it's more recommended for software developement, but hey why not have some fun. If anyone out there is looking to create an Angry Birds Game-like or a Simulator for throwing an object, you've come to the right place, this code will give you great start/push …

Member Avatar for joy_731
Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

NOTE: The games GUI is not fully implemented, so changing it's image and difficulty is done manually in the Button.Click Event NOTE: Whether you download the VS2013 source file or copy and paste the code, you need to download, and extract the two image files to the project's "Bin\Debug" directory. …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

Hello Everyone, I am creating the maze game in vb.net I found the way of creating the maze game is easy way. But now I want this to access the auto updates. - Fine I can do this. Now the ## problem is: ## How can I set the levels? …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for oussama_1

Here's a simple game code, open a new vb project and copy paste this code and hit run. the game contains 3 levels, all you have to do is to shoot the smiley faces to earn money using mouse clicks, also there's a boss enemy on level 3. I didn't …

Member Avatar for oussama_1
Member Avatar for schroaus

I am making a game in microoft visual basic. It is virtually finished, but I am having a problem. When you hit the start button a timer is activated making the character in the game equal mouse position. The problem is that the character is not actually going to the …

Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for schroaus

I am currently creating a game. Everything in this game works great. To reset the highscores you click on a button and an input box pops up asking for your admin number. If the number is entered correctly the text files containing the highscores are deleted and blank ones replace …

Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for StarTrekCafe

hi. a blind programming student, and did ask my lecturer, but he could not answer. has not done the talker classes before. i have a hangman self voicing game. it uses the anna voice, but looking for some more human sounding voices, like aussie, british, united states. did downloa and …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for ObSys

Ok so basically I want to know how I can paint multiple items to the screen without using all of my laptop CPU power. I was thinking that it may be possible to arrange the items as a bitmap and then paint that bitmap to the screen but im not …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for connect4

Hello everyone, By the way im portuguese so , sorry for my english and im new in VB.net so sorry if i dont understand somethings. I really need everyones help, you may think that my question is kind off easy for you , but for me its a bit hard …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for OblibSystems

Hey guys, I have just finished a very simplistic game where the object of the game is to move out of the way of a falling block. Still only version 1 so don't expect much but your welcome to have a go and post any feedback on this thread. Looking …

Member Avatar for OblibSystems
Member Avatar for OblibSystems

Basically im trying to make a game where shapes fall from the sky and the user controls the sprite to avoid them. I have it working but only with 1 block falling at a time. I am using the paint method to draw my shapes. I was wondering how to …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for mkalinic

Hello all, I am having some trouble with my tic-tac-toe game. My main problem is that I do not know how to properly make it so that when i click a button on the form acting as spots for the x's and o's the proper letter will come up and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for game4tress

I'm creating a new functionality for an already existing software, made with VB .Net. This new functionality consists of rendering 3D objects on a specific form, and be able to move/rotate/resize/change,... those objects. For this task i've used XNA. I've created a new XNA Windows project and, in the specific …

Member Avatar for vijaybrar

Hi I have hard time connecting the if else statement because my teacher is telling us to use this kind of if else if (statement) if (statement) if (statement) condition else condition("error") end if else condition end if else condition end if this is a simple betting game can you …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for kelifer84

Hi I was just wondering if someone may be able to help with a program I'm trying to complete for college. I am useless at programming so I have tried and tried to sort it, to no avail, yet its probably something very simple and stupid! Basically I have created …

Member Avatar for kelifer84
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys.. can you help me on how to make 45 angle shoot or 45 angle movement of bullet in vb.net

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for SMG_

Right, so for a project at my work experience placement, I have to make in vb.net a game in the style of the classic "Lights Out" ([url]www.ebaumsworld.com/games/play/1111[/url]). I'm still getting used to vb.net, and I've come across a very basic problem that I need a bit of help with, I'm …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for delizihin

I have problems with adding bullets. I know I can add pictureboxes with commands, but I don't know how can I erase them. I also have problems at adding more than one. [CODE]Dim aButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button() FormName.Controls.Add(aButton)[/CODE] I use this, but still I don't know how can I rename …