79 Topics

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Member Avatar for ace8957

Hey everybody, So I though that I understood linked lists and arrays well enough to make a hash table with separate chaining. Theoretically, it seems trivial, but I am getting a runtime error. The error appears to arise from the line head = heads[i], where head is a node pointer …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for schoolboy2010

Hi I have a rather quick but very important question. I need to search a hash table for a value named element, whenever this value is found in the table, the search function should increase the counter for that element. My code is not working... any help is appreciated [code] …

Member Avatar for schoolboy2010
Member Avatar for lasl0w

Hey all, I'm implementing a hash table for a spell checker and need some assistance on vector const_iterator - at least I think that's where the problem lies. Can anyone assist in diagnosing how to fix these compiler errors? I initially got this error, which i think will come back …

Member Avatar for lasl0w
Member Avatar for man3388

Adding excel data into hash table: [CODE] Hashtable ExcelSheets = new Hashtable(); System.Data.DataTable dt1 = new System.Data.DataTable(); da.Fill(dt1); System.Data.DataRow dr; //System.Data.DataColumn dc; #endregion # region adding excel file into hash table if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int c = 0; c < dt1.Rows.Count; c++) { // if (c > …

Member Avatar for man3388

I want to add first two columns of excel file into hashtable.. I wrote following code but it is giving me eror saying indexing not allowed in datacolumn... [CODE] Hashtable ExcelSheets = new Hashtable(); System.Data.DataColumn dc; // adding excel file into hash table if (dt1.Columns.Count > 0) { for (int …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ajay_p5

Hi This may seem pity stupid but I am somehow stuck in this: I have got a file containing years like this : 1913 1913 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1955 1955 now this is just a part of a file containing almost 50000 years. What I want to do …

Member Avatar for ajay_p5
Member Avatar for leo002000

Hi all, Basically I am attempting to determine whether the first 2 columns (tab delimited file) from file1.txt match the first 2 columns of file2.txt. If they do I want to output the entire row of file1.txt to outputfile.txt... I can do this using vbs but due to the amount …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for PhoenixInsilico

[CODE] my %distAvail; foreach (map(split(/\D+/,$_),<STDIN>)) { $distAvail{$_ }++; };[/CODE] What does [COLOR="#ff0000"]$distAvail{$_ }++;[/COLOR] mean here? The input is set of distances separated by whitespace (or any non-digit character). The book says %distAvail keys are distances and whose values give the number of copies of the key. But I don't understand …

Member Avatar for PhoenixInsilico
Member Avatar for Perlhelp

Hi All, I have two files to compare. Each has 10 columns with first 4 columns being key index together. The rest of the columns have monetary values. I want to read one file into hash; check for the key value availability in file 2; then compare the values in …

Member Avatar for Perlhelp
Member Avatar for onlinessp

Hi, i need MD5 Hashes of all the virus can any one help me to finding them. Thanks

Member Avatar for onlinessp
Member Avatar for phummon

Hi folks, General question here... I'm writing a program which reads a ton of source data, crunches the numbers, and outputs a few nice summary reports. The source data is a lot of individual records: [B]00001,Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,... 00002,Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,... 00003,Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,...[/B] Originally, I created an object called "Record," which stored each Item. But …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for sarfrazashfaq

Hi there I have following XML document that i want to read in python code. i know how to read, thing is i want to make hash/list from this XML document. <?xml version="1.0" ?> ‐<TradeExt> ‐ <fxall category="buyer" version="2.0"> ‐<tradeHeader> <sourceId>test_sourceId1</sourceId> <pmsId>4521363.0.0</pmsId> <fundId>ACCT1@TESTCUST</fundId> </tradeHeader> ‐ <tradeStatus> <dealImmediately>F</dealImmediately> <blockImmediately>F</blockImmediately> </tradeStatus> ‐ …

Member Avatar for ultimatebuster
Member Avatar for white feather

[CODE] private Map<String , String> c = new HashMap<String , String>(); .... //regx to get mString c.put(mString.group() , mString.group()); ..... //regx to get mNumber c.put(mNumber.group() , mNumber.group()); ....... Set set = c.entrySet(); Iterator i = set.iterator(); while( i.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) i.next(); System.out.println(me.getKey() + " : " …

Member Avatar for white feather
Member Avatar for simonsayz27

I don't know what in the world I'm doing wrong but I'm sick of staring at my screen and debugging over and over again. It's been a while since I've used C++ so I'm a bit rusty. I'm working on a database project that is supposed to implement a hash …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for DarkT

Hi everyone. We were given a homework to code a hash table. The objects and their members were given by our professor and we were only supposed to implement the functions (Add, Remove, Contains and Print), so I shouldn't change the objects. I should also do a copy constructor and …

Member Avatar for DarkT
Member Avatar for neti1987

Hi! I try to create HashSet of the next object: [CODE] import java.nio.file.Path; public class WatchedPath { public Path dir; public boolean recursive; public Filter filter; // Ctor with only Path - for comparing between the object (comparing is only by the path!) public WatchedPath(Path dir) { this.dir = dir; …

Member Avatar for neti1987
Member Avatar for Vandithar

Hi, I have strings like this: [code] $string="OWN - NLM STAT- Publisher DA - 20091005 AU - Gannon AM AU - Turner EC AU - Reid HM AU - Kinsella BT AU- XYZ AD - UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences"; [/code] I want to parse these tags and …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for NICEGUY123

I need help in understanding how input file in C++ works. Here is what i need to do. I need to be able to open a input file called input.txt. That file will contain 15 numbers in a list format. 6 .34 74 34 12 31 23 . . . …

Member Avatar for NICEGUY123
Member Avatar for asmith3006

Hi, I'm looking to write a server/client system and I want to pass a hashtable between the two. I've found lots of tutorials on making a "Chat" system which passes strings, but how can I increase this to hashtables? Thanks. Andrew.

Member Avatar for sknake

The End.