6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for lalchetian

Function GetHTMLPage(Inet1 As INet, ByVal url As String, ByVal filename As String, ByVal proxy As String) As String Dim fnum As Integer On Error GoTo errorfetch INet.Cancel INet.proxy = proxy errorfetch: nme = Form1.Caption GetHTMLPage = Inet1.OpenURL(url) If Inet1.StillExecuting = True Then DoEvents End If Form1.Caption = nme fnum = …

Member Avatar for Rhino1272

What is the best way using divs and/or spans to replace the following table structure? [code=HTML] <table style="width:100%"> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Right Button</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;">Left Button</td> </tr> </table> [/code] I have tried using [code=HTML] <div style="float:right">Right Button</div> <div style="float:left">Left Button</div> [/code] But that causes the two button to be …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for decay

Hi I am running on hosts shared server - windows 2003 with IIS 6 and apache but they can't redirect in IIS as its shared and I have no .htaccess rights even if I did my hosts say it is very limited. I also have front page server extensions installed. …

Member Avatar for decay
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm looking to create a drop-down menu with rather long option titles. The problem is that I want to restrict the boxes size otherwise the size changes to the length of the longest entry. When I use the length attribute, it forces the drop-down to be a certain length, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for blamlol

I use the following code on my page: [CODE]<div id="itemstable" class="item_type1"> ...other divs here... </div>[/CODE] And in my CSS file I have this code: [CODE].item_type1 div { background-image: url(images/type1.giff); }[/CODE] the problem is there are a lot of different item types so I will need to have a lot of …

Member Avatar for stevenpetersen
Member Avatar for talktoade

Dear all, I encountered the following error while trying to generate PDF file in my HTML code. It is same report while creating it in PHP. Warning: main(fpdf.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\wamp\www\projectcode2\pdtest.php on line 3 Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required …

Member Avatar for gurupatil8

HI sir.. plz help me to solve this problem. i write this code in jsp.. m getting image from database but the other HTML and JSP code i.e buttens and some output messages Thanks in adv... [code=jsp]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <%@ page language="java" …

Member Avatar for q8_dreamy

Hi I created web application using visual studio and I want to link it to html page using front page when I run the HTML page I got the following error: The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and …

Member Avatar for kameswari
Member Avatar for morecrab

I save the css file which contains : [code=css]table { border:thick; border-style:outset }[/code] But i just want to use it on one/two table, not all. ie: [code=html]<body> <!-- table with css --> <table> <tr><td>Name</td></tr> </table> <!-- table without css --> <table> <tr><td>Class</td></tr> </table> </body>[/code] How could i do that ?:?:

Member Avatar for morecrab
Member Avatar for q8_dreamy

Hi I created web application using visual studio and I want to link it to html page using front page when I run the HTML page I got the following error: The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and …

Member Avatar for Bhilal

how can i don't allow that the picture load again i mean when i refresh my page it loads picture again how can i solve this problem that the upper part of the page will refresh the down part not. I wrote this but it doesn't work on chrome and …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for kbjustin

I have only been working with php and html for a few weeks now and i had a question about where is the proper place to put the <html> tag. Should I always put it as the second line(after the DOCTYPE) and then embed the php within it or can …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for kako13

Hi, I want to split a footer with CSS because I want to have a left & right alignment. Any suggestion? [CODE=css] body { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; color: #333333; background-color:#CCCCCC; margin:0px; padding: 0px; } a { color: #12B7ED; } a:visited { color: #3C88B0; } …

Member Avatar for kako13
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... from last 3 days i am struggling on same errors...i tried my level best..still i cant get it....this is my code... [CODE] $bottomline=stripslashes($_POST['bottomline']); or if(!file_exists($dir)) mkdir($dir)or die("Filename all ready exits"); [/CODE] when i inserting the data into table or creating directory i am getting error... [CODE]You have an …

Member Avatar for sarithak
Member Avatar for fuggles
Member Avatar for nemanjaz
Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello I have a ticket helpdesk script that I am converting to make it completely skinnable. For this, there is a file called header.php which includes the link to a css file. The code is below [code] <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php print $GLOBALS["URL"];?>/templates/gothica/aquarius.css" type="text/css" /> [/code] I want that the path …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi It's one thing missing a semicolon but I had an extra one that wouldn't go away! After checking the statements and re-reading when they are required I hit on the solution -why not use Find! It took me about half a minute and there it was, hiding at the …

Member Avatar for carpiediem

I'm trying to use a local HTML file as a SOAP client. I'm new to this, but I believe that leaves JavaScript or a normal POST form as options. I've gotten some responses from simple web services using [URL="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-wsajax/"]some code from IBM[/URL], but I keep getting errors when trying to …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, In the following code, the selected row from mysql database it populated in each cell, except for the "Content", where the syntax is slightly different, and obviously incorrect. Please can somebody take a look at it for me and advise where it needs to be changed. Thanks [code] …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm trying to create a page that contains a table that is hidden initially (on page startup). Later, when a link is clicked, the table should show permanently. The problem I am having, however, is that when I click on the link, the table shows for a second and …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for gackerman43

Hi, I'm trying to make the following div element I found using firebug not appear through CSS. What code should I add to my CSS stylesheet? I'm assuming it's display:none but don't know where to add it. <div dojoattachpoint="_embedGroupButton" class="embed_group button">Embed</div> Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I am still a newbie as far as using CSS is concerned. I had a problem, now resolved, where the CSS for part of my website was not working. I just couldn't see what was wrong! Eventually after a sleepless night and a search on the Web I solved …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for beko

I am trying to centre the whole of my page. I have kind of done it by creating a div called "alignment" containing all my HTML. Then I've done this with the CSS: [code] #alignment {text-align: left; margin: 0px auto; width: 750px; } [/code] It kind of looks centred but …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for siji44

Hi, I have designed one html page (home) with CSS. I have four more pages in html and want my heading and menus to be repeated. How should i do it? Do i have to write all the heading and menu contents in each of my pages or is there …

Member Avatar for bbqkaren
Member Avatar for Aeturnus01

Hi all, I'm totally new at web design and learning fast with tutorials, I have built the website already and now I'm trying to embed a flash movie that I just created in Adobe Flash CS3 successfully, I have also published the flash movie in HTML/.swf so I'm good there, …

Member Avatar for stevenpetersen
Member Avatar for bethennyengland

How can I keep up with new features of css and html? is there a good site I can go that lists websites with new good design layouts that I can try to emulate for sites?

Member Avatar for TheAlex
Member Avatar for fisher318

Hello, ok, for the web site groundwire.net, the live chat button on the far right displays fine in firefox and safari, but is slightly offline in IE7 and EXTREMELY messed up in IE6. Anyone able to point me in the right direction of how to get this code to work …

Member Avatar for fisher318
Member Avatar for Zurompeta

Hi all, Having a strange issue here. To help explain my situation, I have some images I'd like to include. This first image is of one of two user input forms. Notice in the top left of the picture, the second tab is selected. [IMG]http://www.abexal.org/image_1.jpg[/IMG] The arrow is pointing to …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello, I want to know if it is possible to do that, and how if yes. I tried doing something like this [code=jsp] ... <%! public static Object selectobject; %> <select name"xxx" onChange="<% selectobject = this%>"> </select> ... [/code] But it's not giving me any useful information about the values …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for denniskhor

My question as below: 1. How to save result text to HTML in Python? 2. If i want continue append more result text in the same HTML file, how?

Member Avatar for shadwickman

The End.