6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for senzacionale

Hi all, i want to get charset from HTML site but do not know how. I am searching in google and trying but no solution that works yet. I need to reed this: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> .. so utf-8. Any idea? regards, mitja

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for johny321
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, I want to [B]check only one checkbox[/B] at a time using html. please help me out....

Member Avatar for dottomm
Member Avatar for coollife

[url]http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1219395,00.html#drawn[/url] this is one of the good website i searched through google.. If i want to convert a similar website to aspx page how do i do that. This is urgent requirement . It should be 100 percent conversion . I tried renaming the html extension as aspx it doesnt …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for duraid121

I am trying to use this script to enter data into my database from an html form. this code is not working. plz tell me where the error is form is [code=html]<html> <head> <title> Review, Ratings, Opinions Site </title> </head> <body text="green" > <form action="register processing.php" method="post" > First name: …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for rajeshswain

I have a registration page where a user will upload his/her resume. On clicking "register" button the form will sent all the data to admin. It also sends a link called "download" containing the path of the word file that the user has uploaded .On clicking download the admin is …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for manojjena1982

Hi! thr, I am uploading a file in to server. At the time of downloading, it should show "view as html" as google does. thanx in advance. Manoj

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for talktoade

Dear all, I encountered the following error while trying to generate PDF file in my HTML site. It is same report while creating it in PHP. Warning: main(fpdf.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\wamp\www\projectcode2\pdtest.php on line 3 Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for saj_amo

how to use website templete in asp.net web page or how to design it with .css if any body know where to get css files for asp.net plz tell me. thanks

Member Avatar for davidm23

hi dear guys, I got a job to add member registration and login pages to the site [url snipped]. But the pages will not be in it's index page. They are planning to start cheap hosting. So in the index page there should be a link to the Hosting page. …

Member Avatar for alwele
Member Avatar for senzacionale

Hi, i parse 3 html sites and one is in utf-8 encoding, one in iso-859-1 and one in win-1250. This one in utf-8 wors fine when i parse it, also čćšđž works, but other two doesn't work. čćžđšš is corrupted and ? is shown. Can you help me how to …

Member Avatar for senzacionale
Member Avatar for waelaltaqi

I used this website to generate a CSS Drop down menu: [url]http://www.cssmenumaker.com[/url] The menu shows in both firefox and IE, but in IE the submenus don't work. here is the CSS generated by the website: [CODE].menu{ border:none; border:0px; margin:0px; padding:0px; font: 67.5% "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Bitstream Vera Sans", "Trebuchet Unicode …

Member Avatar for waelaltaqi
Member Avatar for kegman

I am presently installing a zen shopping cart on my very well established eCommerce site. The search engine uses an index.php to dynamically generate the pages. Will this affect my high ranking in the search engines? If yes is there a workaround like leaving the existing 500 pages of items …

Member Avatar for bbriniotis
Member Avatar for LutherVespers

I'm in the process of writing a comment system for my blog. Each blog page will be on a PHP document with an HTML form where the viewer can type in their name and comment in a form at the bottom. [ICODE] echo "<form action='postcomment.php' method='post'>"; echo "<input type='text' name='PosterName'/>" …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vaibhav1983

Hi, My website is working fine in IE7 and Firefox. There are issues in IE6 I am facing. Please check my site at [url]www.raveportal.com[/url]. I would appreciate any help. Also my contents are expanding in IE6 which I don't want.

Member Avatar for vaibhav1983
Member Avatar for zachabesh

Hi all, I'm trying to mimic an html form that calls a script on the web. When I put the form together on a page, it works, and I was wondering if there was a way I could "scrape" this post request and see what I'm missing when I try …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for groogruxking40

OK- this code is working just fine on Firefox. this is what's suppose to happen: you go to the website, a pop-up comes up, you click the pop-up and another window opens up to register for site.. see it here www . christiancouriernewspaper . com / popuptest.html (try in both …

Member Avatar for syedabdulsamad
Member Avatar for Fish Slave

Ok i have a profile on myspace that I am working on and have run int a problem..... I think the thread label is right but let me know as well... In the modules that i have on the page i am trying to add a background image but here …

Member Avatar for Fish Slave
Member Avatar for Bhilal

how can I align the link i mean i can i manage the 4 link two of them at the left corner two of them at the right corner? [code=html]<style type="text/css"> .sag {text-align: right} .sol {text-align: left} </style> <a class="sol" ... <a class="sag"...[/code] but it doesn't work

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Cheeki

Hey guys, I'm having a small problem with getting a image map to work when I generate it with PHP. I'm using two separate files. The one is used to display the image which has the image map and the other file is the code I use to retrieve the …

Member Avatar for Reliable

My div background color did not show up when I placed it in the external CSS sheet. I went ahead and made it an inline style and got my desired result except for thebig space between the right side of the picture and the edge of the containing div. Why …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for sandipan.rcciit

hello i want to prevent copy image from website. for that i found a trick. [CODE] <SPAN STYLE="background-image: url(hemcircuit.gif)"><IMG SRC="transparent.gif" WIDTH="195" HEIGHT="190" BORDER="0"></SPAN> [/CODE] where[COLOR="Red"] hemcircuit.gif[/COLOR] is main image and [COLOR="Red"]transparent.gif[/COLOR] is tranparent image file . [COLOR="Red"] WIDTH="195" HEIGHT="190"[/COLOR] is the width and hight of original pic. it is working …

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi all, I am working on an application in php. Now my client want that when i will send mail from form then in message there should be some html code or template of html. Please tell me how i can send this through mail of PHP. Let me explain: …

Member Avatar for hireaprogrammer
Member Avatar for iamy1204

i want to ask.......if i have the data in a database of mysql....how can I generate html, chart from the database(mysql)

Member Avatar for ferensick
Member Avatar for lalchetian

Function GetHTMLPage(Inet1 As INet, ByVal url As String, ByVal filename As String, ByVal proxy As String) As String Dim fnum As Integer On Error GoTo errorfetch INet.Cancel INet.proxy = proxy errorfetch: nme = Form1.Caption GetHTMLPage = Inet1.OpenURL(url) If Inet1.StillExecuting = True Then DoEvents End If Form1.Caption = nme fnum = …

Member Avatar for Rhino1272

What is the best way using divs and/or spans to replace the following table structure? [code=HTML] <table style="width:100%"> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Right Button</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;">Left Button</td> </tr> </table> [/code] I have tried using [code=HTML] <div style="float:right">Right Button</div> <div style="float:left">Left Button</div> [/code] But that causes the two button to be …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for decay

Hi I am running on hosts shared server - windows 2003 with IIS 6 and apache but they can't redirect in IIS as its shared and I have no .htaccess rights even if I did my hosts say it is very limited. I also have front page server extensions installed. …

Member Avatar for decay
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm looking to create a drop-down menu with rather long option titles. The problem is that I want to restrict the boxes size otherwise the size changes to the length of the longest entry. When I use the length attribute, it forces the drop-down to be a certain length, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for blamlol

I use the following code on my page: [CODE]<div id="itemstable" class="item_type1"> ...other divs here... </div>[/CODE] And in my CSS file I have this code: [CODE].item_type1 div { background-image: url(images/type1.giff); }[/CODE] the problem is there are a lot of different item types so I will need to have a lot of …

Member Avatar for stevenpetersen

The End.