6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for dariush29722
Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno

I have HTML enabled on my site in posts. I would like some suggestions on dangerous HTML codes, like redirection, IFrame. Thank you!

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for rulebreaker

Im currently selling web hosting services and i have a template and site is running well untill if found out that my template only works for IE7 and Safari and doesnt work for FireFox or any other browsers. I really need help because im losing customers who visit my site …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for lavin

I have a HTML site and now I want to convert it into a WAP site. Basically i want to run it on mobile phones. Is there any tool to convert HTML to WAP site??

Member Avatar for lavin
Member Avatar for sacarias40

ok i am making a simple HTML editor and i added a small feature that allows the user to click a preview button which opens up another form window that has a webpage object in it. the problem is, how do i get the html text to show converted into …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for SteelSlasher

I am making a web browser for the Wii and i think all new projects should start with research, anyway to me html looks very familiar to xml and i was wondering if an xml could parse html so i can send the parameters to a function to output all …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for patrickmillard

hello everyone, i'm new to DaniWeb and came here because i'm trying to solve a problem with a website i'm developing for class. I have inserted a Horizontal Spry menu with DreamWeaver on my website. it looks great when i run it in Firefox, but when i run it in …

Member Avatar for ronan77
Member Avatar for ehsun7b

I need to get all children of a DIV and their children too. I mean I need to get the HTML text of a DIV but I don't like to use innerHTML since it does not support the values of inputs in many browsers. How can I do that? :-/

Member Avatar for ehsun7b
Member Avatar for cmills83

hi i have a parent window with an external url iframe. when the parent loads i want to set the iframe footer to display:none;. is there a way to do this? i have looked all over w/no luck. thanks

Member Avatar for sasankasekhar
Member Avatar for yasmena

i wonder how can write a JS variable inside HTML here's the Line: var texture=document.getElementById('texture').value; formdiv.innerHTML = formdiv.innerHTML +'<td align=center> JS VARIABLE TEXTURE</td>'; any help is appreciated

Member Avatar for sasankasekhar
Member Avatar for pazany

Hi , I am having a very strange issue with a piece of DHML on I.E 6, attached code. Here is the scenario. There are two html files, run 1.htm. The Drop down has a default value, if you click on populate button, a JavaScript will re populate the drop …

Member Avatar for mzd12111

hi there all i have a input text , like this one : [CODE] <form> [INDENT]<input type="text">[/INDENT] [INDENT]</input>[/INDENT] </form> [/CODE] i want whenever the input is changed (without pressing [COLOR="Green"]Enter[/COLOR]) a function in javascript named "welcome()" would be called, [COLOR="Green"]onchange [/COLOR] function requires pressing [COLOR="Green"]Enter[/COLOR] and i dont want it.

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Ajay Patel1

Hi I want to Convert HTML table in to text file using PHP for that what i have to do? pls Suggest me Thanks All, Ajay

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I am trying learn how to make a form using css instead of table. But I am having problem with it. If you would kindly copy and paste the following code you will see that the error message underneath the text area is not aligned with the text area. …

Member Avatar for wickedsunny
Member Avatar for Robtyketto

Greetings, I have a css file (See below) which has setting for THREE divisions "centercol", "leftcol" and "footer". The stylesheet works fine until I add an image to the division (leftcol). The settings get applied to the the footer division as printed at text is printed at the bottom of …

Member Avatar for Robtyketto
Member Avatar for kimmi_dk

Hi All, Do anyone of you know how to decode CTCSS signal (67 Hz - 300 Hz) from input of soundcard I need to make some kind of filter so all sound under 60 Hz ond over 300 Hz is gone then decode the tone's there are 38 tones i …

Member Avatar for jobojo

I am trying to write a simple program to calculate income taxes owed based on gross wages that are input by a user. The HTML page needs to accept the input (wages from 4 users) at once and then utilize a button to submit the information to an external javascript …

Member Avatar for jobojo
Member Avatar for crazy.works

hello guys, i have problem in the scroll bar on my css code , i am trying to use that css menu from that link [url]http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/slide_fly.html[/url] it actually works very good but i want to use it on the right side from my site not in the left side so …

Member Avatar for Nalini Ramesh
Member Avatar for sheara

I am having an issue with text wrapping (see image attached) b/c of the sub-box. I think my style element is placed in the wrong spot. here is my html: [code=html]<div class="box-1"> <div class="box-1-top"></div> <div class="box-1-inner"> <div class="side"> <div class="image"><img src="images/img-1.jpg" width="292" height="234" alt="" /></div> <div class="sub-box"> <ul> <li>Sentence1</li> <li>Sentence2</li> …

Member Avatar for tgkprog

I want to position an element span tag by the natural positioning in a page (its a drupal page so the theme can change and i dont know where my span will fall but i also want to position an an image on top of this span how do i …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a project in html and php but i am having trouble in making a tab control in html. I know that this question is more on html, but i hope you can still help me with this one. HOW TO MAKE A TAB CONTROL …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for komrad

Hello all, I'd like to know if it's ok to use vbscript within a css page? I'm thinking about defining certain variables at the beginning of the style sheet so that it's easy to change between colors (or load the colors from a database so each user can have their …

Member Avatar for siriyal
Member Avatar for DavidF

Hi, I am developing an enterprise application and I am still not sure if I should use DHTML or Silverlight. I have some concerns regarding Silverlight's security because it is a client-side applications. Does anyone who have experienced with Silverlight applications can answer this? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Dani

Someone brought up an interesting point in another thread. Do the search engines look out for the visibility:hidden and display:none CSS the same way that they used to when font color and background color were the same? If so, do they only check inline CSS or do they actually read …

Member Avatar for wickedsunny
Member Avatar for througheye

Hello everybody HOWDY? I have lot confusion about using id/class in CSS. When there is a need to use id and when there is a need to use class? What is the difference between id/class in CSS.Either there a standard way for the naming convention in css for the id/class …

Member Avatar for wickedsunny
Member Avatar for Cat-Eyes

Hi all, I'm a complete newbie to CSS and HTML, so this could be a very obvious solution. I've pulled most of this from different tutorials I've found online. I'm trying to get the website to be 780 pixels wide and in the centre of the page, and also to …

Member Avatar for ferman786
Member Avatar for atplerry

Hi, After designing my website and the creation of my CSS File that i use on the tables,cell, e.t.c i intend editing the website and creating a new style of CSS but on right clich to applied the CSS i found that the CSS appear grayed off i.e i can …

Member Avatar for siriyal
Member Avatar for MKala

I want the height of the right side column (id="menu") stretch down automatically, when the amount of content on the left side (id="page00") makes the "page00" div taller than the "menu" div and/or viceversa. I mean when I enter text and image in "page00" div, I want the height of …

Member Avatar for wickedsunny
Member Avatar for sfrider0

I'm creating a SMTP client. I'm entering the data(to, from, subject, body) in a HTML form. How do I pass that data into the actual Java SMTP client so I can send it? I know how to hardcode the data into the client and send it that way but having …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

The End.