6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for nsteve

Hello friend, I have a registration form and a admin panel for that, In admin panel we can see the list of registered users. I can filter user details by search but i cannot export searched results to .xls or .csv format. kindly help me...!!! Thank you.

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for Helianthus

Hi all, I have a new form that is not responding in the Firefox browser and I can not figure out why. The code is: <form action="http://www.hostmonster.com/monstermail" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <fieldset id="contact"> <label for="fName">First name</label> <input name="fName" id="fName" required="required" /> <label for="lName">Last name</label> <input name="lName" id="lName" required="required" /> <label for="biz">Company name</label> …

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for Walahh

Hello! Hoping someone here can help me with this problem. So the page I am working on has an image containing Facebook, Twitter and Youtube tabs. ![tabs1](/attachments/large/3/tabs1.jpg "tabs1") All these tabs are clickable in every other browsers (Chrome/Safari/Firefox/Opera) except in Internet Explorer (7/8). I am not sure what I am …

Member Avatar for Walahh
Member Avatar for keyroche

Hello There! I am building a dynamic CSS document through PHP and was wondering if it is a big problem (for browsers or SEO or something) for me to leave *blank values* for some CSS attributes. If it is problematic, is it so much so that it is worth adding …

Member Avatar for keyroche
Member Avatar for rajeshgoblet

hello i am working on a c,c++,java tutorial website, & i want to insert lots of source code example in it. I am doing this using <span> & CSS classes. I have seen some online code highlighter. i want to make one for my site. And is there any other …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for rhieAce_1

hello there please help me im having problem with my css specialy with these codes body {background: url(./images/bg-body.gif) repeat center; color: #80662b; font-family: 'AndikaRegular'; font-size: 14px; margin: 0; min-width: 950px; padding: 0; overflow:scroll;} if i put these code separate with my php file it wont work. all images i used …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for starkar89

i am developing mobile web app for conducting survey in html5. i need to save user responses in file preferably in csv format. How can do it. i am stuck with storing part.......... please please help me. I cannot use activex for dat purpose coz app needs to work on …

Member Avatar for Walahh
Member Avatar for rakibtg

I am trying to write current website url in a frame using javascript. Butt my methods does not working... What I want to do is to write the current url path into this code instead of "CURRENT+WEBSITE+URL+HERE" text. My current iframe code: `<iframe allowtransparency='true' frameborder='0' height='600px' id='web search' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' …

Member Avatar for rakibtg
Member Avatar for Pidgetastic

I'm trying to create a treeview which is mostly populted by a database. I have two code snippets which on their own work fine but when I place them together it won't seem to work no matter what I try. Main Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for mitesh.24jain

In datasource i have 5 columns and i want 3 columns data in particular dropdownlist having a distinct value... plz help

Member Avatar for mitesh.24jain
Member Avatar for tedkurtz

I ran into a situation which suggests to me that there is a limit to the number of input text boxes you can have in an HTML form. I'm developing a registration system for a sports event and wanted a form which would allow the organizers to edit several items …

Member Avatar for sheikhali449
Member Avatar for newonehere66

I am having a bit of a problem with my divs overlaping when the browser window is minimized. I am displaying a map and a data table side by side when a button is clicked. The button clicked function is working so far displaying both div's side by side. But …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for daino

I am looking at using the 'Document Widget' in WXWidgets to create a report. It is apparrently an html document. Does this mean that I can format and position text using XML or HTML. I'm not entirely sure how this works. Can I also add objects to the html document …

Member Avatar for daino
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I have the following basic CSS only webpage layout [www.createtime4u.kaiproductionservices.com/index.html](www.createtime4u.kaiproductionservices.com/index.html) which looks in-line cross Safari/IE browsers on a PC, but out of line on the ipad. Before I give out a ton of code has anyone got a good checklist of things I should be looking out for on …

Member Avatar for ebanbury
Member Avatar for william.saemann

Inline Code Example HereI have this url http://lawnkinglandscapedesigns.com/ I edited the CSS inside wordpress to center the logo, and now .slide .banner { display: none; } is showing up on the website. This is what I put into the code: #logo { margin-left: 125px !important; } .slide .banner { display: …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for jacksbileduct

I've been developing software for over 25 years and have been doing web development for the past 10. I'm an entrepreneur with several web services, some commercial, some not. While putting together a new service this week, non-commerical, I reached my breaking point with Internet Explorer and made a conscious …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for LogicWeb

Trying to apply some CSS to the select options in the drop down menu. The line-height or height variables are not kicking in on the <options> variables. I'm using this: <style> .styled-select select { background: #E4E6F5; width: 300px; padding: 8px; font-size: 16px; border: 1px solid #E4E6F5; height: 42px; } select.select{ …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for jysjay
Member Avatar for aldrin_ison1

Hi! I'm constructing a code for parsing results in an html form and I'm having problems with strcat. It's really weird 'cause I'm positive the syntax and all that are all correct. I can't seem to find where the problem is. Basically, I have this non-empty string "copy" and when …

Member Avatar for aldrin_ison1
Member Avatar for ajaysnair
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi there, Can anyone explain what is wrong with my code? I get an error message saying null value from innerHTML. <script type="text/javascript"> var sub1 = document.getElementById("input1") ; var sub2 = document.getElementById("input2") ; var sub3 = document.getElementById("input3") ; var sub4 = document.getElementById("input4") ; var GPA = (sub1+sub2+sub3+sub4)/4; var para = …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi

Hi all, I want to create a login page modal window. Steps are as follows : 1. There will be a login icon(small image). 2. On clicking the icon , a modal window will open having three options (i) Distributor login (ii)Client login. (iii) Employee login .If Distributor login is …

Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Code below doesn't work for a file contains HTML content? How do we solve this issue? Result must be *<span* but it dispays blank screen. Thanks in advance **Content of index.txt** <span class="mw-headline" id="Zero"><a href="/wiki/Zero" title="Zero">Zero</a></span></h2> **PHP to read the file** <?php $handler = fopen('index.txt','r'); while ($line = fgets($handler)) …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for iwanttolearnc

From this [article](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/asp/threads/42314/exporting-asp-pages-to-excel) i found this code snippet that imports html data to excel: <% Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=excelfile.xls" %> <table> <tr> <td>Category Name</td> <td>Category Description</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Software</td> <td>Holds data for software</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hardware</td> <td>Hardware related data</td> </tr> </table> However, what i want to do is …

Member Avatar for jasonsarino
Member Avatar for Khav

I am having kind of stupid problem:P <?php echo $url; // In my php files $url contain multiple values ?> This works fine The different values of url get displays properly For e.g http://www.google.com http://www.daniweb.com That's perfect Now when i tried to echo the variable in some html <?php $url …

Member Avatar for jasonsarino
Member Avatar for MarielaMontaldo

Hey, I've been trying to generate a pdf file using html2pdf library (http://html2pdf.fr/en/example). What I need to do is to print a table with PHP in that pdf file, so I stored the table in a variable called $contain with all html tags. My code goes this way: 1) It …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for jfunchio

I have this rather large form that I need to process and have the results sent to my email. Note the data will only be sent to an email not save in a database. The problem I'm having is that in these form there are tables, not only html tables, …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! :) Could you please help me? I am still a noob and I'm having a hard time about displaying selected values from mysql database into popup window? This is my code where user can see the table of the electoral officials: -----CUT----- <div id="page"> <div id="blanket" style="display:none;"></div> <div …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, I'm building an application in PHP and when outputting HTML tags, it shows the tags.. So for example: <?php echo "<b>Hello world</b>"; ?> I would expect Hello world to be in bold.. But no, I get: <b>Hello world</b> as the output Any ideas please?

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for thak123

i have a webpage in html5 with various divs made into pages with data-role="page" and each page having id="second" "third etc... Now i want to use the inbuilt validations..but for that i have to use the form tag...which redirects my pages to the html5 homepage..which is undesirable...can anyone help. <div …

Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant

The End.