3,760 Topics
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For those of you unfamiliar with Google Documents, it is like Microsoft Word/Excel/etc. online. I would like to create a simple online document editing program where a logged-in users could edit and save a book or other text-based document. However I do not have a lot of Web Programming experience … | |
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How do I prevent the output of my JSP or Servlet pages from being cached by the browser? is there any way to disable? | |
Hi, I am unable to unzip the attached files in this tutorial. I receive the cannot open file error indicating that the file is not a valid archive. I have tried to download te files many times. Is there anything I can do to get these files? I really need … | |
1) how to export jsp output in word file :?: 2) how to set header and footer when export jsp output in pdf and word file :?: | |
Hi all I am having a jsp page where I have entered radion button value ,like this:-- <td><input type="radio" name="billType" value="1"/> <font color =blue> Brief Bill</font></td> <td><input type="radio" name="billType" value="2" /> <font color =blue>Detailed Bill</font></td> <td><input type="radio" name="billType" value="3" /> <font color =blue>Itemized bill</font></td></tr> Now I want to get this … | |
Hello All, Can anyone give a tip on reading .doc files to a JTextPane? How to get the characters right? Thanks! | |
I use two ResultSet , One in the another one. [CODE] try { con1 = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:odbc:java"); smt1=con.createStatement(); if(sele.equals("ALL")) { rs=smt.executeQuery("select * from Stations where State='"+st+"'"); } else { rs=smt.executeQuery("select * from Stations where City='"+sele+"'"); } while(rs.next()) { stid=rs.getString(1); ofid=rs.getString(2); name=rs.getString(3); num=rs.getString(4); des=rs.getString(5); dis=rs.getString(6); %> <tr style="border: blue dotted thick"> … | |
Hi All! I'm doing a web application (jsp) where I have several texts displayed and highlights the text rolling mouse over it. I would like to pass an entire text as an applet parameter, so that the the text can be seen in a text pane/editor. At the moment I … | |
The following is my code for login function. I save the password as MD5 but inside the url after logged in it shows the full word instead of showing MD5. I'm still very new to Java EE and any help I can get will be very much appreciated. [CODE]<%@ page … | |
Hi all I have a interface built in jsp working fine in i.e6 but not visible in firefox and internet explorer 7. Ho to debug my jsp page .Please suggest | |
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>JSP Page</title> </head> <body> <% String ans=" "; if(request.getParameter("correctAns")!=null) { ans=request.getParameter("correctAns").toString(); } Connection con = null; Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sid"); Statement st = null; ResultSet qrst; ResultSet rs = null; String id=request.getParameter("id"); … | |
this is a page of code on a Apache Tomcat server the error i get is the following : Eror :licenta\upload\Tulips.jpg (The system cannot find the path specified) project path is : ROOT\licenta [CODE]<%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <%@ page import="java.lang.*" %> <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ … | |
I have got everything right and my project is compiling. But I am experiencing problem with servlets, when I right click on a servlet and click on run in netbeans then I get following two error: 1) Class "Servlet1" neither has a main method not it a servlet specified in … | |
hi Is this possible to send a request to servlet from socket client? I use request.getInputStream method to get client request. I got an error HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Server:Apache-Coyoyte/1.1 Transfer Encoding:chunked Date:Fri,04 Nov 2011 Connection:close How can I achieve my task?? | |
how to lookup datasource which is created in glassfish with some jndi/dbname name. I am trying to get datasource writing code in a servlet like this Datasource datasource = (Datasource)initialContext.lookup("jdbc/customer"); Connection con = datasource.getConnection(); but it is throwing NameNotFoudExcepion for this context . how can access datasource created outside of … | |
Hi i am new to tomcat can any one of you explain how to deploy application in tomcat using server.xml with description | |
Hello, I would like to use a button as a link and pass the session variable in a jsp! The below code should work. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. I use encodeURL if the user has cookies off. This works with links but not when using an input button with … | |
Hello everyone, I've made a client web project, which is working using Tomcat server that, in turn, connects to a server that wait socket connections in a port. If I start eclipse and tomcat and run the server side, I can access the application using any browser by internet. I've … | |
I'm new to web development. I'm using JSPs and need to access a stored procedure (SQL) in order to draw information from a database table, parse the data, and display the parsed information. How would I (conceptually) approach this? | |
As we know [LIST] [*]ServletContext [*]HttpSession [*]HttpServletRequest [/LIST] are interface in JSP SERVLET api of Java..! We repeatedly use it in our code for different purposes, but i am still confused where and in which class all abstract method for given interfaces are implemented ? Like setAttribute, getAttribute , removeAttribute … | |
[CODE]RequestDispature red = request.getRequestDispature("xyz"); red.forward(req,res);[/CODE] in this simple example RequestDispature is INTERFACE..! "red" is reference for that , but whose instance it actually holds ??? "forward" and "include" methods are of RequestDispature interface...but where they are implemented ??? in which class ?? which class implement this interface ??? Can anyone … | |
I'm currently working on a project where I need to Authenticate the Client using his/her certificate. I have created my own CA, Server and Client certificates and imported them into my browser. Then I wrote a JSP code just to read the certificate. That is the program returns the commonname, … | |
I am newbie in this forum & I have one issue as follow... I have created website in jsp & servlet. now when i click on button to save data in the database then it takes some time to save the data so in that time I want to show … | |
Hi All, I am relatively new to the world of webservers and java, so please pardon me for any mistakes i make in conveying my problem. THe problem is as following: we have a sunone webserver 1(abc.com), and there is a sun one webserver2(def.com) there is a jsp application in … | |
I have a project made with jsp on a apache tomcat server. I also have intalled wamp server package for the purpose of using a data base made with phpmyadmin. I was wondering if i could also use php pages im my project. I learned that a posible way would … | |
I am new to JSP and I am not very familiar with what its advantages and disadvantages are. We all know that Java is a big and complicated language, but it's not as web oriented as PHP. I have also heard that it's more expensive to find a server for … | |
Hi May i know about the latest technology of j2ee and the framework Thanks | |
Hi all , I am learing J2ee by doing some projects. Last time i did a basic application for calculate profit and loss account, In that i maintained daily income and expenses,the user can view monthly ,yearly expenses. for that report i just displayed the data using html tables and … | |
i have these two separate files: html form: [CODE]<form name="form" action="1.jsp" method="post"> <b>File Upload:</b> <input type=file name="seqFile"> <input type=submit name="submit" value="submit" > </form> [/CODE] and JSP file 1.jsp: [CODE]<%@ page language="java" import="java.io.*" errorPage="" %> <% if(request.getParameter("seqFile")!=null){ //"C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 6.0/webapps/ROOT/test/seq.txt" String file = request.getParameter("seqFile"); FileReader testRead; testRead = new … |
The End.