32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for EvilObsidian

What I'm trying to do is format input from a text area so that it is all uppercase letters and numbers, eliminating all punctuatoin and whitespace. I want to use a method format() to loop through all the characters in the text and use a switch statement to determine whether …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for drunkpanda

recently, i bought a textbook call "Objects first with java" for self study. at the chapter 7, design a "Command Line Game" and a exercise ask me to put more functions in the game, as i do so i encounter many problems, and one of the problem as sohowing below, …

Member Avatar for stupidenator
Member Avatar for Hjcooke

This is a piece of work i need to complete for my Object Orientated programming module at university. The task, (User Input) Order Number, Name, Address line 1 and Address line 2 and select either Computer and/or printer check box. N.B. These FIVE fields must be completed by User otherwise …

Member Avatar for shakaal
Member Avatar for B33FALO

Hi everybody. I'm pretty new to java programming, just taking it as independent study my final year of high school, and I was looking for a little help. I was wondering if there was a way to have the program pause and wait for the user to tap any key …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for hasan2003

Hi thanks for comming to this thread... can any one give me the idea how to use javax.swing.Icon interface?

Member Avatar for Ghost
Member Avatar for jengels

For this program, we need to read in a file which has baseball stats. Our program reads in the dat file then parses each line in the file. The file looks like this: Joe h,o,h,s,h,o,h,h,h,o,o,o Bill s,o,o,h,h,o,s,s,o So far I'm ok with this. Here is the part that I'm struggling …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for nabil1983

Ok wrote this program out, compile it it compiles, when i run it it starts off nicely, but when i enter Album Name it gives me an error. Neone know where im going wrong..... import javax.swing.*; public class CdStorage { public static void main (String[] args) { String menu_choice; int …

Member Avatar for nabil1983
Member Avatar for tat2dlady

I have an assignment that I need to do that designs the necessary classes to facilitate an indirect blocking and non-blocking communication environment between threads (producers and consumers) using a bounded buffer whose size is defined at run time. I am to test the working of these classes by creating …

Member Avatar for jasweb2002

Hey everyone, Alright, my project requires that I write a program to demonstrate my understanding of class inheritance. Problem is the teacher wants us to use Java, something I have never used and the teacher did not even give us a crash course in. Right now I am trying to …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Meldroz

Hey guys and gals, an int in java is 4 bytes as we all know i bet. Trying to break my into 4 bytes : int foo = 87; bytes[4] mybyte = new bytes[4]; the problem is i don't really know how to break my int into single bytes i …

Member Avatar for Meldroz
Member Avatar for server_crash

How would you put a scrolling message on your application with a seperate thread, sort of like an advertisment?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for stupidenator

Hey all. I am attempting to build a java applet with just a textfield and a button for a search on a web site. When the button is pushed, I have it set up to look at what the user typed into the textfield and then match it to either …

Member Avatar for stupidenator
Member Avatar for c_s_m_o_s

hi. I read a .txt file and i want to put the values from it , to an array. I have dificulties. here is the code i am using: [CODE] public void read(File afile) { FileInputStream fInpStr = null; BufferedReader bRead = null; StringTokenizer strTok = null; String line = …

Member Avatar for c_s_m_o_s
Member Avatar for Ghost

I was wondering if anybody had any cool projects ideas. Please post them. Thanx, C++

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for gschoser

I at least have the program working correctly thanks to the awesome help from various boards and people I work with. However, now I want to tweak the program a little bit. I am currently using a combobox for the interest rate and term. I would like to use either …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for ValerieJ

This problem started happening a couple of days ago. When I'm on certain websites and launch a window (usually a java pop up), the pop up window appears...begins to load for a second and then disappears completely. Also, the original Website that I launched from disappears too! :eek: I'm running …

Member Avatar for SteveS
Member Avatar for nabil1983

Hi all, Ok i've started doing a mini project about a CD collection database. i got the program working ata stage where you can enter a single entry and the record is printed to the screen, the problem im having is i can not seem to modify the program to …

Member Avatar for tonakai
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

[size=2]Hi I just started a new website kind of lame but that will be picked up soon.Ok here is the question did not know where to post it so I am posting it here.It is this: I am trying to make a users immmm how to called it comment box.You …

Member Avatar for johnroach1985
Member Avatar for jengels

I'm supposed to write a loop to loop through the days, the write a switch statement for the verses. The program should print out just like the song goes. For example: On the 1st day of xmas my true love gave to me, a partidge in a pear tree On …

Member Avatar for jengels
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, I am making a task-manager like program and i wanted to create a pie chart referring to the free/max memory (like the pie chart u see if you right click "My Computer.") Can anybody please tell me how to do this (oh yeah, it's an application, not an applet) …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for mikau nero

Runescape is the absolute BEST internet game. Its a Java game too. Java, you should be proud. *sniff* Anyways, the game is free, but its $5 a month for a premium account. You start out level 3 on a tutorial. Figure it out :) [URL=http://www.runescape.com]Go to this page, then click …

Member Avatar for OurNation
Member Avatar for paradox814

how can i create a weblink in my java program. I tried adding a weblink in JLabel usign the html tags: [code] JLabel wwwLink = new JLabel("<html><a href=\"http://www.domain.com\">my link</a></html>"); panel.add(wwwLink); [/code] But the text came out blue as if it were a link, but nothing happens when you click on …

Member Avatar for aj.wh.ca
Member Avatar for server_crash

I can't seem to remember how you create subitems in the menu's. Does anyone know how? Like this: Format --> Color(then like a drop down) *red *blue *green

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I want to use indexing technology to speed up searching operation of my application. I have found that Java built-in type Hashtable can only have one key for each object. But my requirement is that an object can have multiple keys for an object. For example, the objects …

Member Avatar for George2
Member Avatar for server_crash

I got this method that encrypts and decrypts text. All of it works fine, except when it comes to spaces. It doesn't convert the spaces correct. If you take a look at it, you might understand. [Code] import java.util.*; public class CustomCypher { public String encryptText(String key, String text) { …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for rational611

I would like to know if Java API has a built in shopping cart class which is readymade and ready to use. Thanks rational611

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for mackverick

this is my first Java course and i am having troubles doing one of the assignments... well i am suppose to read a file containing grades of students...here is an example 034-23-8901 45 78 85 34 342-67-1231 98 45 67 45 452-57-2351 49 78 61 52 the first 9 digits …

Member Avatar for mackverick
Member Avatar for server_crash

I'm trying to write this method that takes some parameters from my text editor, and encrypt the text. I got part of it written, but I'm stuck on the next bit. I got the part where you convert the "key", but I just can't figure out what to do next. …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for Lord Felix

I need some help in trying to find out how to cast a method that is within an object which is inside a LinkedList. Let me try to explain: I already know that I have to use a wrapper to convert an object back into another state. The think I …

Member Avatar for Meldroz
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi; Does anyone know how 2 use jni??? I want to figure out the CPU temperature. Can somebody teach me how? Thanx in advanced, C++

Member Avatar for Ghost

The End.