32,205 Topics
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| hi all the purpose of this simple codes is to show a text in a text box when i click the button. Both are on in different panel and then placed in one main panel with box layout... actually, i made it a simple case... still, the prob still exists... … |
Dear all, I am a newbie in JMF and just got a problem in running my first JMF java program. I wanted to create a player and play some video. And I happened to get some code which could run properly. But after my further exploration, it seems that I … | |
Hello, Please send me the equivalent code for the following i.e the Database connecting code is written for MS Acess I want to know for Oracle. Class.forName("jdbc:odbc:dsnName"); Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver","",""); can we use the same code(The above given) to connect to SQL Server. With warm regards, Azmat | |
Hi everyone, I have a question about image resizing. I have inserted a image in the JTextpane but i am not able to resize it. What i mean is that when the user clicks on the image in the JTextpane the user will be able to resize the image using … | |
I was wondering if I should try and write 11 functions, one for each Or and And gate in my decoder project because its seems so redundant. I thought about doing maybe one big function for the And gates so that once the values went through the Or gates they … | |
Hi How to acessing external Database using JSF in java | |
I have succesfully set up a Connection and a System DSN and conected to an SQL Server database. I have succesfully created a statement returning RecordSet and executed it. The problem is that when I try and get the data from it, it appears to be empty and gives me … | |
Hi All, I am new to Java and need some help with my first assignment: > Assignment 1: Taxation Calculator > Specification > Write a program to calculate the tax of an employee. The program should > prompt for a salary and age, and work out the required tax from … | |
Hi, I am a newcomer to this forum, also new to Java programming. Recently, I am working on GUI design. I have a number a JLabel components put into one single JPanel component. In order to have a full display of all the JLabels, I intend to use a JScrollBar … | |
Can somebody please help me or tell me how to write functions in java. | |
Hi there, I'm currently trying to write a program that requires me to generate some mathematical formulas. I've been able to use the extended ascii codes to represent some of them using code like below : int i = 64; String aChar = new Character((char)i).toString(); //Prints the ascii value of … | |
I was wondering if anyone can help me to understand 3 by 8 decoders. I have to write a program that simulates a 3 by 8 decoder and so far it only passes black box testing. This means I basically did "If input is _ and enable is _, then … | |
Ok so i need to take seconds and turn them into Hours, mins, and the leftover seconds. The problem is i dont know how to use the remainders(Ex: if i had 3.98 how would i use the .98) any help is appreciated. | |
In java, how do you input something from the keyboard - the standard way(don't import anything - or add a file) Thanks! | |
sir, I am presently studying in final year and I am saspiring to do a project in java so please guide me by giving a well explained material on java applets and their connections with servers like jsp,apache and others | |
hi guys i want to recursion in such a manner that i put menu name in properties file and i want to add theire respected sub menu. e.g. menubar = file edit help file = New Open Save Exit edit = Cut Copy Paste help = help help = about … | |
here is my program and hope u could help me solve my problem on how to repeat this whole game program when the player chooses the the Yes button which indicates that he'd like to play again. [CODE]a:\master1.java[/CODE] | |
hey guys, i am on the process of finishing this program it is supposed to be finished already only that I do not know how am i going to repeat the whole game after the user chooses the Yes Button from the message box. i hope u could help me … | |
having trouble getting started with a program i need to have an array of objects which will hold name of cd, and 2 dates associated with it. i am new to java and not sure how to begin. i already have a dialog built for it, but i am stuck … | |
I want to input a string Suppose the string was : String s = "sani"; Now I want to make "sani" the name of an object of one of the class. Suppose the name of the class is myClass. I want to : myClass sani = new myClass(); Any ideas?? | |
whenever I try to use \t to insert a tab space into one of my Strings it just inserts it as an \t instead of an actual tab space. I have also tries using \u0009, but this one doesn't even do anything. All the other ones (e.g \n ) all … | |
I am working on a UI on swings. I have a splitpane in which the right pane is again a split pane. I have a text header on the rightmost pane. Now whenever the panel is maximized,the text breakage of the header is not even.The text header comes on the … | |
hai, I had selected a project of converting a project of c++\c code to a java code .For that i searched with the web but i can't get it.I need to know if there is any source code with the web or gave me any ideas to do it. If … | |
Hello there. Can anybody help me with this problem. I am trying to write a program that creates instances of classes that extend JFrame to make my application windows.... This code runs but I can not reference the JTextField shown on the GUI - it seems that there is another … | |
I'm spankn' new to java with no previous computer programming experience and I need help with an assignment. The assignment is to write a Java program to direct a cashier how to make change. Input guidelines: 1) Number of dollars due 2) Number of cents due 3) Number of dollars … | |
What is the difference between jbuilder 7 and jbuilder 9 ... I am using jbuilder 7 .. n I am thinking of buying jbuilder 9. | |
:?: I got this far....but its not giving me the required output....can you give me some directions....here are my codes....thanks....please refer to my pdf file for the question. //import java.lang.*; import java.math.*; import java.io.*; class MatMulti extends Thread { static int in1[][]; static int in2[][]; static int out[][]; static int … | |
how do i make the number of my textfileds dynamic? the number of my textfield depends on the parameter passed through the method `setDetailsPanel(int s)`. the variable s determines the number of textfield i need. i'm having this type of error. i don't seem to get the reason why. D:\Program … | |
how am i going to repeat my whole game program? i dont know what to do. i have the codes below. and this program is already running, i have compiled it and it has no syntax and logical error, this is mastermind game. my only problem is how am i … | |
its not possible for me to create a object in window for example Window obj=new Window(Window owner); or Window obj= new Window(); can u please tell me it is possible to create a windowobject or not directly without using frames |
The End.