how java is different from .net and other technologies

you tell us. It's your homework, not ours.

system independent
very portable
pure object oriented
a lot of open source libraries

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i think this is the best answer...

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.Net features are quite similar to java, in java we use jvm and in .net clr is used for compiling the source code to intermediate language, instead of packages in .net they use assemblies and namespace, .net is user friendly and easy to learn so why we have to prefer java than any other techonoloy, can you please give me this answer.

I think system independent and pure object oriented are the main difference.

only those two differences what about the security and versionin in java and .net

I think system independent and pure object oriented are the main difference.

so far i know both are system independent and .net can not be object oriented, as it is not any programming language... you must be talking about C#?

i believe .net is a frame-work, where as java is a programming language.

Java is both - a Framework and a Language. As a Language, it has all the features of a programming language. As a framework it laids down the requirements which must be met by all the vendors developing Java/JVM.

Moreover, now Java is open source whereas, dotnet is propritarty of M$.

Java does not allow running native code but makes JNI calls for the same. .net allow you to write C++ (pointer intutive) code apart from managed C++ code and vulnerable to security.

You said

.net is user friendly and easy to learn

Are you taking about Visual Studio. If yes there are IDEs for Java free of cost and musch more intelligent than Visual Studio if it comes to coding not drag and drop features.

Moreover, if I refer to C# here, its difficult to find when to use properties and when to call methods. I tried Connecting to a db once and got bugged up. Java provides you a simple model with accessors (getters/setters) for almost every properties defined in a class and you can simply use it without getting into hassles of when to use properties and when to use methods.

Try writing a C# program in Linux environment where there are not much good IDEs and you might feel the pain.

I've seen experienced C# programmers working with me who are always confused whether to use property or method. It is where the Visual$tudio intellisense comes into play to ease some of their tasks. Because there they keep looking whether there is a property or a method to fulfill their requirement.

I've not yet heard any reason why "java is different" from anything else, or why that would matter.

Hardly surprising, as most arguments come from people who have no clue yet have strong opinions based on personal preference or irrate hatred of Microsoft (caused in itself by jealousy above all else).

In other words, another pointless discussion about this topic (which is in itself pointless) like there have been so many in the past.

I've not yet heard any reason why "java is different" from anything else, or why that would matter.

Hardly surprising, as most arguments come from people who have no clue yet have strong opinions based on personal preference or irrate hatred of Microsoft (caused in itself by jealousy above all else).

In other words, another pointless discussion about this topic (which is in itself pointless) like there have been so many in the past.

Just let dead horses lie.

yes it is equal toknow java and .net some one who knows object oriented programming.but if u want to know indepath subkect,hierarchy of objects and if u want to devolop applications of our own language that is in one word if u want know a language from its indepath then it is better to java.

And not to locking to one company java provides platform independence,that is ur independent in the industry,no neede of depending on the microsoft ups and downs

> pure object oriented
Java is not a true OO language. If you are looking for pure OO, look into Smalltalk and Ruby in which everything is a class and all operations are messages to objects. Read this.

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