35,617 Topics
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I have a customer that I am designing a website for. Part of his business is he films commercials. What he wants is to be able upload a compressed version of a customers commercial to his website for them to view. However, he doesn't want the world to be able … | |
got to develop a project on gig seats booking system.just help me to know how to start with user requirements, i have some i don't if they are enough to start with need help urgently.help......:) | |
heres what i have but it wont paste the letters to the corresponding digit public String Hex(int z) { num=z; while(num>=1) { z = num % 16; hex = z + hex; num /= 16; switch (z) { case 10: hex ="a"; break; case 11: hex ="b"; break; case 12: … | |
Hello evarybody, I'm new member. I've just training JSP + Servlet + java Bean. I need some tutorials explain it in order that it can support me to develop a jsp site with JSP Modal II. Please show me some link to find it out. Thanks for your supports! [URL="http://com-travel.ws"]Tuan … | |
Hi All - Can you please look at this code for me? I need to be able to have this script LOAD A URL when the checkbox is checked and the SUBMIT is pressed.... Thanks so much!!! [html]<head> <script> var checkobj function agreesubmit(el){ checkobj=el if (document.all||document.getElementById){ for (i=0;i<checkobj.form.length;i++){ //hunt down … | |
I am doing my homework and I have to create a payroll program that will loop until the user enters "stop" as the the employee's name. I also have to make the program say that only positive numbers are accepted in the event of the user entering a negative number. … | |
Write a conditional that decreases the variable [B]shelfLife[/B] by [B]4[/B] if the variable [B]outsideTemperature[/B] is greater than [B]90[/B] . if(outsdieTemperature > 90){ shelfLife-4; } something is wrong..can you help..? | |
I've knocked up this rubiks cube, its not fully complete. If you click and drag on the space, you can rotate the cube in any axis. If you click any of the 12 rotation buttons, you can rotate the cube, note that you can still rotate the cube with mouse, … | |
I installed Ubuntu Linux this morning and got java jdk 1.5.0_09 installed, along with Eclipse, and then I imported a project I've been working on into the Eclipse workbench. All configuration is fine, as far as I can say. My problem: The program I am working on uses the Enum. … | |
[FONT=Verdana]Hi, Fairly new to java and programming. Could anyone explain the difference between a for loop and a do while loop in relation to writing a program and typing in numbers and displaying the total. Thanks[/FONT] | |
ok i just started loops in my java class and im stuck on getting this loop working i dunno what all math to do to get these numbers for the output [I][B]97, 84, 72, 61, 51, ... 1[/B][/I] | |
Hi Everybody: I've attempted at getting Java Sun certified twice (failing both times). My first score was a 22% and my second score was a 44% (big improvement :D ). I was wondering if anybody had any help or tips for taking the exam. I really want to pass next … | |
Hello. Can anyone recommend any good Java IDE software(preferable freeware) that support latest jdk packages with user friendly environment for java development? Thank you. | |
Write a conditional that assigns the boolean value true to the variable fever if the variable temperature is greater than 98.6 . i dont understand what i'm suppose to do... can you explain what i am suppose to do please.. | |
hi. well can anyone please tell me y am i getting this error and how can i get rid of it.. [code] import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class routing{ public static void main( String args[] ){ routing app = new routing( args[ 0 ] ); } … | |
I'm trying to cycle through a series of dynamic fields and update the value to the database. But the value of the last field is the one retrived and updated to all fields in the loop. How do i solve this problem. Thank you so so much for your help. … | |
Hi, I've been having major problems with my Internet Explorer for a while now. Anything that is a popup or requires JavaScript simply will not open- I've tried downloading Java and it doesn't make any difference, as well as fiddling about with my Internet Options. There was a website recommended … | |
I have an array below, the concept is to allow the user to enter a number and if the number is contained in the array, the program should display the number as well as the position of the number. But if the number is not present, the message program should … | |
Hi, I would like to make a terminal (non gui, the dos texty type interface) snake game and have a general idea of what to do but would like some help with the following: how do I make the walls? and how do I catch the keyboard input to move … | |
I'm trying to create a list to record student grades into the database. I'm able to pull out the names from the database and create a table with textfields in it to input the data into. This is the code i'm using for(int i = 0; rst2.next(); i++){ ....... <th … | |
Does anyone know how to write a command to pop up the whole text file when a click a button? ![]() | |
Has anyone else had this problem: You go to Yahoo! Chat or to Pogo.com to play some games. Your OS is WIN ME. You go to these websites, but for some reason the Java refuses to work. SO you do what the instructions say: Download the current version of Java. … | |
hi all, i am janaka priyadarshana, i have a doubt about java and OSI layers. i want to know that , java sockets are belongs to which layer .....? that mean when I write to, or read from a socket, that process is going on in which OSI layer......? ex....network … | |
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Hi Guys. Hope i'm in the right forum. I'm using something called SWFObject to load in my activeX controls(flash objects). Its working great, except for as soon as I call a javaScript function from a page that has flash on it, the flash unloads. Yeesh. Any ideas? ![]() | |
"Java not found or not working" This Is the message I read yesterday when I tried to play on pogo and when I cliked on a game It brought me to a page where It said that message I realized since I reinstalled windows I need to update java so … | |
Hi experts, here in my project ,there is a situation like, to read an Excel file and store in a database using java. I have an excel file as 10 columns and this is a daily report by our sales team. So the requirement is to read that excel file … ![]() | |
Can somebody help me with this problem? It must use recursion however, and no iterative statements. Write a method called reverse that takes a single long integer argument and returns the result of reversing its digits. For example: System.out.print(reverse(-12); returns -21 and System.out.print(reverse(1234567)); returns 7654321 i know that (number % … | |
![]() | hi, folks! ı'm last year student at university. so ı must do a thesis. ı'm a bit confused about what ı should decide to. actually ı think to search about distributed systems which are based over RMI/CORBA. maybe you know that java EE is a platform that is based over … |
The End.