35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for startingover

Here is my problem: Create Two classes ProcessInt Class knows An array of integers ProcessInt class knows how to One constructor that will set the size of the array of integers Method to set the value of a particular array element Method to get the value of a particular array …

Member Avatar for Java4u
Member Avatar for peter_budo

Can somebody please provide my with usefull info how to open internet browser from java program? The way how this should work, work cross platform & open default browser don't force certain browser I tried to use info from [URL=http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2004/10/14/jdic1.html]this page[/URL] but couldn't get it work. Together with tutor we …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for groove04

need to have an input of money to pay for an item and amount given. to return change due with denomination format: 20 dollar bills 10 dollar bills 5 dollar bills 1 dollar bills quarters nickels, dimes, pennies, etc. so far i got this: import java.util.Scanner; public class Cashier { …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for javafan

Hi I am not able to set the position of Jpanel, having a tough time. Code is attached. 1. How can I reduce the gap between To and textbox Cc and textbox etc 2. How can I reduce the vertical space between Send/Contact/Spell/.... and the row containing To with textbox …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ROGENATOR

Greetings: I was wondering, how can i run a .class from a different location? For example, supose that i have c:\A.class, in MS-DOS supose that im at d:\whatever\whatever\, if i run java c:\A, i get: Exception int hread "main" java.lang.No ClassDefFoundError c:\A I`ve also tried using: [quote] java -cp . …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for yup

Hi there, I have a problem in my **controller.jsp** This page aims to retrieve the device's status from my database to display on the form. After that it will update device's new status when my customer wish to change the status. So I declared a **String array status []** to …

Member Avatar for ekstee
Member Avatar for visual one

public class Palindrome extends JFrame { private String input;private Stack<Character> charStack = new Stack<Character>(); public Palindrome(String input) { this.input = input; fillStack(); } private void fillStack() { for(int i = 0, len = input.length(); i < len; ++i) { charStack.push(input.charAt(i)); } } private String buildReverse() { StringBuilder result = new …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rahulgupta1979

Hi... I have come acroos with this new problem - Integration in Java. I need to use integration (Mathematics operation) in Java. Is this possible...? and if yes, then how....and which package I will need to use.....which class and everything. I need help on this asap. Is anybody up for …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for dammika

hey guys any 1 know how 2 create a exit button in jcreateer... because i don't hav a clue how to do it..... i would really appriciate it ..if u guys can help me... thank u ps: if the method is simple..its better..coz im just started java.. thank u again

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for jeffy1

I have two user accounts on my computer and they are both administrators. I have downloaded and installed Java. It runs fine for one of the users but not the other user. Why can't both user use Java when it is already installed on the computer?

Member Avatar for Yuribokovich221

I would not be posting right now if it weren't for the fact that I've exausted my resources and have no where else to turn for a solution. First of all, let me give you guys a .class file, that when compiled, does exactly what my program is -supposed- to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for visual one

Hi I have a homework assignment that is due today. I've been working on it all week, but I just can't get it. My assignment is to write a program that creates a stack and tells if its a palindrome. Here's what I have: import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.util.Stack; …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, Sorry to ask this question but i just wanted to clear something. If i were to serialize a java object using the ObjectOutputStream on a windows platform can i read back the same object file on a linux box that supports java. I can't really test this out …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for sam1

hi all I have a class gui and a class server. I am using netbeans and there are no errors in those two classes. In the main class I have this : [CODE]public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { MyServerGui g=new MyServerGui(); MyServer server1 = new MyServer(g); …

Member Avatar for sam1
Member Avatar for glamo

hi, can anyone tell me how to know the number of computers connected in LAN using java. actually i am doing a program and in that i have to find this , so can anyone tell me how to do this :?:

Member Avatar for tlly

Which type of sorting would you prefer??Quicksort or HeapSort?Even though both of them have complexities of (N log(N)), quicksort in some situations degenerates to O(n*n).But however heapsort is known to be less efficient than quicksort!!So which one to use in practice?Under what criteria would you choose between those 2??An example …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for tdizzle342

Hi i was wondering if anyone can help me out. Im trying to make a applet when a button is clicked it will appear the name John . And when another button is pressed it will display "Smith" in a seperate text field. This is what I have so far. …

Member Avatar for tdizzle342
Member Avatar for Banshee78

Hi I use the tag library and i have following Problem. [COLOR=Magenta]<c : out value="${nickname}"/>[/COLOR] Output of this statement is [COLOR=Magenta]${nickname}[/COLOR] and not the value of the variable [COLOR=Magenta]nickname[/COLOR]. I have no clue what i m doing wrong. jar's and tld's are in the right directory. Following is on the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for jigvesh

Well as far as i know there is nothing like JCanvas for swings....i read somewhere that Jpanel can be considered to be the Canvas of Swings....How true is that???? :?:

Member Avatar for ROGENATOR
Member Avatar for ROGENATOR

Greetings: I`m starting in Java and i`m having problems with compatibility between versions, in school they have an older version(I believe its 1.4.0 but i`m not completely sure) than the one i have at home(1.5.0_04), so almost every time i try to open a applet/application at school i get errors, …

Member Avatar for ROGENATOR
Member Avatar for x2k3wl

how would i write the code to get this output? Play a pick four game? (enter Y to play pick four, anything else for pick 3) y How many chances do you want to buy? 5 Your bets: [[10, 6, 16, 9], [14, 4, 2, 12], [3, 16, 16, 16], …

Member Avatar for ROGENATOR
Member Avatar for x2k3wl

Hi i am supposed to make a program to generate 3 or 4 random numbers and tell if the user has won this is what i have, i think i am going to try and use arrays instead. import java.util.Random; public class pick{ public void reader( String s, BufferedReader r){ …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for sam1

hi everyone, how would i know if my server is working? I mean I did ping ipaddress:host but said could not find the host. thank you

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for jack26

[COLOR=Red][COLOR=Red][/COLOR] i am trying to past an image into my java program given the starting point and the ending point..,, gc.drawImage (m_image,0,50,120,15this); but its not working can you help me please

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for BaileyFree

hi I know that I have asked pretty much question recently.. I'm learning java myself and hence kinda can't really understand the `isDigit` method.. error is cannot resolve symbol method isDigit(char) I imported `java.lang.*` as well already . public static boolean DigitValidation(String colour) { boolean flag = true; for (int …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for jigvesh

I am trying to develop an application in which i need to open an internal frame in a simple frame......with the click of a menu......is it possible????How?????The internal frame does open in a new frame but doesnot open in the same frame....what can be the reason......... :cry:

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hello every1, My assinement is like so. I need to write a program which accepts a word at input and then checks to c if it is a palindrome. My teachers says that it must be dun using stacks :rolleyes: otherwise we won't get any marks. I have no idea …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for arvinp

Hey guys, I'm trying to write a code that reads in a .dat file from the SSH shell command line. example: java Prog1 xxxx so from the shell command line i want it to run Prog1 then read in the contents of the xxxx file All the code I look …

Member Avatar for BaileyFree

hi I have some problem.. for instance i have a String s= blue it maybe another string of yellow red whatever how do i convert that b to B i only read about s.charAt(0) to get the first letter ..

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Poornima

hi guys, I'm a new member. By the way, I had an error that showed up on my jdbc program that connected to oracle. It showed 'java.sql.SqlException'. When I looked up on it in a book called Oracle8i Complete Reference, it told me that I could set my environment variables …

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The End.