32,205 Topics
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I'm new to java , i've tried to make simple jdbc application . I can store a value in database and also can retrieve it but only in console window. i've got the variable String name in package db, and what should i do to display the value of that … | |
I am getting the following errors when I try to compile this: thoughts? _______________________________________________________________________ BankAccount.java:11: <identifier> expected public BankAccount(String, double, double) ^ BankAccount.java:25: ')' expected public abstract void updateBalance(); ^ 2 errors ___________________________________________________________________ [CODE] protected abstract class BankAccount { public BankAccount(String, double, double) { String accountID; double balance; double interest; … | |
hi guys can i ask a favor?? do you have a EBooks for java?? can i ask it from you??? if you dont mind.... i know some syntax for the codes but i want to gain more knowledge through reading some EBooks and also practicing how to construct codes and … | |
I am wanting to reference an object of type JTextField and convert it to JFormattedTextField. Is it possible to convert to a subclass? I tried coding something to the affect of [CODE]ClassA.object = new JFormattedTextField(); ClassA.object.setValue(new Integer(number)); [/CODE] But no success. Any suggestions? | |
I want to create an application for ad-hoc network. I have a little bit good knowledge of java But I cant decide from where to start. Please Help me to start | |
i have this method , which returns true no matter what numbers i feed into it: [CODE] public boolean piecesCollision(ChessPiece[][]pieces,int rowStart,int columnStart ,int columnEnd,int rowEnd) { int j=columnStart; int i=rowStart; boolean valid5=false; boolean valid6=false; boolean valid7=false; boolean valid8=false; int b=0; int SpacesX=rowEnd-rowStart; int SpacesY=columnEnd-columnStart; if(SpacesY>0 & SpacesX==0){ // RIGHT SIDE … | |
Ok, So the problem I am having is with the LineUps class in the getTime method. What I am trying to do in the getTime method is to get the overall time of the whole Queue list. The Queue's are really LinkLists of type Person. In Person, there are two … | |
class Noise { void makeNoise() { System.out.println("This is Noise"); } class LessNoise extends Noise { void makeNoise() { System.out.println("This is LessNoise"); } void other() { System.out.println("This is a other method in Less Noise"); } } } class Casting { public static void main(String[] args) { ****** Noise [] a= {new … | |
I am hoping I can get some help from you guys, I am taking a computer security course and we need to write a Caesar Cipher program, where you can input the text and offset and get the the encrypted results back. I have run into a problem with it … | |
create a program do the ff: A room w/ 20 by 20 array of tiles. Inside the room is a mechanical turtle w/ a pen. The turtle accepts input in the ff. method: 1 = pen up 2 = pen down 3 = turn right 4 = turn left 5,no … | |
Hi all, I created a parser class to parse a string inputed by the user. The BankAccountParser class is a utility class that will be used to create a bank account object (one of a saving object, a checking object, and a money market object ----> All of these classes … | |
Hello all, I am writing a toString() i know how to do the basics off this but what im looking to know is how to put a line break between each set of information to get this public String toString() { return "ball pos:" + this.ball + "keeper pos:" + … | |
Hi! Guys, My name is Tonie and i just joined Daniweb recently. I have a question that is puzzling me that i wanted to get input from other programmers. The questions is below. I have a friend who wants to have a party, lets call her Kim. She wants to … | |
the question is this. suppose that i have got rowstart=8 rowend=6 columnstart=8 columnend=8 b=0 [CODE] while(pieces[rowStart-b][columnStart]==null && pieces[rowStart-b][columnStart]!=pieces[rowEnd][columnEnd] && pieces[rowEnd][columnEnd]==null){ // CHECKS THE UPPER ROW. b++; }[/CODE] | |
Hello guys I'm new to writing java but have some experience with other languages. I use Eclipse as my IDE but when i try to run a simple console program (exported to .jar using Eclipse) i am only able to run it from the command prompt. An example of a … | |
I have implemented a catch statement for both the InputMismatchException and the ArithmeticException, how come they are not working? Also, if the user enters "quit" for the numerator, the program should be able to exit. But my understanding is that as soon as the user enters something that is not … | |
I'm taking a Java Class and this is the assignment: "..Modify your withdraw method so that it that checks the customers balance against a potential withdrawal. If the amounted requested for withdrawal exceeds the balance, deny the attempt to withdraw money and let the customer know." I have the if … | |
[B] hi all, i am trying to open a file with application using java. i faced many problems while processing it. 1. Using Runtime.getruntime.exec(); i faced the problem. i can open a file with application in the local system(server) where i have written the program. while by using the ip … | |
Good evening, I am trying to simply open a folder located on my local C:\ drive, to be exact just for testing purposes I am trying to open C:\temp folder. What I have is a JFrame with a single Jbutton and some code, however when I execute the button, nothing … | |
I'm just starting to learn Java and I need help. I'm trying to draw a rectangle in an applet window and have it centered so that if the applet is repainted when it is resized, the rectangle will stay centered in the applet window. I know how to retrieve the … | |
can anyone teach or show me how to make a simple loop program then convert it to a "while loop" program.... | |
My main idea is to link the three combo boxes I had taken appSet, app, package comboboxes Now when I select one iten in appSet then the remaining two comboboxes should show the data related to the selected item in the appSet and when I select one item in the … | |
I have to use contains method on my program. If the user input "ar", all that contains "ar" of the list will be the output. please help me.. | |
Hi all, I'm in the middle of making a new website for myself. A part of the website has an animated tag cloud, which in of itself, I've managed to get working just fine. Currently the tag entry in the XML looks like this: [CODE]<tag linkURL="aboutme.html" priority="5" text="About Me" target="_blank"/>[/CODE] … | |
how change default Java icon, in the upper left of java gui windows? may insert big icon eg 32x32 or 64x64 and java thumbnails it to smaller? must be PNG type? | |
how should i retrieve my images that i stored in column having Attachment datatype in access 2007 in my java program?? | |
When getting from database and appearing to JTable, how I modify particular cells just prior appearance(eg. Increase base salary(from db) by 10%), to JTable? below in BOLD are cells to modify... 25.6 Modify Exercise 25.5 to perform the following tasks: a) Increase base salary by 10% for all base-plus-commission employees. … | |
Hi all, I am getting the following error when I am loading the data into the ComboBox and the ComboBoxes are linked to each other I am getting the errors as below Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at client.cpm.dailyT20.CBRCPMDailyT20View.appComboBox_actionPerformed(CBRCPMDailyT20View.java:235) at client.cpm.dailyT20.CBRCPMDailyT20View.access$1(CBRCPMDailyT20View.java:234) at client.cpm.dailyT20.CBRCPMDailyT20View$2.actionPerformed(CBRCPMDailyT20View.java:227) at javax.swing.JComboBox.fireActionEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComboBox.contentsChanged(Unknown Source) at … | |
Pls tell me hoe to validate name in core java | |
I have a JTree looking something like this: Student Group [INDENT]Group 1[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Student 1[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Student 2[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]...[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Student n[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Group 2[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Student 1[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Student 2[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Student 3[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]...[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Student m[/INDENT][/INDENT] Is there any way to achieve following: 1) Add a new Student Group (let's say, Group 3) without selecting parent … |
The End.