32,205 Topics
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This is my code for adding and removing from a binary tree but apparently its not complete can anyone tell me what to do to make it complete tree? [CODE] public void add(IBinaryTreeNode<E> e) { if (getRoot() == null) { setRoot(e); } else { //SAME HERE IBinaryTreeNode<E> node = getLastNode(); … | |
Consider I have an object O which is linked to an array of several object O's that can be retrieved by doing O.getAllObjects(); For a given object O, I want to see from the top down all links from a given object I.E O1 > O2 > O3 > O4 … | |
| Hello community, I have an issued converting a arithmetic string called the infix, into a prefix output. In one of my methods i have an infinite loop. An example would be (a + b) * (c - d)===> * + a b - c d Here is my code: [CODE] … |
Dear Friends, I have a frame which is a JSplitPane which is split horizontally into two. On the upper half I want a JFrame to appear and on the lower half I want a JTable to appear. I tired but couldn't get the answer correctly. Will anyone be able to … | |
I want to split the following into a Main class and do all the math in a mortagecalc class The Arrays are tripping me up im not sure how to pass these to another class. Thank you [CODE]package mortgageCalc; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class Mainbkp { /** * @param args * … | |
Hello All, I have a java assignment thats supposed to create a memory game, with 10 rows and 10 columns.50 images have been supplied. The part i'm stuck is the the window with the actual images on the grid.The images are supposed to be generated randomly each time the application … | |
i need someone to do this program for me and before saying that i have to do my homework alone i had midterms all week and in about in hour or so and i forgot about this assignment and i just dont have time so plz help here it is … | |
Hi when I use ecclipse to run codes it shows many errors, and they are not errors at all I compiled them with command prompt and it work. this is the image [URL="http://i.imgur.com/az6Pg.jpg"]http://i.imgur.com/az6Pg.jpg[/URL] My java and javac version is 7 u 2 | |
Hi everyone, In my simple GUI, I have a part where I use JFileChooser to let user browse for a file. The problem is that when browsing for that file, in order to open a sub folder, user has always to double click that the main folder to open the … | |
hello everyone, I have implemented RSA algorithm in java but now i am asked to determine the time for encrypting variable length messages(plain text). As an example, i have to find the time in which input message of length 3 will get encrypted, similarly the time in which input message … | |
Hello, i'm trying to parse file but i dont know how i tried everything. This is my Goal: [21:53:51] Started [21:53:54] Test >> [COLOR="red"]this is that what i want ot parse[/COLOR] . [Test] [21:53:54] Something Can someone help me. - Regards! | |
Hey Is there a way I can print out the line Im currently on Example: [code=Java] public class something { public void somefunction() { System.out.println("I am line number + " /*the number 6 would appear here*/); System.out.println("I am line number + " /*the number 7 would appear here*/); System.out.println("I am … | |
I am trying to extract the number in the string "(c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd" from a PDF document . I found that the textsearch method of PDFtron package would help me find the string as stated in the example code: [CODE]import pdftron.Common.PDFNetException; import pdftron.PDF.*; import pdftron.SDF.SDFDoc; // This sample illustrates … | |
I did it but I got different outcome?? This program is an exercise in generic (singly) linked lists. A parameterized list class with just a few operations. Then,create lists from this class using two different classes for the type parameter creating a "list of lists". You will write a driver … | |
Hi everyone, I want to create a simple GUI that prompts user to browse for a text file, read in that file and display them in the GUI as a list. Then it should allow user to select from that list. Once an element is selected, there should be a … | |
Modify the Inventory Program: Create a new method that calculates the value of the entire inventory. Create another method that sorts all of the array items alphabetically (ascending order) by the product name. o The application should declare and use an array to store 5 items. This array will represent … | |
Hi all, I'm checking for primality in BigInteger type. I'm using isProbablePrime with certainty 15. I would like to know how to test if a BigInteger is really a prime number. Thanks in advance. | |
Hello, Can somebody help me with the problem I have? Anyways, I have a ArrayList that consists of Arraylist that consists of 3 elements. [[a1, 11, x], [a2, 12, ], [a3, 13, ], [a4, 14, o]]. The 0th and second element are both strings, the first one an integrer. At … | |
hi, I have created one array in java script like this: obj.push({'key' :value1, 'key2' :value2}) and it is stored in database ,but problem is that when I am retrieving again back from database I am confusing to how to get array from database because it is stored in following format … | |
i got problem when i clicl the checkbox 0r radiobutton..when i compile there is no error..and also how can i put the background image at my gui??hope you guys can help me.. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.text.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.BorderLayout; … | |
Hello, Quick and easy question: I'd like to learn a little by investigating the source code behind the predefined Java methods/classes/etc. For example, right now I'm learning to work with TreeSet and I'd like to know exactly what's going on behind the class-specific methods such as 'first', 'last', 'pollFirst', 'pollLast', … | |
How can I get SSL working in Tomcat 6.x under Linux?, ive read the documentation here: [url]http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/ssl-howto.html[/url] but im not sure how to do it with a certificate I will make myself (its a dev box) | |
Iam working on a java based web app using the Eclipse ide and the tomcat server, My question is, is it possible to develop this app using the ide in my computer an a tomcat server located in another. All the guides i found involve me making the server in … | |
i am a freshman computer science major, studying ahead of the class. we have been using automated testing classes { junit.framework.TestCase; }. i have downloaded junit4.9b2.jar from junit.org, which i understand to be the junit package (?) but i don't know how to use it. i have read that javac … | |
I have implement the chat sever.When I start to type the message to the server It says"Server has close the connection: java.io.EOFException" I don't what went wrong with my code. Can you plz have a look at it or give me some advice. [CODE]public class threadMiddle extends Thread { public … | |
I have a Java program, which launches a app, but before starting, it checks for the version.txt file, and if it doesn't exist, or there is a newer version available off my site, it downloads it. Well, not quite. I've got the part that checks for updates, and file existence, … | |
I am trying to create an application that will: 1) ask the person to enter a number (ex: 321) 2) the application will display each number on a line ex:3 2 1 Rules: Don't use looping and don't use arrays Someone told me it could be done but I can't … | |
Hey I wanted to make a thread for not only myself but for others to give a "thank you" to anyone who has helped them. In my case, without some suggestions here, I would have been stuck for days on a single thing and not be able to advance further. … | |
Hey I want to "reset" a array....What would be the correct way to do it? Code A: [code] for (int i=0;i<=somearray.length;i++) { somearray[i]=0; } [/code] or Code B: [code] somearray=null; [/code] Thank you | |
[QUOTE]The below code runs fine the only problem is when I run this code there is a value of "3" in the input textbox which should be null, I have no idea why its doing this any help will be appreciated. THANKS[/QUOTE] [CODE]import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //inherits from Monument class---> public class … |
The End.