35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for 3x108th

i am working on a program where the user enters a number and the computer will generate N number of characters and print them in all combonations. For example: enter number: 3 aaa aab aac aba abb abc aca acb acc baa bab bac bba bbb bbc bca bcb bcc …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Tlhokomelo

;) Hi there... How do you get java applet to instantiate(execute) an application. like a Unix terminal for instance... :twisted:

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I want to use JDBC to access DB2 database. I also want to display the content of a specific table (table name is configurable) into web page (just like what is displayed when we use command line "select * from <table name>" on the console). I am wondering …

Member Avatar for ilikerps

Hello, I know this question is stupid, but I cannot find an exact answer to it. I am using Eclipse, and have written some classes to be used as a small database editor for XML. It compiles and runs fine in Eclipse. However, I made it so that it can …

Member Avatar for ilikerps
Member Avatar for dsureesh

How can MySQL can be connected with Java I need sample coding

Member Avatar for DarKiCE

Hello to all, I am currently working on several project assingments and at the moment I don't think I will be able to complete this one. I have completed the class, initial class diagrams for this project but I need help from someone to complete the coding/design of the application …

Member Avatar for hooknc
Member Avatar for qwester

I am having difficulting creating a Kayles game for java using eclipse. I have all the needed funtions, except for the computer movements, which is what I am having difficulty with. Any help would be appreciated, I have attached the file to this post.

Member Avatar for qwester
Member Avatar for wejavalearn

:?: :?: I dont understand what jbuilder is trying to tell me .. by all right my code seims fine I spent 4 days working it up (yes I am a beginer) I know there are most likly better ways to do what I am doing. The point is compiled …

Member Avatar for wejavalearn
Member Avatar for dmgs11

Error .java:132: incompatible types found : int required: int[] int[] months= numOfYears[i]*12; //The variable used for user input for exact month information ^ 1 error Tool completed with exit code 1 [code] public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent Mortgage) { // Starts Mortgage Calculator DecimalFormat decimalPlaces=new DecimalFormat("0.00"); appMonthlyPayment.setText(""); // The next 3 lines …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for dmgs11

I am looking to create a mortgage applet with an array for the 3 amounts. There is something I am missing here. Any help can be of use [CODE] /* GOAL Display the mortgage payment amount. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term …

Member Avatar for dmgs11
Member Avatar for daniellcm

Hi, I'm from Bolivia; so excuse me my english, I need to know how or what i have to do for programming my ports with java, i'm new in java but i need that because i'm doing my project for the university, so what i need is this: [list] [/list] …

Member Avatar for johnroach1985
Member Avatar for sam1

hi i have this code: if(r instanceof Message){ Message mess = (Message)r; but it says Message not found.... I thought message was one of the libraries in java... thanks

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Member Avatar for sam1

hi everyone, I have a concern would java run on any processor or it is just intel processor? because im thinking of buying AMD Sempronâ„¢ processor. thank you

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Member Avatar for radixthink

The client has developed global trading, decision-support and risk management solutions for the world's premium investment banks since 1990. They have offices in London, New York, San Francisco and Tokyo. Please submit your resumes to [email]topjobs@radixthink.com[/email] The Senior Software Engineer will play a lead role in the design and development …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for k_satish0101

I need to reserve a resource for a particular period of time,When i finished in specify the date & time (ie start time and end time). I need to give a report for the particular day by displaying the timing details visually( ie by shading the cell) in the table …

Member Avatar for jigvesh

Well, i wanted to know if its possible to create a new format in which i can save and then open the files....lets say a .abc format which can be opened only in the editor developed by me.....i think it must be done in xml....if it is so then how????

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for iamthwee


Member Avatar for G-Do
Member Avatar for hanciv2005

I have several links <a href> in a JSP page.these links are to be passed in a parameter and retreived in the next jsp page.problem is that in future some other links may be added.So I need to pass these links dynamicalln in <a href> Need help.....

Member Avatar for visual one

Hey guys I need some help with my assignment. First let me start off by telling you guys that I am new to program writing. My professor isn't helping us at all, in fact half of my class has dropped the course. I have to write a program that has …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for k_en

Does anyone know how to create a JAR file using JCreator ? i have try to create it but it gives me this error [COLOR=Red]" Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribuite from c:\hello\.jar" [/COLOR] which i doesn't know how solve it.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for seandro

I was wondering if anybody else had experienced this same problem and had a fix or work around. Using netbeans 5, I created a new project, added a JFrame and then put a few JTabbedPane's on it. change the background colors of each tab and then run it. What happens …

Member Avatar for javafan

Please see the code [code] import java.awt.*; // Defines basic classes for GUI programming. import java.awt.event.*; // Defines classes for working with events. import java.applet.*; // Defines the applet class. public class ColoredHelloWorldApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener { // Defines a subclass of Applet. The "implements ActionListener" // part says …

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Member Avatar for jigvesh

Well I must say, this site is a great database regarding all the possible difficulties one can have........of course before anyone starts commenting I must add HELP IS GIVEN ONLY IF WE TRY.......Now my question...i wanted to know how do we refresh an application partially........What i mean is that lets …

Member Avatar for jigvesh
Member Avatar for blackhawk982

Does ne1 have an already made script for a blog to put on ur page!i had a blog but it only let me post not the ppl visiting the site :mad: ! if you do have a premade code plz post it!

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Black Knight

Hi Just wondering if anyone can help. I have a gui and have assigned a KeyListener to it, It recognizes keyboard input for standard keys but doesnt seem to recognise special keys like shift and function keys? Is there some special way to be able to get it to react …

Member Avatar for Black Knight
Member Avatar for Frank0051

Alright I have been using the setSize method for the JSlider to try to set it's size but it seems to be having no effect what soever. I have the JSliders instead a JPanel that is using a GridBagLayout, the JPanel is then being adding to another JPanel which uses …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rev4eva

I have tried to connect my JSP codes to my database server but i seem to get an error saying that it cannot locate the driver. My normal java codes to retrieve data frm database works fine but not my JSP codes. I m a bit lost in the configuration …

Member Avatar for sangamesh
Member Avatar for shawn1982

Can anyone suggest me how should i remove java.shinwow.BA? It was only detected by my zonealarm. However zonewalarm is unable to remove it. Can someone help me? Is it a virus?

Member Avatar for swatkat
Member Avatar for rich_m

Anyone here got this [URL=http://www.sesfocus.com/education/catalog/CX-310-035.html]java certificate[/URL].

Member Avatar for rich_m
Member Avatar for hemanthjava

i download a evaluation version of weblogic6.1. It gives me the following exception when I start Weblogic $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ License Exception $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Unable to start WebLogic Server !! Missing license file for: WebLogic Server 6.1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ License Exception $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Regards, Hemanth [url]http://www.javaprogrammingworld.com[/url]

Member Avatar for jwenting

The End.