35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for macca1979

Not sure if this is the correct forum to post this question. I've just downloaded the free jbuilder foundation application. I've used an earlier version of jbuilder(1.01) and when I create a new project, I simply add the files I need to the project, make the project and then I …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I would just ask a question is that can the java programming language be used for commercial uses without any royalty is there any kind of distribution strings attached ( i can charged money for my program and not distribute for free)? Can someone please help me answer …

Member Avatar for Cain
Member Avatar for bobinson

Top of the day to you guys out there! Kindly assist in this program.It's made up of six textfields and a button on a panel.it should work in such a way that the fifth textfield displays the sum of the values entered into the first four on pressing the button.Also,the …

Member Avatar for bobinson
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

hello everyone, can anyone show me any good links on the web where i can get good information about the java swing and awt package event handling. My event handling is very bad as the last java sdk i learned was sdk 1.0. It was a very long time ago. …

Member Avatar for avinashjava
Member Avatar for kitty_kate

Hi my name is kate. im having some difficulty with my java project. i struggle alot with java and this would be my second attempt at completing this project :sad: . i would be very grateful for any help any one could provide. here is a link to my task. …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for michelle13

/**I commented everything out dealing with the word count so it works. The problem is that I am not able to read what the file name is. It does not catch the file name, but it prints out the contents of it when it goes to the catch **/ import …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for Bill T

I have a stopwatch program and the last of the code has to be a static class can someone help running out of time. I've tried all i know examples aren't helping. Here is the code I've written. I hope someone can help. TY... // import java.io package and utility …

Member Avatar for Bill T
Member Avatar for Dysall75

Hi, Can anyone outthere help me? None of my Javascripts are working on Internet Explorer on any of the websites that I go to. Also, when I click on Search, nothing shows up on the left side of the screen. I have Internet Explorer 6 with Service Pack. Yes, I …

Member Avatar for durocherj
Member Avatar for i_me_roo

Hi, This may be a really basic query, but im not really a java expert! In my program, i am drawing rectangles and the colour of the rectangle depends on a number stored in an array, so if the number is 1 then i want to set the colour to …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for igel_x

Hi, I am currently developing a web program in JSP with Oracle 10g as the database. One of the features of the program is a simple search input and search result page. Our clients wanted to us to inlcude an "Export to MS Access" fuction on where the retrieved records …

Member Avatar for srthomso

I have some code which examines an array to see if it contains a particular value: boolean found = false; int []a = new int[100]; populate(a); // populates the array a with a set of random values int valueToFind = 123; // or whatever we want to find while((n < …

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Member Avatar for srthomso

Could anyone give me a hand with my mock exam, i'm on msn - [email]get_jiggy_widit@hotmail.com[/email]. I'm struggling a bit - with some of the simple things really n it's getting on my nerves. Any help would be greatly received. Thanks Steve

Member Avatar for srthomso
Member Avatar for srthomso

code: public static void menu(){ String reply; System.out.println("Make your choice:"); reply = getLineFromUser(); //assume this function works correctly if(reply.equals("play")){ playgame(); } else if(reply.equals("end")){ stopGame(); } menu(); // recursive call. Don't use!!!!! Any ideas? i struggle with while loops at the best of times.

Member Avatar for bvvkrishna
Member Avatar for teritori

hi everyone -In the code below, the line marked by *** is where i read my text field. -The value of the text field is stored into a variable "InputUserName ". -My question is: What do i put in the place of @@@@@ so as to have the same variable …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for Dark

Hi, if you don't know me my name is Dark, i need help with my assignment on Java. Could anyone help me. Here is what my project is about. [url]http://www.chevalier.nsw.edu.au/academic/computing/courses/sodad/axes.jpg[/url] :-|

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Member Avatar for roda

Hi, I have created an applet code. The code is normally working fine without IIS. I have IIS 5.0 installed on my Windows 2000 Server. My web site home directory is "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot". I already coppied the files to the correct folder. In the address box of Internet Explorer, I typed …

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Member Avatar for tablet

i need an idea for a simple button game using java does anyone have any ideas

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for srthomso

I've come up with some code to try and reject ages outside the range of 18 to 64, but i cant seem to find my errors or how to fix it. Feel stupid as its probably somethin easy, but i'm just learnin the language, can you help: int age; age …

Member Avatar for srthomso
Member Avatar for jeril842002

i want a program where i can check for how one remains at a particular web page in a browser.

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for nanosani

how to make my frame as full screen. Is there any API that implements this in java.

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for srthomso

here's the code: string reply; reply = getLineFromUser(); //assume this function works correctly if(reply == "JAVA"){ System.out.println("OK to continue"); } else { System.out.println("Error - try again!"); } i cant seem to see where i'm going wrong, thus cant get a correct version to work. I need it to keep repeating …

Member Avatar for srthomso
Member Avatar for steventhms

The following code will not compile n i'm a little stuck as to why - public class Question8{ static final int ROW_SIZE = 10; static final int COL_SIZE; public static void main(String[] args){ COL_SIZE = 10; ROW_SIZE = ROW_SIZE + 10; } }

Member Avatar for scordle725
Member Avatar for smartdetect

Ok...can anybody provide me with a sample code for the following: Its in java .It enables the server to detect the presence or absence of a keyboard or a hdd on a client m/c on a lan.The server is a winNT server. Clients run WinXP. If not the code can …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for smartdetect

Which funcn of java do iuse if i want to communicate with a certain hardware and confirm its presence or absence:?::?::?:

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for sullivan745

Can't get some applets to load and run on my P.C. I have Java Runtime 1.4.2_05 and Virtual Machine 1.4.2_05b04. In Internet Options, Advanced Tab, I have Java (Sun) checked. Under the Connection Tab, LAN Setting, I have the Automatically Detect Setting checked. In the Java Plug-In Control Panel,Brouse Tab, …

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Member Avatar for bobinson

Pls help out,What about a JAVA program that could prepare A time-table,is it possible?I know its but I have not been able to figure out how. Bobinson.

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for Bill T

Hi Again, Im writing a program of a version of stop watch that uses a varible instance also callcount must be used and start at 10 everytime called decreases by one until zero then messgae displayed. Can someone help me please!!!!

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for arijit

I am implementing a project on Online book shoping system using JAVA & XML. But I am finding it very difficult to impliment it...My being new to Java is an added woe :cry: Plz can anyone help me...suggestions , codes ..anything...

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for Elektro

hey everyone :confused: i have a new java task comming up and it involves making a game that impliments buttons. for this task i have started to build a golf game but everything i do seems to not work i keep getting stuc. bellow is a copy of my task. …

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Member Avatar for redDevils

The End.