35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for zaman1111

does anyone know how can i handle checkbox values using jsp and pass them to the database. String[] Job_type = request.getParameterValues("Job_type"); How do i handle that. Thanks.

Member Avatar for ZEEPLE

Hello everyone, I am writing a program that is for a programming class..This program has to display syntax when the appropriate button is pushed..it also has a menu bar that must be functional. It must also run as an applet and as an application. The above is complete and my …

Member Avatar for macca1979

Hi there, First off I'm new to java and coding in general so please bear with me. I'm trying to write a bit of code that will convert something like the following con(pk(B),pk(AS),pk(A),B) to this k_B, k_AS, k_A, B I have written the following code : Pattern pk = Pattern.compile("pk(.*)"); …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

I have a text area and a button on a frame and there's some text in the text area. What i need is when the user clicks the button whatever the text in the text area is saved to the file "C:\ret" with the aid of the file selector dialog. …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for armann

I am trying to connecto to mysql database using RedHat 9 but always get a wonderful error message when I try to compile this code: Context ctx = new InitialContext( ); //Error is thrown here if(ctx == null ) throw new Exception("Boom - No Context"); DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup( "java:comp/env/jdbc/xsmsDB" …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for i_me_roo

Hi guys, In my program i have to draw rectangles, but i need to pause before drawing it depending on the the number it has been assigned. I have created a timing class, which pauses the timer according to the integer. I have used tested the timing class and it …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for nanosani

I'm in need of determining and implementing the LookAndFeel of the operating system default within a swing frame, whatever that default may happen to be (and without using the string "com.sun.java.swing.plaf..." in the code whatsoever. When simply leaving the UIManager.setLookAndFeel() as is when creating the frame, the correct OS default …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for zid

hey guys...... my name is zid.. ok here is the case....does any one know hows to initialize or activate a file in a client pc from the server....i've tried applet...but my boss was not happy with that coz...the comfirmation pop up windows apperead every time that applet loaded....is there any …

Member Avatar for zid
Member Avatar for owobass

I wish to become a system software developer.I mean I want to be writing compilers, operating systems and the like.I don't know which languages will be most appropriate for the task.At the monent I know some c++ but I don't know if one particular language could be better than the …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for Pimp Daddy

This book, which is written by David A. Wyatt and Deryck F. Brown is excellent for explaining some of the more complex aspects of data structures and gives plenty of examples of various different algorithms. It also explains a little bit of history behind some of things that are being …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for nanosani

I want to control the power of my room from my computer. I want to add the circuit to my serial or game port. Can I make the driver for it in java (I know I can) but is it easier than any other language like vc. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, Does anyone know what a java manifest file is and how to create your very own manifest file. Someone please explain this manifest file thing to me in detail as l have no idea as to what a manifest file is and how to create one. Is is …

Member Avatar for alanhoney

Hi I need to put 2 x flash movies on a web page one to be shown from 12am - 12pm and the other from 12pm - 12am. Is there any java code that will do this ? Thanks Alan

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for ZEEPLE

Hello All, I am creating a simple program that draws a simple house. My problem is I need it to run as an application as well as an applet from the same code..I think I am on the right track..Any help would be greatly appreciated check out my code to …

Member Avatar for ZEEPLE
Member Avatar for ZEEPLE

Hello All, Forgive my ignorance... I am creating a simple program that draws a simple house. My problem is I need it to run as an application as well as an applet from the same code..I think I am on the right track..Any help would be greatly appreciated check out …

Member Avatar for ZEEPLE
Member Avatar for nanosani

I am doing some very nasty computation using java but it always gives me a java.lang.OutOfMemory Error,after this nothing on the GUI works.i think its ok to have that error but atleast things should work afterwards. Please Advise

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, How does one convert the following a string to integer a integer to string a string to float a float to string a string to long a long to string a string to double a double to string I am trying to do a mini calculator. If someone …

Member Avatar for axiss
Member Avatar for nanosani

Any api function in java that allows a program to open and edit the contents(preserving the formatting of the file such as the font, size etc) of the file within a gui?

Member Avatar for nanosani

Can anyone please tell me how can I divert my keyboard inputs to any file or any string ... rather than the monitor ... can anyone code a sample statement for me thanks ..

Member Avatar for nanosani

While reading a topic in my book on comparison between java and c ++ ... I read one difference ..... java statements can be labeled while c++ statements cant be. Can anybuddy tell the use of labeling in java?

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for ZEEPLE

Hello, This may not be the right forum for this but here goes...I am a student and am taking programming classes( JAVA ). It seems that I can compile my programs but cannot run them. My professor said my path was incorrect and gave me the correct path settings. I …

Member Avatar for kelvin

Exceptions : Practical 12 please help me with this prgram. This lab is taken from the final NCC assignment of June 2004 Design, implement and test a java program that: - asks a user for a five-letter word and then - generates all the three-letter words that can be made …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for lore00

desperate need in help on how to do this! To design a class model to represent a simple air traffic controller scenario. Itz not necessary to consider any specific implementation details Air traffic control system: which organises and regulates the process of landing aircraft at an airport. The system has …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for bobinson

Hi, Pls how can I draw a table on a panel with java.The table with five rows and ten columns. Thank you. Bobinson.

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for dirtcar31

someone please help me get rid of html 37049 need some kind of help some where to go to free down load to get this thing gone

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for OurNation

Can some one write me a code that would genarate numbers in a certin pattern? The pattern starts with 1 the next number 11 meaning the last number had one one the next number is 21 meaning the last number had two ones. Is it possible to make a program …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for asdfgh

Hi i'm pretty new to the whole java thing with basic skills in the non graphical parts of java and some limited swing skills. There's this thing about threads that's sorta irritating me. I would like to know.....if this is possible....how i can run multiple threads in the same class …

Member Avatar for asdfgh
Member Avatar for freckles

i have some problem on my puter, i cannot view javascript links such as this one 'javascript:rep(12972)' when i click on such a link the browser is unresponsive, right clicking /open in new window brings me to the 'this page cannot be displayed blurb'... the java installation enabled on my …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for sunny_b

hi guys can you help me with sum questions for my project im struggling with these four questions. thank you wat are "formal parameters" and "actual values"? and how do we pass data into a function using parametrs Write the sub definition of a function called example1 which uses two …

Member Avatar for nanosani

The End.