32,205 Topics
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I am trying to call two methods from another class which is linked to the current class i am working in. basically if it is a left-button click from the mouse, i want to call the addCounter method (of the myAbacus object). If it is a right button click, i … | |
i am new in Java. i would like to know how to find the nth root of any positive number using recursion. Is there any way i can do this without using math.pow()? | |
I am trying to use a simple println(...) statement to display the value of a variable from a separate class. The two separate classes are linked. AbacusModel class has an array 'peg_array' which stores the number of counters present in each of the elements of the array. AbacusModel has a … | |
i have problem when i am accessing package of different directory. can we access a package in a single java file that are lies in two different drive/directories? Eg. My one package p1 is in d:/ having class abc.java My another package p2 is in e:/ having class pqr.java can … | |
how to install jdbc driver for mysql java connector | |
I have two question in my mind. can we create java file having two classes and both have main methods? is it possible or not? why? if possible then we have to save it with which class name? and one more question is: `BufferedReader br = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File("abc.txt")));` … | |
I have .exe file called Myapp.exe.. Now i want to convert .exe to jar file.. That jar file should work in non java system also? I dont have any idea to implement it.. Can anyone plz suggest me how to do it? Thanks in advance.. | |
I have seen many questions on autocompeletion for *java text components* like `JTextField` `JTextArea` `JTextEditorPane` etc. There are not many options either: 1) 3rd party library (like SwingX) 2) DIY (i.e using `DocumentListener`, `JWindow` with `JLabel` etc and a few requestFocusInWindow calls) I chose number 2 and put the code … | |
Hi everyone, I have made a desktop application in NetBeans IDE 7.3. In the dist folder ,there is my project's executable jar file. But by double clicking it is not opening. Can anybody make suggestions about it, Thanks in advance | |
Hello, I am new in trying to figure out how to use two classes together. One class is called circle, and is supposed to hold attributes of radius and area. It is also supposed to have the methods of print and computeArea. public class Circle { //global data private double … | |
hello i have problem with sending emails i have good SMTP and port but the message cant be sendend gives me this error: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: smtp.gmail.com, port: 465, response: -1 and here is the code: final String username = "stefanrafaa@gmail.com"; … | |
Hi, I am having a problem overriding methods in a subclass when they contain private methods from the master class. The is the master: package blabla; public class Person { private String firstName; private String secondName; private String familyName; public Person() { firstName = ""; secondName = ""; familyName = … | |
I have the following code which is in a class called customerModel. How do I call this method to another method inside another class called customerController? I am abit new to this and have been trying for ages but have had no luck. Please help thank you. public class customerModel{ … | |
Hey Lads, I Have a problem involving my save method , basically i want it to actually save a file which is of type JTable UnFortunetly its not , a Push in the right direction would be great. save.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int … | |
i wanna send a username and password securely from php page(Apache server) to the Java api (Tomcat server). That api should verify them and open the api in the browser. How can i achieve it guys??? I tried to use webservice but the response from the api is sent to … | |
Base on my understand a mediator is a central authority that varies the interaction between objects in the same group. So can I classify the code below as a mediator? package com.mediator; public class BaseMediator { public void store(){ System.out.println("store"); } public void retrieve(){ System.out.println("retrieve"); } } package com.mediator; public … | |
package pkg2.pkg3; import java.io.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; class pachet { double adresaS; double adresaC; String com; String raspuns; pachet(double adrS, double adrC, String c, String r) { adresaS = adrS; adresaC = adrC; com = c; raspuns = r; } } class Client extends Thread { pachet p; double … | |
A temperature converter GUI. Converts from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vise versa. Tests JLabels, JButtons and JTextFields. *Two separate programs, Converter and Thermometer (Thermometer Class)* | |
Write in pseudocode the algorithm for determining the average value of an UNSORTED array of numbers, given an array of "a" with number of elements that have a value "length". Additionally, what is its order in Big-O? If the array of numbers were ordered, can the algorithm change? If so, … | |
I have an jar called Myapp.jar.. It is working fine in java installed system.. And my task is to Bundle jre inside jar(Not along with jar(i.e we can put jre and jar in same folder to run a jar as given in following url http://www.mindfiresolutions.com/Run-jar-without-jre-on-windows-machine-76.php )). and I should not … | |
Actually i've a page named(vehicle.php) inside apache server and Java api page (someheader://someip:someport/track/Track?page=map.fleet) inside tomcat server. I created a Restful Webservice in PHP using this link "http://viralpatel.net/blogs/restful-web-service-tutorial-introduction-rest-restful/" And then i sent a username and password from apache server to the java api through webservice, it sends the request correctly and … | |
I have created two socket file,But it is not working in proper way. please let meknow where the porblem is. TCPClient.java import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class TCPClient { public static void main(String ar[]) throws Exception { String fromserver; String toserver; Socket clientsocket=new Socket("localhost",10000); BufferedReader infromuser=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); PrintWriter outtoserver=new PrintWriter(clientsocket.getOutputStream(),true); … | |
dear all, I will stuck with one problem.I have one java program in which frame will be there. I am fetching some data from database and i am selecting background image from dialogbox. Now i have used BuffereImage class, i want to print that image with text through the printer. … | |
I want to compare between nodes in BST to find the highest salary and im using recursion function in implementing my BST. Below is the question: A company needs to keep all records of its employees. Employee record should contain employee id(4 digit integer numbers), name, department, salary and an … | |
Hi.. My java desktop application runs every time the computer starts up and runs as long as computer is ON. It monitors all the activities and interacts with database more often and will tell me some updates by looking on the internet at regular intervals etc..etc.. So what I usuallly … | |
how assign a none static var to a static var in Java/Android? String top5=scoreSaveReturn2(this.x); public static String totalPoints3;//=top5; CannonGame.totalPoints3=top5; // gives error here In a Canvas game if we have a class like: public class CannonView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback how transfer from this a var value to this public … | |
Hello, I'm having an issue with set and get method. When i clicked on a button, i set index as 1 however when i use the get method to get the index, the index is returned as 0. I want to call a method if the index is 1. here … | |
i have to create a queue where the dequeue operations will be random. that is , a random location will be chosen, and deleted after returning the data stored at that location. i was going through the two underlying datastructures that im allowed to use **:** linked list , and … | |
Hi, I've been trying to send a `BufferedImage` through a socket. I can get it to work once, but when I try to get another screenshot, it fails. The server usually gives me a `java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException` at `ImageIO.write(capture, "png", client.getOutputStream());` Server Code: //already told server i'm expecting an image try { … | |
I'm learning about threads and Producer-Consumer model . I haved copy-paste the code from a book and i have a issue. When I run the program sometimes the Consumer gets the next number from the buffer even if the producer hasn't put nothing in the buffer. Example : Producatorul a … |
The End.