32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for alpzee

I am a newcommer to java programming. i wrote this which compiles without error. when i put an int value like "5" it runs without any problem but when i puts a double value like "5.1" i get error. What is the problem? package javaapplication1; import java.util.Scanner; // Scanner is …

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Member Avatar for mumaga

Hello I am looking to make an application that performs basic data analysis techniques. I want to read and write into excel files, any pointers will be much appreciated! thanks!

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Yogeshp

Hi, I am working on a java web application using Spring MVC framework. The application is running fine. I am writing some JUnit test cases for some of the pojo classes inside the webapp. I created a separate source folder 'test' which is in parallel to the src folder. I …

Member Avatar for Yogeshp
Member Avatar for doomsday1216

This is probably a rather simple problem, I haven't looked at any Java in some time and am having trouble with this. First off, here is my program: it's very simple, because I cant even get past here without getting several errors. On Line 6, it says "unreported exception FileNotFoundException; …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for harinath_2007

I was working on a project on netbeans and came across a problem with netbeans. The netbeans was showing the error repeatedly as "duplicate class". eventhough there is no duplicate class in the project. After so much frustation , i realized that this is netbeans bug. After doing some search …

Member Avatar for <M/>

I am going to begin learning Java but I want to get a book (2-3 books... one being easy, intermediate, and advanced). I don't mind buying the books (the price doesn't matter either). What are some books that are most perfered by you guys? I currently i am learning it …

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Member Avatar for chira.laura.9

Hello. I have this code from http://zetcode.com/tutorials/javagamestutorial/sokoban/ and I want to change the image of the baggage when it's on the right place. Do you have any idea of how should I do this?

Member Avatar for bguild
Member Avatar for ambageo

Hi! I am supposed to write a programm for making a window.First of all, I must make a window with some given default values. Below is the code that I have been given as a template public class Window { private String name; private int height; private int width; private …

Member Avatar for ambageo
Member Avatar for cheenu78

Hi I am trying to use axis with Tomcat. I am trying to execute AdminClient of axis. I am getting the following error. I get connection refused exception, i donot understand connection to where is refused :sad: Can anybody tell me where I am going wrong. Thanks in advance Srinivas …

Member Avatar for divamandya
Member Avatar for wschamps42

Hey guys, yes the title sounds funny, I am working on this project for a special someone, and I want to ask her out by writing her a simple program. I am having some trouble though with the execution of this idea. I have a pseudo code ish plan in …

Member Avatar for bguild
Member Avatar for Ilda

Hello everyone... :) I am a student and I have a project to work in but I dont know how to do it.. I have to create a database of the students of the school... I have to include name, marks, date of birth and i dont know what else... …

Member Avatar for Ilda
Member Avatar for harinath_2007

HI, Looking for a solution to add my jar file to windows startup folder programatically by itself. Batch scripting may do the task but i dont want to use the batch. The jar itself should be added to windows startup folder programatically when it is clicked for the first time.

Member Avatar for herby_tech
Member Avatar for BrackishWater

How do I configure the date format independently for each of my date fields? For example, let's say I have a CustomerOrder class with more than 1 java.util.Date fields in it. I need to be able to render like this: <customerOrder> <orderDate>2013-01-04T20:50:42.769Z</orderDate> <user>Bob</user> <state>CO</state> <estShipDate>2013-01-04</estShipDate> </customerOrder> So one of the …

Member Avatar for BrackishWater
Member Avatar for ambageo

Hi! I'm having a project where I must give 2 integers and divide them. I must use the NumberFormatException to make sure that those two numbers are only integers( and display a message when they aren't) and the ArithmeticException to make sure that the can be divided (and display amessage …

Member Avatar for ambageo
Member Avatar for jessada.dissopa

following the article title, I'm dealing with octave, it goes right on command line. but I need to build GUI for my program to easier interface with people. then I chose Java to build GUI. my problem is to connect my GUI java to Octave. Anybody has ideas to do …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for 2beprogrammer

I am interested in some idea how to search term from a URL file such as google. Example if I look for a term call "LOVE". How can I find all the URL associated with that term? I do know how to connect to the URL, but I am not …

Member Avatar for 2beprogrammer
Member Avatar for YaLeon

the task is : A. Write a method public boolean single (int [] values) receiving a full array values ​​with numbers, and returns true if the array is an organ that appears only once in the array, and false otherwise. For example, for the array {3, 1, 4, 1, 4, …

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for beep

Had a bad uninstall of Java and now when trying to reinstall 7u10 I end up with the following dialogue: "This software has already been installed on your computer. Would you like to reinstall it?" "Yes." "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." /end Repeat, ad …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for Roshan92

I am creating a simulation of a virtual video player (something like a very basic version of RealPlayer or Window Media Player). All the codes given below are error free. This is the main class: VideoPlayer.java This is the video player GUI (this frame is not resizable and the X …

Member Avatar for Starstreak
Member Avatar for annieshvijay
Member Avatar for trishtren

hey, Im having a problem adding a javafx Canvas node to the scrollpane node. Im using the **.setcontent(canvas)** method of the scrollpane and there are no syntax errors. The Scrollpane does expand in width (hbar appears longer) but it still looks empty. I know the canvas is working correctly as …

Member Avatar for trishtren
Member Avatar for amaicahglyne.decastro

I need a programme for my mom's business inventory. I tried to download Dev-C and Visual Basic so I could make one, but after downloading it, the software would not open completely in the computer.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for cor.vandijk.779

//Why do I have to use following code to get a column number: ListSelectionModel ks = tabel.getColumnModel().getSelectionModel(); //Rowselection does not require a special row selection, I can get a proper row number with: ListSelectionModel ss = tabel.getSelectionModel();

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for amnaKausar

How to print reports in a Netbeans 6.9.1 for making a website.Please answe me in detail

Member Avatar for amnaKausar
Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic

Hi all, **First of all please read the full article and then try to suggest me...** I want to make a java project on streaming video encryption. Where i will use two PCs 1 act like a media server and other act like a client. So a video file (example.avi) …

Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic
Member Avatar for mumaga

I have a new game item in the menu bar, was wondering if anyone got suggestions on how to accomplish that! Thanks :)

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for Aniketayachit
Member Avatar for mumaga

Hi, sometimes when I run my application the cmd pops up with the following list of errors! I am sorry to just drop them like this but I dont know how to deal with them, as the application is working just fine! Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException at javax.swing.LayoutComparator.compare(LayoutComparator.java:75) at …

Member Avatar for mumaga
Member Avatar for Janet_1

Hello, does anyone know how to draw a road within a Jpanel, and check if the road is rightly placed within the edges?

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for mumaga

public void paintItems() { ArrayList inRoomItems = ((Room) scenery.getCurrentRoom()).getItemsArray(); Point origin = new Point(380, 10); int layerNumber = 50; int numberHorizontally = 0; int n=inRoomItems.size(); for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ image = new JLabel(((Item) inRoomItems.get(i)).getImageIcon()); imagePane.add(image, new Integer(layerNumber)); image.setOpaque(false); image.setBounds(origin.x, origin.y, 100, 100); origin.y += 90; numberHorizontally++; if (numberHorizontally % 3 …

Member Avatar for mumaga

The End.