32,205 Topics
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public void paintItems() { ArrayList inRoomItems = ((Room) scenery.getCurrentRoom()).getItemsArray(); Point origin = new Point(380, 10); int layerNumber = 50; int numberHorizontally = 0; int n=inRoomItems.size(); for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ image = new JLabel(((Item) inRoomItems.get(i)).getImageIcon()); imagePane.add(image, new Integer(layerNumber)); image.setOpaque(false); image.setBounds(origin.x, origin.y, 100, 100); origin.y += 90; numberHorizontally++; if (numberHorizontally % 3 … | |
how to retreive pixels of a gray image into an array? please provide some java code. . . . . . . . . . . | |
I need to work on error handling and recovery for the World of Zuul. I was wondering where usually try catch exception should be used, which processes that need them? I know that I have to use them for opening and writing to a file,,, | |
hi friends java does not support multilevel inheritance. what is the reason behind this?? is this for security reason?? | |
how to change image when button is clicked? my gui is consisting of three Button(NEXT,PREVIOUS,AUTO-CHANGE) and 1 Jcombobox. when you drop-down combobox list of image is shown.so i want when i clicked on "next" button image of jcombobox should be change. | |
Hello all. I'm currrently working on a GUI that needs to support dragging some application-specific objects from a selection area onto a work area (JPanel). It's currently working in a "click where to place the object, then click the Add button" mode, but that's not good enough. The obvious approach … | |
I have created a simple java file on desktop..When I am trying to execute it using cmd(with all variables set) then it is getting compiled but during the time of "java Filename" shows "main not found".This file is getting executed in eclipse and netbeans..What could be the reason for this??? | |
**edit** I just realized that Im on a single core machine atm (stupid work machine), so theortically the server isint actually executing on the CPU 50% of the time (while the client is running), so packets would be lost right? Or is there something else im missing alltogether? Ill post … | |
I am trying to write a selection sort, but I am getting a outofbounds error. How do I fix this? public class SelectionSort{ public static void selectSort(int[] arr){ int least = 0; for(int i = 1; i < arr.length - 1; i++){ for(int j = i + 1 ; i … | |
Hello, I have built a GUI for the world of Zuul, the input can be taken by pressing buttons and enetering text commands. the output is both a change of images and text output using System.out.println(). When I press the directions buttons, the central image changes correctly. but the script … | |
hi..! i'm using xampp and i want to take backup of my database using java code.How can i do that? | |
Jython is a version of Python that can use the extensive Java library. Jython uses Python syntax and avoids the rather ugly syntax (at least for Pythonions) of Java. Here we apply it to bring up an image from a file. | |
Hello,,, How to make the GUI frame visible? I have looked and this is what I came up with: Interface gameInterface = new Interface(object1Instance, object2Instance, this) gameInterface.getFrame().setVisible(true); is this the way it should be? I have refrained from using a singleton class because I wanted to pass instances of other … | |
Im using a Mac, lwjgl, and Java 7 (Execution enviroment: 6). Hey Im trying to build my project and It gives me a message that says: A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment, It works fine when I run it in eclipse, and the execution enviroment … | |
Hello can i ask,.because i am a student of java programmer i want to asking how to fast learner of the program,.please help me i want to be a proffesional programmer,.thanks,.. | |
Hello I am trying to write to a text log file for my world of zuul game. I have created a Class Logger to write into the file, here is the code: import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; public class Logger { private BufferedWriter out; public Logger() throws IOException { … | |
Hello Friends, Can anyone tell me how to increment a String variable by 1 in database. Suppose the database table has value as SL1000 and we want the next value to be SL1001. What should be done for such type of requirement in java. | |
A person wishes to add a NEW Job to the database. A `Combobox` list the existing employers already in the database for the new Job to be added against. But if an employer is not present customers have the option click on a button to add an employer. Once added … | |
how can i take 1's complement in making a java program? | |
Dear all, This example is compleet ,but wont load the file. Can anyone help me with puzzle?hier is the code: Class ATMWindow import java.io.IOException; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class ATMWindow { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { … | |
HI peeps, I have a question about the following program: TempScale.java: public enum TempScale { CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT, KELVIN, RANKINE, NEWTON, DELISLE, R�AUMUR, R�MER, LEIDEN }; Temperature.java public class Temperature { private double number; private TempScale scale; public Temperature() { number = 0.0; scale = TempScale.FAHRENHEIT; } public Temperature(double number) { … | |
I have installed Eclipse Juno. I want to run jsp and servlet program using Eclipse IDE. But while adding new Server of Tomcat, i am unable to do so. In the add new Server option it does not show apache nor do other servers. Please help me how to sort … | |
*I know that this may seem like a re-occuring question, but I can't seem to find anyone who has asked this question in a very succinct manner. They always seem to beat around the bush, instead of clearly expressing themself.* **Here is the situation:** I have an application called S.M.A.R.T. … | |
Alright Im new to this forum so lets hope this goes well, I have decided to learn Java and I started with the lwjgl, I have the exact class and code as posted here: [lwjgl (display)](http://www.lwjgl.org/wiki/index.php?title=LWJGL_Basics_1_(The_Display)) When I run the code I get an error message that says: `JavaVM WARNING: … | |
I am trying to create a GUI app were the user inputs an, item name, price, and discount rate. The button should calculate the two numbers and display the discount price. I am stuck on the action listener and making it preform the action/calculation correctly. I am a pretty novice … | |
Hi everyone. I have to do a simple Sokoban game, but I am new in Java and I really don't know how to begin. If you can help me with some advices or tutorials I'll be very thankful. | |
Any tutorial step by step yo provide modular application development and dynamic deployment for Net Beans by using OSGi with Felix? | |
**BACKGROUND** There is a heavily obfuscated online applet with encyption (referred to as applet), there is a program (referred to as program) that reads and modifies the online applet for hacking purposes far more obfuscated than the applet, and then there is me. In a nutshell: applet's main class defines … | |
This is based on John Conways Game of Life, a simple yet awesome code that simulates life. Rules are simple, if a cell has less then 1 or more then 4 living cells next to it, the cell dies. An empty cell with exactly 3 living cells next to it … | |
I Dont know the word of JAVA,, What Is the JAVA ? (details) |
The End.