32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for shibu2all

Can anyone please help me out in removing this error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Container.java:1045) at java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:365) at Client.<init>(Client.java:33) at Client.main(Client.java:17) [CODE=java] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class Client { JFrame frame1; JList list; JList list1; JTextField tf; JButton send; JButton lout; …

Member Avatar for shibu2all
Member Avatar for 3nrichedd

Hello, I created this little asci art in java, and am wondering how to implement a constant int value that can be changed to make the picture bigger/smaller etc.. these are my loops: [CODE] for(int i = 5;i>=0;i--){ for(int j = 1;j<=i;j++){ System.out.print("P"); } for(int j = 5;j>=i;j--){ System.out.print(" "); …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for e-papa

Hello there! Please I need help in converting a jar/jad file to cod/alx i.e converting j2me files to blackberry files.

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Member Avatar for murnesty

Hi I know it is unable to inherit 2 superclass and I know why because there is another thread discussing about this. But I just wonder is there a way to solve this problem?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Tuz
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Member Avatar for TeresaTa

I am using Eclipse to do my firmware project. However, it keeps giving me a red under lined error for the import line java.awt whenever i try to import the following. Anybody helps me please.

Member Avatar for TeresaTa
Member Avatar for freedomflyer

I am trying to implement within a class I call State some sort of mapping from a String to a set of States. So far, I have something like this as the initialization of this concept: [CODE]Map<String, HashSet<State>> mapping = new HashMap<String, HashSet<State>>();[/CODE] However, when I perform something like this: …

Member Avatar for freedomflyer
Member Avatar for Sanna.1

[CODE]import cs1.Keyboard; import java.util.Scanner; class P { private static String name; private String persnr; private String adress; private int age; public Person(String _name, String _persnr, String _adress, int _age) { name = name; persnr = persnr; adress = adress; age = age; } public void byterNamn(String _name) { name = …

Member Avatar for DJSAN10
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi guys well what I want to do is that when a button is pressed it increases the value in one of my database cells. So my question is how do I do this? As I cannot get this to work. My code so far: Any help would be appreciated …

Member Avatar for DJSAN10
Member Avatar for cpole

I am trying to write a simple bubble sort program but am getting an error that I can't figure out or fix. I am using textpad and get this error: "bubbleSort.java:56: error: while expected }" I am sure I am just making a dumb mistake. I am new to prgraming. …

Member Avatar for DJSAN10
Member Avatar for Lomey

[B] hello everyone as the title i am trying to streaming radio from my own server Through java plyer i try More than one way but it all Failed :( any idea how i could do that in java ???? :twisted: [/B]

Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha

i want to restart my java swing application when user click on restart button. how to do it using java.

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for javaa

Hello Every one ... My proplem started before a month and can't get any answer for it .. when i create a java program and need to make it an excutable file .. after done with program that contain's picture's and sound file's I converted it from .java to .jar …

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Member Avatar for llawlh

Here is my assignment due tonight, it is to create two boxes and first default box will show after user presses '1', and the argument '2' leads to a second box which will ask for user input of height, width, and length, then calculate the area and volume for it. …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for cisumma

Hello. I have a Java Desktop App. I am trying to code to capture properties or db fields to send emails. Please find specs below. Please find the example word doc attached that I am trying to engineer. JavaMail quick start.doc I can not make heads or tails of how …

Member Avatar for Tuz

I have three classes Client,Product and Main.How can I call the client and the product from the main ?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for AbdullahJava

Hi guys Please i need help ? Maxint: Write a program that gets two integers from the user and prints out the maximum value in a nice sentence beginning “The max is: “ [CODE] public class Maxint { public static void main (String [] args) { System.out.println("Enter two integers"); double …

Member Avatar for jackbauer24
Member Avatar for 1bung100

I know there are 3 different ways to parse xml - using API - DOM - SAX But i found that in Digester related examples xml parsing is also performed. So I want to know whether Digester is also an xml parser or not? If not what is the main …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi guys well I have created a JComboBox that lists all my values from a String. However I want instead of the values for the JComboBox to be in a String the values to be displayed in the JComboBox from my database so if more values are added to the …

Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha
Member Avatar for anand01

Hi all , I need to develop a tool which have the same feature of outlook. By using this too l we have to config our own email id and we can view send our e mails. Plan to do in java,what are things should I learn to complete this …

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Member Avatar for krejar

This is very ugly to look at, but I am having an issue with my array code. What I am trying to do here is add a name element to my Account accounts[]. When I initiate my driver and I pick the create account option, I am getting the output: …

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Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha
Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha
Member Avatar for tungnk1993

Hi all, I'm having an "assignment" in which one criterion is : - Inserting data into an ordered sequential file without reading the entire file into RAM I don't know how to this. Could you show me how to write methods/API/code in Java, anything is fine with me. Just to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for uurcnyldrm

Hi folks, I'm new here and looking for a simple but educational&interesting idea for my CS project. It's my first year and we'll work in teams, so it should not be too difficult to handle, but also not so simple. I'm waiting for your suggestions.

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for Xinen

for (x = 0; x <= 15; x++) { x += 5 - x; print(x + ", ") } x += 5 - x or x = x + 5 - x what is thy answer? :( 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 repeating :O?? -_- ummmm

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for zina_a

hello, I need help please how can I call the command prompt in a java application,I want to make the prompt command as an option in my application,but i don't know how,can any one help me please and thanks

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for compEstudent

Here is the assignment: 1. Objective This assignment will introduce you to CPU scheduling. 2. Specifications You are to simulate the execution of processes by a computer system with a large memory, one terminal per user, a CPU, and one disk drive. Each process will be described by it's class …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for thejoker011

Hello guys.... i came through a website of "serialio".....[url]http://serialio.com/products/serialport/serialport.php[/url] all i want is the java api which i failed to find. Please help me i need "serialio" java api for serial communication..!!

Member Avatar for thejoker011
Member Avatar for 3nrichedd

Hello, I am trying to create this ascii art using nested for loops, [CODE] ***** ////////// ***** **** ////////\\ **** *** //////\\\\ *** ** ////\\\\\\ ** * //\\\\\\\\ * \\\\\\\\\\ [/CODE] I tried doing a paper check and this is what I have so far... [CODE] * / \ * …

Member Avatar for Zaad
Member Avatar for soft_coder

Hi! I am calling a Java Web Service from asp.net. I am invoking the service only once but it is getting invoked on Java Side multiple times. I have no idea why this is happening. Any kind of help will be appreciated.

Member Avatar for hericles

The End.